The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 19 hours. Get details and Enter.

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late night walking

used to take things before going on walks

it’d be dark and cold

and i’d be underdressed

i couldn’t seem to withhold


i’d stumble around the neighborhood 

trees and leaves would move

even though there was no breeze

i couldn’t seem to mentally improve 


i grew more and more detached

would walk by a half way house everynight

i thought that perhaps that would one ...

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drugshighsadwalksnightscaryshadowdepressionmental illness

saline solution for a contact high

My blood -
red eyes
wetted, burn
from sweat, and tears —
make up a swatch of
emotional depth and fiery passion.

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Dark side Drug Ride

Dark side Drug ride


Natural pain now overrides all illegal chems submitted. I’m now confident with this habit I’ve admitted. 


If writing makes me feel good I should do it, if singing means so much why aim so hard to lose this touch


Lyrics in music become more relatable, you become what you hear. You surrender your soul and let go of established fear.


Where is the fi...

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read poetry while high

Double fuck

hit with some starry metaphor like a hammer smash

can taste the iron of proxima's atmosphere

tangy on a tongue like steak was slapped.

In jest I speak but truly sweet holy fuck

when those twisted sibilant sentences scathe and scrape around the cranial pits.






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Away, I dream of last thoughts and feelings

That he introduced to me

Not even my first love had a clear understanding

Past experiences lift my senses

Trying to leave it to an old palate

He is foreign

My heart is open an awaiting

To let me love and be accepting

Blood is chilled

As he

Brings roses to my cheeks

Only fearing the past

Seeing it return in related situ...

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Time and Windows

This poem is a reverie and contemplation of my mother.

Time and Windows

If the past is a tattered old book,

then why am I a ghost

at my mother's window,

so clear I can sense her mystery,

and her brown eyes, so alive?


Look, I can fly to her

through the high windows

of my memory

until I'm so close that she disappears,

and the curtain flutters silently.



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twisted trees

A twisted oak coiled round its self the perfect home for a mouse.

He climbed up a twisted branch and made his peace there, he built a nest of twine in the hollow center.

twine woven in brade, ants climbing up in parade. the army came to a hault and flead, they

feared for their lives and would rarther not be dead.


the stars a gemstone, the moon an ivory marble in a get jar.



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Humming bird

Humming bird, buzzing bird

flying high, oh so absurd.

how i wish i flew to see the forming dew

then left another morning new.

there will be room for you.


on the star we'll fly so high

over, under, in the sky.

singing fairies lulabies.

watching rolling tides.


flying slow flying low,

over swaying medows

seeking stars that glow,

then going home.



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twelve eyes of evil

When I was 20 I went insane

Not faecal smearing insane

Or Hit me Mac insane

But that quiet



The kind that eats away at the brains

Of everyday people

I was working in London at the time

Need I say more?

And it just hit me


I couldn’t move

I couldn’t breathe

I was gone

The city and the job had chewed me up

And vomited me out


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Drifting high on a gentle breeze

and grazing the tops of lofty trees,

watching below, all the people move

but there’s nothing left, up here, to prove.


Floating higher and into the clouds,

the sultry silence so deafeningly loud.

Throbbing pulse of a beating heart

as atoms pull; trying to drift apart.


Looking down upon an ailing world

with colourful rags held hig...

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Anarchy runs through my bones, A sanctuary, a mind set in stone, No worth in a life without purpose, Enough people around me trying to surplus, Without reason or must. Society isn't run from home, We're fed a diet of lies and bad omens, A curfew on our personal time, Cursing those who brave past the line, Fucking with your mind. Sobriety is harshly overrated, When the priority is to...

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americabritaindeepdrugshearthighhumanitylessonlifemodern daypeoplepoliticssocietystate of Western society

McFlurry Saved the Day


McFlurry was the beast
that preyed on the
old ogre of a day
spent too long
in lectures & humidity

Across the river
of the campus jungle
McFlurry crouched
and pounced upon
the grizzly weariness -

ripping it to shreds
with creamy razor teeth
& cookies & cream claws
as we ended yet
another uni day


Disclaimer: This is not a...

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consolationtreatpick uppopperhighsaviourmadbarmycrazy

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