The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

earth (Remove filter)


Life is solid, made of earth and stone,
of roots that sink deep into the silence of the soil.
Each step, an echo in the field of time,
each breath, a reminder that we are (in)finite.
There is strength in the winds we cannot see
and in the falling leaves that fear not the winter.
Love is not fleeting, but like the rock,
firm, built in the fissures of being.
And when the sky closes,
when th...

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Fragments of a Time That Dissolves

The silence spreads like mist
over the field that no longer exists.
The earth no longer feels the footsteps,
doesn’t remember the bodies that passed through.

The wind, a distant whisper,
carries unspoken words
and stories lost before they are told.

There is a place where time gives up
on being continuous and dissolves
into fragments of light and shadow.

Nothing is whole,

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Life in Smallville

The wind blows through the palm trees
like someone passing by without a sound,
but leaves the trace of its presence
in the song of the birds.

The sun is already low,
and the earth, warm, breathes slowly.
Each step is a reminder
that time is a road that doesn't turn back.

Life is made of small gestures:
the worker’s embrace,
the child's smile,
the gaze of the woman who makes a home a...

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Cosmic Heart

In the hinterland of tomorrow, where the stars will dance

There’s a moon that lights up the ground, and the wind greets us with a glance

The sky is a vast field, an expanding canvas spread

I follow the trails of the future, with a dream in hand, ahead

Oh, cosmic heart, where are you?

In the dance of galaxies, we’ll meet, it’s true

Dancing among planets, with the sun as our guide


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Piñata Earth

Mother nature painted you by hand

Blue swirls traced along your land

A wonderous heaven lost to nature

May you still yet hopefully have a future?


You sway innocently in a dead void

Whille your cost of living is toiled

The aliens still infect you

Spewing out the innocence that held you


You are a blue green marble

A child's tale, a cherished fable

But waiting ...

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earthglobal warminglifedeathNature

In the beginning, God [early draft]

And in that first wailing cry my ashes were ordained:

As the ocean acknowledges its horizon,

knows infinity's finite edge

so my cry knew a destiny

knew my play and my learning

my work, my leisure, my sleep

the evil of my hands and the goodness of my heart

my loves, my hates, my pleasures.

Knew my world: that tiny flesh held all my futures

and in those fragile bones resid...

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destinyworldglobal warmingpoliticsearth

Our Green Earth poets read at Liverpool’s beautiful Palm House

Merseyside poets and musicians performed their environmental anthology last week at Liverpool’s beautiful Victorian Palm House in Sefton Park. Led by Michelle Wright, Barry Woods and Ali Harwood, the event covered ocean pollution, global warming and rainforest reduction, with contributions from many local poets and some first time writers from local schools.

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Daily battles
Hourly battles
Life is a battle a constant battle
We win some we lose
Give up if we choose
From evergreen
Never to be seen
Over taken by concrete
Trees down..over crowded
We build and we build
yet shortage of houses

The gluttonous folk tongue money and power
Conscience they lack as we drop by the hour
Care not do they for the bills we can't pay
We are to them necessit...

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Raping Mother earth

Seeing how mother earth is raped every day

Polluting the air and water with no end

Scraping the oceans for the last bit of fish

 Saving the forests is a joke, they just pretend 


While COP 26 trying to make some rules

taking Air and Water for fools

Exposing that 1% of us, more or less

is producing 66% of the mess


Now, they want to go to Mars

with no air to bre...

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The Day The Seeds Fell


The blue sky yawned

And out they came

As the mortal hoard 

Looked for blame


It's us! It's them!

It's God's fair hand

His silence broken

To make a stand!


Some cowered. Some ran

Some stood in awe

As tears of seeds

Filled Earth's floor


For exactly 6 hours

The seeds were sown

For the 7th

Time stood alone


Leaves stopped in flutter


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climate changeEarthGodhumanitylife

Chikyū / 地球

Ostracised by society for my ancestors blood flowing in my veins,


Was once kings and queens but now stuck in postcolonial chains.


Our people in power are now corrupt playing the slave owners games,


As their puppeteer allows them small wealth as long as they keep us all tamed. 

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Do We Do Nothing?


Do we do nothing

But stare at the sky?


Do we do nothing

But avert our eyes?


Do we do nothing

But stifle our cries?


Do we do nothing

But conform to lies?


Or, could we become

All we can be?


And settle the wake 

Of this turbulent sea?


And rise above waves

And rise above fear

And shout at the sun:

"Look! we are here!"


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EarthHopeLifeLoveclimate change

Reforming Clay

I felt like a clay pot

once from the earth

Born with spirit, soul cropped

The owners; my guardians, held me

They allowed me to be used

for my true purposes,

not as a pot but a holder of life;



Later, others wanted me to be a pot for use

To look and act like other pots 

Or my uniqueness challenged their sameness 

So I became like them, soul lost.


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Hello, how are you today: upper,middle,lower— class.
front, and center.
I’d like to think if a kid were to get up and say I can’t stand this, then the teacher would get behind them in an orderly fashion.
side by side, classroom C-3 parts in the middle of the day, to make their way back to their seat,
show and tells of mommy and me– are always well received.

A pinned-up faction icon that sta...

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alignmentcrushearthgeometrygodhollywoodhoroscopeslovelovedloversnaturepoempoetrysacredspiritualityValentinesvalentines dayzodiac

Our Earth

If there's one thing that we should love more, 
Which is there every day for us to adore,  
Around and round it has forever whirled. 
This our beautiful and natural world.

Love all of it's glorious features, 
And learn to love all living creatures. 
The plants and flowers of every colour 
Make our lives seem so much fuller.

The Sun shines down; it is always there, 
One thing that all ...

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Stuart VannerEarthThe natural worldNature

Earthereal Enlightenment

What if the Sabbath weren’t a day
but a state of being
that permeates our earthereal Eden? 

What would you keep holy? 

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earthEdenGnosisGnosticismGospel of Truthreligionmythologyspiritualityphilosophylifevalues

Tuning In

Can you hear me
on this crowded 

Is the earth turning
to quicksand
beneath your feet?

Let poetic music 
drown the chaos,
set your spirit free.

No more worries. 
Only peace, 
love, harmony...

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Matriarch butterfly, conduct conducive
mother gaia's demeanor echo.
as you move mountains

as she size your shoe, electrifying presence
you're so well grounded
heart fluttering, don't be disheartened.
trumpets erupting, as you walk the walk, my mind carry off as I'm wrapped in your minutiae

Shift the world, your tectonic occupancy lay rise to volumes of topographic novelties

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Matriarchlove poemloverslovelove poemsspiritualitynatureearthmetaphysicalmetaphysics

Mother Earth

The Earth Cries - Poem by Marie Causey

Look up at the skies ask your self why is it man is destroying a thing of beauty. Greed and laziness in anchored deep in mans hearts and his foot steps lead to destruction of his and children’s future well being. Your Actions are destroying a land a universal home for the lord god’s children. You pollute the oceans and the ozone the lord created to protect...

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Earthcryingmother earth


I wonder now what sin is worse

As we destroy this fragile earth

Who should we condemn the most? Who curse?

The careless or he who cares not for its worth?


When we misfile our plastic waste

Do we sin more than those who double wrap;

When we buy packaged goods in daily haste

Is it our fault we fall into the plastic trap?


And when we recycle those plastic trays


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plasticsrecyclingearthoceansdestruction of oceanscoralsfishturtlesethicsgovernmentpackaging

Spectator? Participator? Instigator?

The old man sat on the terrace his eyes closed. The throbbing purr of the mini-digger sounded like some very large, contented lion. Rob the driver was telling Jake the plumber, who was in the trench, to saw through the large root from the acacia tree that was stopping the digger scooping out more trench. The old man opened his eyes and saw his friend Dave, owner of terrace and trench, holding out ...

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soul mates

Let's let our thoughts tango and let our souls mate

my heart on my sleeve, on display

she is my armor, forever with fervor

worth the search for, pain couldn't hurt more

Her radiance blazes, visually a spectacle

her calming presence.

In essence, my mind linger.

Drift off to the cosmos. to a place where space and time coincide

I see her constellation and engage, warp drive


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naturespiritualitylove makingspiritual bondshapelessspiritualpoetryearthPainlove

Morning calm

A world of desperation. 

The face and the faceless. 

Indescribable yet on the tip of my tongue.

Impecability holds the key to power.

I stare out over the city on my park bench throne.

The morning hours calm my mind. 

Crows speak in their own tongue. 

I reflect on a night of dreaming. 

The number is 4. 

Time to let go of what I can no longer carry. 

My saving grace is ...

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Humans: the race that plagues the Earth

You see the USA and UK
Having pride for our race
When really, we are a disgrace
But the truth always is the hardest thing to face

We hurt the world that gave us life
Proving our greed has no price
We are a plague upon the earth
Taking it for all that it is worth
Money comes before conservation
Because nothing is worth it, without gaining a sum
Disguising our greed as caring for what's ...

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Humanshumanraceplagueconservationcharitypollutiondestroying the planetdestructionearth

Aquatic Stardust - a freewrite

Aquarian Aquarius,
everyone be hearing us.
What an exciting life you lead,
cosmic superhuman centipede.
I’m Centric G pause for the D:
ejaculating antiquating - even thoughts dilapidated.
You should go through twice
extinguish anguish from your life
cosmic zombie souls are sliced.
Universal detoxification 
electrocuting nation-notions
rubbing Atlas, struggled rolling
infinitesimal scro...

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poetryrapcomedysemanticssemantic fieldssilly semanticsfreewritefreestyleloveuniversegalaxiesearthwaterlifefantasysci-fidoggosdogsmemessilliness

every word

“ …. every word is like an unnecessary stain on silence and nothingness” (Beckett)


every word

Be born, live, cry, die; always cry.

Why cry?


Why not?


I am not on Earth

to fail to exist,

or any other madman's fantasy.


Sammy found something


he found

- Nothing.


Eat, move, create, decay;

earthen in earth

for the Archaeologis...

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The Traveller's Eye

This is an attempt to capture the alien strangeness of the Nullarbor Plain which borders the Great Australian Bight. Despite its name it has plenty of hardy trees in places, but no surface water whatsoever. It is a totally flat expanse of bedrock almost seven hundred miles wide, and I have driven every inch of it!


The Traveller's Eye

O the light flows quickly over this blasted plain,


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They say..

They say 5 a day and a number of vaccines are what you need to be healthy                          

They say that cancer can't be cured and that a plant should be outlawed, but what's the reality

They say we need to go to war but we've heard it all before, and it's not how it should be            

They say we need to vote so get in line, as if we have a choice this time, they act like we'...

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A Man I Know

This poem, from many years ago, is a fantasy about the liminal stage of a rite of passage. Looking back, I can see Celtic sensibility here that I was previously unaware of.


A Man I Know


A man I know stood beside me.

Looking up at paradise birds

in flight,

he reflected their colours

with steel eyes in blinding

scintillations. Carefully,

he began to speak:



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My moon

The shadows of smudges showing through

Poised over the earth to correct the simplest of mistakes

Balanced perfectly above a tiny peak

my moon

Frantically Orbiting all of existence

Waiting to smear words without resistance

Blank, it waits to pull restraints

Exhaling the tides

my moon

Ridding the lies the sea portrays

Constantly drifting away

Longing to erase what I ...

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The Way the World Ends

This is the way the world ends.
Not with a bang, but with a whimper.
Do not fear the light of the dying star for it will yield no pain.
It is mortal, it is ended.
Fading out like the dimming of the candle, then extinguished, forever.
No light shall ever again grace these barren lands
As dust forever billows across its scarred surface
And drinks its voluptuous seas.
Like a standing ovation,

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Old & New

Shuttles soar with seemingly unprecendented motion.
The children's eyes gaze to the floor.
The ground is green and brown and yellow.
The world below cannot bellow.

Bellow whole-heartedly,
Sing and hum its' tune.
A melody, sweet melody.
A rotation for all of you.

Its' sweet chillness pressed against the nostrils,
Its' gentle warmth against the skin.
Allow the gaze of the star above,

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I’ve left my clomping prints on every shore 
since Africa was Eden in my youth. 
The sand will bear my dent for evermore. 

I chewed-up gum-trees with my baby jaw 
and bit the dry red heart with my first tooth. 
I’ve left my clomping prints on every shore. 

Europe roused my growing thirst for war. 
Her spirit fired me up, one hundred proof. 
The sand will bear my dent for evermore. 


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Homo sapienshumanityEarthplanetclimateenvironmentvillanelle

Six Degrees

At one degree the western plains 
of the US will be starved of rain,
Bankrupted farmers will pack up and flee
as desert restakes its claim.
There'll be no ice cap on the Arctic,
we'll lose the rivers of Kilimanjaro,
and frost that keeps the Alps secure 
won't do it any more.
The Barrier Reef will bleach and die,
mountain animals will reach the sky
chasing the cool, and those that can't f...

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climate changeglobal warmingParis climate summitEnvironmentEarthFuture


Drifting high on a gentle breeze

and grazing the tops of lofty trees,

watching below, all the people move

but there’s nothing left, up here, to prove.


Floating higher and into the clouds,

the sultry silence so deafeningly loud.

Throbbing pulse of a beating heart

as atoms pull; trying to drift apart.


Looking down upon an ailing world

with colourful rags held hig...

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The Day You Begin To Live

Trisha M. Hopkins

The day you begin to live 
Is the day you start to die 
Things you see aren't what you believe 
Even the first tear you cry 
Is already the thing of the past 
The hardest you try 
You cant make the day last 

The day you take your first breath 
Is the day you gasp for air 
Trying to figure out whats next 
The sound of angels is what you hear 


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After Everyone is Dead

Everything that will happen has already happened.
This rain is making the grass greener and
these diseased birds are eating the garbage
from the ground.  God continues to text us
encouragement although standard messaging fees apply.

The streetlights will turn green even if
no one is there to drive away,
the bread will turn bad in the freezer
no matter how tightly you wrap it,
and I have...

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godreligionexistentialismearthnatureflowers optimism happiness



And the world keeps rocking to the sound of the void
Spinning through time, a pirouette we can't avoid
And what have you done today
Did the fool on his errand slip by
Did you have much to say
As his time in your life seemed to fly

And the world keeps spinning into uncertain futures
The wounds in it's crust needing serious sutures
And what have you done today
Was th...

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Earthlifedeathdestructiontimequestionsdying planet

Copernicus’ Commentariolus

Copernicus’ Commentariolus


The sun will never rise again,

although its early morning stain

still paints the heavens with a hue

of orange, red and purple. Few

will listen to my sad refrain.


I studied long, no doubts remain.

Though saying so risks Papal chain

for claiming this heresy true.

The sun will never rise again.


Look to the skies a...

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copernicusheliocentric theorysunrisesunearthnew ideasold myths

The Bride of Necklace of Tales

By: Ali Taha Alnobani To the leaders of our world © 2011 by Ali Taha Alnobani
Thus the sea was
A bride who has a necklace of tales
A world of love
Dancing in dales
And a glass of wine
Sparkling of delight
In her loosely might
Blue and white
She was yours
She was mine
Thus love was
Two warm hands under a...

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Environmentprotecting the environmentearthnaturemotorways and nature lifeEcologyworldlifepeacewar to peacePeace Justice Woman Poewer

Giants of the Earth

Giants of the Earth, in ancient air,
Watch silently as earthly rumbles deep,
And as the world below drifts off to sleep,
A ghostly peak, refreshed beyond the glare.

Beauty in the vast, unparalleled,
Iridescent on one side of two,
Overcoat, to cast off; overdue,
Tremble underneath where others dwelled.

Tyrants roam, to crumble at their feet,
Crushed, reanimated in the wel...

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Planet Earth

You're so violently pretty

with that flower on your hat

You're so arrogant and sweet

it stops me from catching breath


How could universe had chosen me

to sew it's starlit magic net?

When I hold you - we fly

back home to Planet Earth

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If we could look at the earth in a few thousand years from now,

we would see a nightmare vision. A planet ravaged by massive ice flows,

poisonous radiation storms and acidic oceans.

A naive mankind has done this. Now man has gone underground, far below

the poison and the cold.

It will be ten thousand years before he ventures forth again. Now he l...

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earthfutureplanetdisastersundergroundhuman survival





Moonsister, earth goddess,

The sky awaits you, your

searching gaze pauses the


Does your heart beat in

time with nature or do you

listen to the wind for your

name being called?




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Luimneach 23/12/11

It is clear that when push comes to shove,

The solution to strife's not above:

It's right here on Earth,

With each precious child's birth;

That the only way forward's with

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Man must care for Earth's estate

There lie his origins...and his fate.

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Artist Supporting Artist

Artist supporting Artist

Supporting Art


Not underground

Not under the radar

But above it.




Artist supporting artist

Paintings on the wall

Not hanging by a thread

Not hung at all

But painted onto it.


The wall being the backdrop

On which the artisan paints

The back ground

For every artist’s palette.


Etchings, sketchings,

Lines and hills

Dips and gullies



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naturenurturen artistsearthcollaborationcommunitynetworksworldfamilytruth



Trees with dark green leaves

Pock-mark the urban landscape

Like beauteous sores.  Oases

In an otherwise unblemished bleakness


Out of place in their naturalness

Rooted in the brown earth

Amid the artificially stunted grass

With an innocent hedge there misplaced.


Trees casting their shadow

Providing shade from the sunlight

That gives them their strength and colour

A contrast heig...

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natureearthfriends of the earthplanetlifehumanity

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