distant (Remove filter)
Fragments of a Time That Dissolves
The silence spreads like mist
over the field that no longer exists.
The earth no longer feels the footsteps,
doesn’t remember the bodies that passed through.
The wind, a distant whisper,
carries unspoken words
and stories lost before they are told.
There is a place where time gives up
on being continuous and dissolves
into fragments of light and shadow.
Nothing is whole,
Monday 25th November 2024 5:32 am
there's that distance in her
something remote and far
like the canals of Mars, an
ice monolith atop a star
her soul of cosmic mystery
went to places I cannot ken
sheathed in armoured silk
none knew where or when
in those blue eyes is infinity
windows on time and space
blinking before shutters up
in a cryptic chain-mail face
enigmatic were her ridd...
Thursday 11th March 2021 10:41 am
Half-Fallen Rain
he could not make her out
at close quarters but afar
smiling yes but acting no
near, yet distant as a star
like rain falling half-way
a tide trapped out at sea
an infant sapling stunted
a blossom without a bee
brows furled with doubt
mouth unstable not still
eye contact fraying, lost
signals iced by inner chill
curious blend, rare alloy
what el...
Sunday 6th September 2020 11:35 am
Bad Joke
Bad joke number one. At first a whimsical gesture, a throw away comment, nought but the larks song to win your attention.
Bad joke number two. The brush off, the guise, nothing more than a vulnerable boy hiding behind his painted face as he clutches at a pumpkin bucket, barely able to lift his gaze as he utters meek words, mouthing "Trick,or treat?"
Bad joke number three. Confidenc...
Monday 13th November 2017 12:44 am
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