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Allow yourself to heal

You talk about the past as it defines you
I hope one day you look past the pain and trama
For there is a gift inside you
For the world to see
Your kind and caring personality

You are not a prisoner of your past
Your prison cell has always been open
It time for you to walk on through
And let the world in and all it has to offers you

Nothing is ever broken or beyond repair
It takes tim...

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Lovelosspain  romance  heartbreak  sadnessforgivenesshealing

Your healing


I hear the things that go unsaid

that slip between the words,

the spaces where you think perhaps

your silence goes unheard.


I hear the things your voice betrays

that crack when horror speaks,

the cough you make you think perhaps

belies you've dived too deep.


I see the things you can't relate

that dead look in your eye,

the moments when you think perhaps


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Day 1

Yesterday, was day one.

A day of being alone,


Thinking about how my mind 

has yet to understand what happened.

what makes you everything they want,

but not wanted at the same time.


what is it? 


for someone to bring you in on their journey,

then blame the journey for the reason


they   no   longer    need    you   .


they need freedom,


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It's been a while


It’s been a while since we’ve spoken

I don’t know what’s going on In your life


But I hope you’re alright 

I still catch myself smiling

And looking to the side 

When something along the lines

Of our inside jokes comes into a conversation

With strangers or friends 

I quickly wipe away my grin 

For they simply wouldn’t understand 

There’s no point in delving in...

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Rocky Road

My journey of healing begins

Trekking along a rocky road of unhealed traumas

Breathing slowly, inhale, exhale!

Tear filled eyes, liquid dreams wash away right before me

Asking myself, who am I now?

And, who do I want to be? 

Against my will, my mind flickers through memories past,  

Confronted with my shadow

Refusing to flee, I learn to cope with the density

Leaving room...

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