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Shuttles soar with seemingly unprecendented motion.
The children's eyes gaze to the floor.
The ground is green and brown and yellow.
The world below cannot bellow.

Bellow whole-heartedly,
Sing and hum its' tune.
A melody, sweet melody.
A rotation for all of you.

Its' sweet chillness pressed against the nostrils,
Its' gentle warmth against the skin.
Allow the gaze of the star above,

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Where I live

When the fog comes

The fog comes hard

Rolling in like an endless army

Clogging the sky

Blocking out the sun

Playing its silver symphonies

Across the hills

Trapping you inside

With all your fears

With all your doubts

Lost to the world

An imposed oblivion

Weightless and


Until the fog clears

The sun shines

I am reconnected


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foglessons learntoutsideinside

No one knows

You see my smile,
you hear my laughter,
and you see my general glow
of happiness that is fake.
Because on the inside
there's my frown
that you don't see,
there's my cry for help
that you don't hear,
and there's my general glow
of darkness that is true,
but no one knows.

No one knows
what goes through my mind
when i smile on the outside.

No one one knows
how I actually feel,

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depressedinsidenot knowingoutsidereally am

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