The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 21 hours. Get details and Enter.

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lethal woman

paradise is lethal
paradise is a set of lethal eyes
hell is a wheel of hell
hell is a wheel of lethal eyes
a woman is a wheel of a woman
a woman is a wheel of hell
a wheel is a wheel of hell

a wheel is a wheel of lethal eyes
a wheel is a wheel of paradise
the time of a wheel is the time of a lethal woman
a wheel is a time of a wheel
a wheel is a time of paradise
a hell of a time is a...

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A scary bunch

This morning I was having a conversation 

a slightly uncomfortable conversation . 

I thought about a world without men

and my boyfriend seemed upset.

"Even without me?" he asked 

and that was a though one to answer.

I thought about a world with no fear

no fear for my body, no fear for me.

But honestly a world without him,

that is even more scary to think about. 

"I wo...

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womenwomanmenlovewomans issueswomanhoodWomens Daymen and women

I Am a Woman


I am a woman up to the tips of my hair.

I am a woman by spirit and nature.

Like no one, I’ve got an innate flair.

As no one, I need a daily rapture.


I can make an elephant out of a fly,

My ‘yes’ a man can never deny.


I do not burn in the fire,

In the water, I do not sink,

I know exactly who is a liar,

And know what a man thinks.


Of course, I can st...

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Beautiful Woman

You’re the most beautiful woman in the world

Because baby you’ve stolen my heart

You’re the most beautiful woman in the world

Because without you my world would fall apart

Your eyes dance and captivate my mind

And make my head and heart pound

Your lips are where the hunger starts

Joining to ignite and fire my heart

Because without you baby, my world would fall apart


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The haunting of a broken tap: drip, drop

The thirst after the sun: drink, gulp

She never said a lot, gargling girl

Sliding in and out of my body

Helping me breathe, walk, talk

That was why I swam

It was water

Brought me alive floating out to No Man’s

Diving down to skim the sand

It was water

Wanted it, always had it, but could never catch it.

It was water


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waterwavesinsipiddriptransparentintangiblewomenloveidentitymyselfgirlwomanmonologueyouIexistentialconfusedswimdreamabsurdeclipsesecond selfshadowshadow selfanalysisreflectself awareness

Avatar Impact

Saga of joy ethereal
In my own anticipation
Transcendental manifestation
Humanely celestial
Bewitchingly pulchritudinous!

Aura always so effervescent 
Elegance speaks praise
The world is yours in so many ways
Richly benevolent 
Bewitchingly pulchritudinous!

Disenfranchised; it's emancipation actually 
Your ebullience touch the new high
That glimpse, a consolation, and a deep sigh.

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She strapped on her warplane and flew away to fight

Russian jets being the enemy to be hit

Her missiles were old like her plane


But it was a good one well built

Serviced by her mechanics to perform

When ordered to do by her


She the tip of the spear just a gal

Reason I love my mistress the pilot


Defending our nation each and every day

She already ...

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Don't judge me with your bitterness.

Don't care how you dress.

To me, it doesn't matter who you kiss.


Love is a philosophy, not an activity.

Don't force your adjectives on me.

My acceptance is on the content of your character.

Selfishness is the only way you know how to care.


The way you walk through life. 

It is like walking on the edge of a knife.

Cutting awa...

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dreams call on me rarely now

my visitors are mostly regrets

with gifts of grief and remorse

what conscience never forgets


the love I too often spurned

women I so routinely forsook

bad decisions or no decision

benefit from a backward look


yet the past is a willl o' the wisp

easy to install ideal outcomes

where everything's simpler, a

perfect tune hindsight...

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hauntedremorsethe pasthindsightwomanghost

The melodic grass

This music,

it makes me want to fall from the water

float in the sky,

stare at those lips

and kiss those green eyes,

drink from the clouds

and jump on the pond

to feel the stars

and gaze at the stones,



the rythms , the notes

melt my mind

ignite my visible voice

I'm not here nor there

maybe inside a void


floating on the blues

maybe its a d...

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The Girl I Sold My Horse For

rambling wide was what I did

saloons and bars near and far,

winds alive behind my back

horizons lit by a guiding star


I never thought much different

till she caught my horse's rein,

she taught me to settle down,

didn't need my horse's mane


she's sassy and bright and clever

I grew to love the kegs she wore,

she's the mother of my kid now

she's the girl I s...

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Boots 3

On the cold winters morning thermal boots are pulled on

The radio announced…ground frost and the promise of snow later in the day

And yet she is happy…

Happy because she is doing what she loves

The market is freezing in December

Icy winds blow and there is no sunlight to warm frozen hands

It’s the people you see

Fellow workers on the market, pleased to see her

Customers sto...

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The leaves of the tree

Behind the house of glass are falling

With each step of the wind

They liberate themselves from the branches

From the complexity of the connections

Connection of the root with the trunk

Of the trunk with the branches

Of the branches with the leaves

The leaves liberated themselves

From the connections

From the dependence


The leaves of the ...

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independenceLifeRealrunawaypoemstrongindependentbeautifulfreedomfreepoetrynaturecontrailsskywomanbreakfreehappyliberatedconnectionsismy lifebestbeyourselfselflove

a note

a word



in secret


a name





a woman





The transparent sunlight


stirred by her 

thin fingers


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Benchmark Woman

The rot set in with the Ten Commandments

Setting standards that can never be met

Its the same when it comes to women

There's always one that you can't forget


Benchmark woman you haunt me

None ever compared with your charms

Lovely women come and lovely women go

None repeated such magic in my arms


A prototype female is a bit of a burden

A touchstone to make your ...

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ten commandmentsbenchmarkwomantouchstone

h e r

this world is a universe

for she is a world 

in herself

at every turn beautiful;

a billion flowers 

in any garden of gloom

would bloom to her smile;

her existence is life

her instance pride

with sadness shied away

the swooned heart

travels miles in a beat; 

every sweet smell 

reminds me of her

the earthy perfume

rain sends forth

the flavored whiff 


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pity flower


I forget

what you are:

just a flower

swaying to

the directions

of foul winds;


yet can’t stand

your ground;

looted off

your perfections

for reasons lewd

you pursued

colors faded

and gone

gone into a world

a life where

pretty flowers

don't belong


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She has no scars.
She needs no wings.
She bleeds like an angel crying for her sins.

She weeps for her feelings and loses them in the rain.
She’s dead in the morning until she drinks the golden liquid that can leave a nasty stain.
She waits, she commands, she’s ready with her plan.
She delivers new children into the world without a helping hand.

We stand and stare and wonder how they can...

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Lovelove poemsman and womanwoman

Tumhe Dekh Ke Aaj Meri Ankh Muskurayee (Hindi)

Tere daaman par girey they chheentey muktalif rang ke

Chehrey par thi khili muskurahat aik alag dang se…

Tum se aa rahi thi sada kuchh suhani kuchh ruhani;

Rango me bheegey they lag rahe kuchh malang se…

Iss roop me tumhe dekh kar koi purani yaad aayi;

Tumhe dekh ke aaj meri aankh fir muskurayee!


Iss tarah nahi dekhi thi kabhi shayad mai ne gour kiya nahi,

Safeid resham m...

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Garden Greed

The rose recognizes the beauty of the sunflower, all the while self-assured in her own. She does not envy the golden beauty for her appeal to you


She knows better - she has guarded her stem from the likes of your fingers and the fingers of those before you, and the ones that will come after


She knows that while you, selfishly and ignorantly, believe the garden to be created for you...

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gardengreedroserosessunflowerbeautyself esteemSelf-WorthPurposecreatecreationgrowthwomanwomenwomens rightswomans issuesfeministfeminism

Beauty - A Perspective!

Beautiful segment you look a core element,

Immersed in faith, love and sentiment,

That smile you wear is rich and aromatic…

You seem well versed and fantastic;

The vibes that you send are an enrichment.


It’s perhaps not just this recent occasion,

You surpass every time with wit and conviction,

When you reveal the beauty that you are…

It’s tremors are felt vast and far,


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Beauty - A Realm!

Supremacy distinguished; the world is glad!

The lights illuminated perhaps no one sad,

And in that backdrop, a pretty woman sari-clad.


The aura divine, her perfection of womanhood…

The affection note that emerged in a way it should,

And what it did at the end was all good.


From the decorated parapet she watches the glory,

In amusement she adds a new story,


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Alluring, When She Is Dressed Black!

She smiles and the breeze flows

She speaks the softest tone

Her charm is mesmerizing

Favorite among known unknown;

Personification of true love

She is a seed tenderly sown…

Cute, cuddling and precious,

She steps into my thoughts back to back,

Alluring, when she is dressed Black!


Whenever my eyes rapport,

I am not in my comfort zone.

Animosities on the rise,


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womanbeautifulPraise poetry

It's good to be a woman

It's good to be a woman at 30 years old.

 You can even ask for vodka to be cold.

At thirty you have something to surprise,

And see the excitement in his eyes.

When you are forty he nervously trembles.

 Hundred-year old man with Viagra gambles.

It's good to be a woman at the age of fifty

 Climax has already passed, you are shifty.

It's good to be a woman at the age of sixty.


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Wonder Woman

The ocean of emotions that always kept firm,

Wearing a laughter and some smiles more than often;

Like a bee always busy and working though,

She was a lifeline… someone, others would throng…

She looked physically feeble but mentally very strong,

Her temperament was the very key,

Perhaps the reason why she was she.


She was professionally entwined and held a charm,

A mand...

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Simply Says


Simple Girl, frankly, says: 
“Life is simple without lies”. 
Lies are always complicated, 
And TRUTH, surely, will rise. 


Simple Girl's heart is warm, 
And brain is normally calm. 
Thinks for her shiny future, 
Happily, without windy storm. 


Simple Girl believes in God. 
Says always a faithful word, 
And purely behaves in life, 
As human does always good. 

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Practical Woman



“To do or not to do”, her daily instruction 
I should always obey, to avoid reaction 
She believes I'll remain in a weak construction 
Wants to be retained in her falling section 


Eyes, ears and tongue, three sources to act 
Depending on brain, to judge it in the heart 
She is herself leader, no love in her chart 
“Practical in reality”, She said. This is a fact 



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Into the Woods

We were lame and we were young,

Walking in the woods,

While singing our song,

Never in my dreams, felt anything wrong,

Thought you were always coming along,

Do not remember where exactly I lost you,

My eyes searched for you in heavy fog,

I continued my journey amidst the rocks,

Shivered through-out the night,

Darkness was blocking my sight,

Always thought that you wer...

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woodsalonedestinyFatejourneyknight in shining armorlovenumbShiningsunwalkwomanmansong

Don’t be afraid when a woman shouts 
Or she shyly asks your whereabouts.
Be afraid when she is quiet,
The whole month she is on diet.
Be afraid when she tells you lies.
That’s how any love dies,
And here is no use of cries.
Larisa Rzhepishevska

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The Hour is Late

An innocuous, yet mysterious woman walks into the local bar. She approaches the Bartender and says in a flat tone, “Water please.”

She is around 5 feet tall. She has long, dark, slightly stringy hair. Her eyes are very dark, almost black. Her clothes are old and worn.

He says, “Honey this is no place for you. You should go back where you came from.” A man taps her on the shoulder and ask, “H...

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mysteriouswomantoo late

Queen's day

A Rose in mystique colours
Loving, and elegance 
A Daisy as white as snow
Pure and refined 

Sometimes broken and beautiful
But a woman perfectly made she is

She dances in trials and pain
Learning a new step everyday
For she knows a flowers needs rain to bloom

Each different,  peculiar and beautiful 
Cause a flower will bloom in it's time
For each is a Queen in her life, and you ca...

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Woman in a Cafe

I watched you working
Treading carefully through
The forgotten orders
Excusing your colleague’s forgetfulness

You had a youthful beauty
But your eyes looked older
Than what your body gave away

Forgive me for writing this
But your smile seemed genuine
And that caught my eye
I liked that.

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She only hears the rooster's call
In the morning and peeks deeply
At the sun's beams through the window
The way she reads a talking mouth.

She's twenty-two but thinks like twelve
Keeping fairytales in her nook
How a sixth grader reads a book.
Old papers hide in her basket

With her touch becomes piece of art
As she tears and folds the pages
Forming flowers, vases and doves.
She has c...

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The Trap


Im trapped. 


I can can bang on the walls but to you it just sounds like a knock on the door. 

I can scream until my breath runs short and my lungs hurt but to you it just sounds like a whisper. 

My eyes think it’s an open door and that I can walk right through but my heart shows me that it’s bullet proof glass and I’m only going to hurt myself if I try to leave. 


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HurtwomanloveLove lost

Who is This Woman in the Mirror SHAPE POEM














Who is

this woman

in the mirror?

When did her hair

start to turn grey? What

happened to the young girl

who used to laugh and play?

Who is this woman in the mirror?

When did these wrinkles appear? What

happened to the young girl whose parents

used to call "Dear"? Who is this woman

in the mirror? When d...

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How does a girl become a woman?
The first time her royal blue skirt
Was stained with drops of blood
Tainted childhood's innocence
Of fertility's awakening.

Rules had chained her feet from crossing
The bridge towards a boy playing
His piece in a saxophone
Lullabies of attraction
A petty love from the ashes of lust.

Chains rang as she heavily walked
Up the stairs of her fantasies

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Bends in the Road


A voice sang through the pavement of your innocence. You wondered.
But ignored to listen. Then, regret eventually rushed through you when neglecting the voice has turned into a warning.

"I can do this...everything..."

And that same innocence blanketed your sight towards what could have been done. Such naivety comforted you with rising above the warning. By pushing yourself. So...

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Remembering, Me...Woman Infinite.

Being a woman is not simply belonging to a certain demographic. It is a privilege not to be taken lightly.Being a woman is being an indestructible soldier in a Historic Movement of Epic proportions. Flourishing in the knowledge that you are a part of something so special is utterly gratifying and nothing short of a miracle. An elite member of a Universal Society comprised of The Global Community a...

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WomanFierceWorld changingEpicCommunity

Rise Up...Live Your Truth

Step Into the recesses of my heart, mind and soul. participate in stimulating ,thought provoking but brutally honest chats. Whether its company ,advice or a need to vent or simply laugh, no topic is off the table. Un-accepting sanctimonious non-humans, so blinded by their ignorance and fear they can't see the beauty in the unique-ness of each of us are Not welcomed. With the magic within words I...

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Rise UpLive your truthOne VoiceWomanPowerSupportinter-connectedness

Do you hear me now?

You look at me and forget

I was strong before I was pretty 


You disregard my mind in hopes that my heart is a path leading you to my body and briefly

I regret to have met you, you see my eyes before you hear my voice


For you have already forgotten the first rule; I am strong 


So when I love, I love strongly

And when I hurt, I hurt badly 


But when I scream, ...

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They lay

They lay

as distant in their sleep

as cars upon the street

bums and bumpers

back to back

double parked

in a life

as empty

as the words 

they spoke

at their wedding


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something i must hide

Breasts are something to be ashamed of, something to hide,
Yet something that a kid will suck on just to stay alive!
Something everyone once depended on once in their life
Yet something evil, something I must hide
A man's nipples are useless and yet just fine
The woman's are lewd tho to a hungry baby divine

To wear one layer of clothing!
A sin God forbid despite the sweltering heat
The s...

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Remember all the times we had?

Holding my hands in the wind

Listening to our music

I did what I could to make you proud

But don't you dare forget

How horrible you made me feel.

I gave you my life and soul

My heart in hand and everything that could be imaginable.

Just to break me on our anniversary.

And lead me on like a little toy of yours.

Remember when I...

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Girl of the planet come to me now and show me your inner soul,
set my mind on fire with your eternal strength.
Goddess of the oceans and rivers, bathe me
in your watery embrace and solitude.
Queen of the deserts and of the shifting sands, fling
a sandstorm at my door, hide me in your deep Sahara.
Angel of the watery skies, blow me away with you...

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mystical femininityplanet earthmother naturenatural landscapeslovewomanman

The Strawberry woman

By: Ali Taha Alnobani

I know, strawberry has charm

But this time, it is a moon in spring temples

A Call beaming in the morning

And a mascot painted on god's arm

Your lips proclaim another speech

About angels ceremony for love

Which conduct there in paradise

Over fire, under ice

Near the golden beach

That nobody can reach


I know strawberry has...

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beautifulbeautywomanSpoken Word poetryloveparadisepoetrysleeping beautycharmpaint

poem on my ex and a decade on when we passed 1 another


You don’t see me;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 you ignore me totally cos I mean nowt to you.                                                                          ...

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ageingwomanex girlfriendignorelife

I Was the Reluctant Lover


I was the reluctant lover
She was a Goddess divine
I was not as brave as a man should be
And so her heart was never mine

Oh, am I the fool of legend
Am I the only one
Who loved and lost as I never tossed
My hat in the ring till the girl was gone?

And as I look at the picture
Her face...

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loveamoreadoreamiciwomanunrequited lovepassioninfatuation

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