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They say..

They say 5 a day and a number of vaccines are what you need to be healthy                          

They say that cancer can't be cured and that a plant should be outlawed, but what's the reality

They say we need to go to war but we've heard it all before, and it's not how it should be            

They say we need to vote so get in line, as if we have a choice this time, they act like we're free to live freely 


It's all premeditated, instigated, orchestrated calculated                                                    

Whether it's the government or illuminati, the reptilians or prima facie                                  

We're just too ignorant, too passive, too susceptible too flaccid


They've created a world on the basis of fear


They tell us lies about what's in sky, they inflict pain and let the innocent die                        

You talk about a one world order as if it doesn't exist, our world is run by families full of criminalists                                                  

Look at the labelling on food and what they put in our water, the chemicals in clothes, they should be done for voluntary manslaughter                 

Can't see the sun today because of the clouds in the sky .. But are they really clouds or are chemtrails a lie 


It's not to say that all of these conspiracies are true but there's no smoke without the fire - the truth is overdue                                              

But we'll never really find out until it is all too late, maybe the truth will find us here or meet us at heavens gate


There's only one thing that is certain when we are born into this earth                                      

Only one unquestionable from the moment of our birth                                                                    

As soon as we are born and inhal our first breath 

The only predestinated aspect of our life is death. 



◄ In the beginning

Even if we never understand this messed up world that we live in ►


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Connie Walter

Fri 12th May 2017 22:25

Thanks Collin haha I was just sleep deprived I think ? Only God knows aye! X

<Deleted User> (13762)

Thu 4th May 2017 08:39

love this Connie - you have included some of the top conspiracy theories but I think greed is probably the one factor which drives man and blinkers his view of the world around him. For example, why would 'they' spray chemicals in the sky and poison the very air that 'they' have to breath themselves?

There is enough material in this poem for a whole conference so I will just have to accept your assertion that there is no smoke without fire - to a point. You know, the advent of the internet was a great leveller of truths and it has made the seeing through of 'their' lies so much easier. But it has also given the nutters of this world a forum on which to spout their insane views. And of course everything is labelled 'fake news' now until proven otherwise.

thanks for posting Connie. I best get on with my insignificant day now for what it's worth. Keep smiling.


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