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The Wonder

Kicking through the moss
in the cooling evening air
I’m staring down the barrel
of a living Rivelin Valley

Crickets clicking in the tall grass 
bramble searching for a shin
I stoop to flick away
the tickle of a nettle
caught under my tongue

O, why could I not have felt this way
at twenty one
To know myself
my capabilities, my limitations
to feel this comfortable
in my own skin 

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Looking Out

I was young, I was clay
I was given to looking out
and there upon the train seat
a gift from the universe
A barely filled notebook
no name, no number
no way to find the owner
it piqued my curiosity…

With pencil then, I tried to fill it
with all my words, my wonderings
my secret truths
but it went nowhere
just collected dust upon my shelf

A few months gone by
still young, my paint...

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finding thingswonder



Beyond this realm

Beyond the sea

Beyond this frail reality


Beyond the blue

Beyond the air

Beyond the things no longer there


Beyond the dusk

Beyond the dawn

Beyond the Twilight's sleepy yawn


Beyond the dark

Beyond the light

Beyond the tapestry of life


Beyond the planets 

Beyond the stars

Beyond the galaxy's vibrant scars



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Wonderlifethe universe


Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

I know that, strictly speaking, the Magi, are still on camel back following a star but I also know everyone is bored with the story by epiphany so here is my final Christmas related poetry blog. Courage, doubt, fear and wonder, in the story of the Magi. What had they been part of? Like us, they wondered whether ‘this was a future they wanted to know’…


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The Falling of Snow


It takes me back to a boy;

the falling of snow

To a fluffy, white street

under a streetlight's dull glow:


Where an old man trudges through

Each foot now a plough

Eyes squinting to see

The here and the now


I watch from a window

My youthful eyes wide

Thinking: move to the road

Then you can slide!


But he carries on trudging

As I shake my youn...

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Night Awareness

Sleep is creeping around the corners of my eyelids.
The room is cold.
A shaft of light spies through the curtains,
Why does light do that?
The curtain never wins.
How can sleep festoon about me, when the spirit
Slips through the chink in the fabric
Of time.
I am watching the shape of nothing.
Mesmerised by nothing.
Soon, the shaft will be a beam reaching in,
Dragging me into the day.

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Me v The Moon

Nestled upon a pillow of cloud

The moon sat, big and fat

As I watched it from my garden

In a cul-de-sac


It didn't really do much

Just illuminate the sky

But, then I thought: that alone

Makes it a greater thing than I ! 


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What’s next?

Why am i so happy so content with being. What am I missing what am I not seeing. I’m not used to this feeling and it’s rather addictive, makes me start to appreciate each moment I live. It’s unusual to me, an unknown territory, clearly must be my selected destiny. 


It’s deceiving what my mind makes me believe in. Its harsh all of what my eyes have seen. All the places I’ve already been. Co...

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IntrigueWonderreal life


i am as a sapling in the shadow of a hundred year oak
try not to breathe, not to stir
i wish to remain unnoticed at the edge of your meadow
here in my solitude
i dare not disturb this perfect silence
inexplicable and deeper than night
nothing casting it
a black shadow wavers in the bright sunlight
it covers the the meadow floor
pulling at my curiosity I am lost in it's mystery

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Wonder Woman

The ocean of emotions that always kept firm,

Wearing a laughter and some smiles more than often;

Like a bee always busy and working though,

She was a lifeline… someone, others would throng…

She looked physically feeble but mentally very strong,

Her temperament was the very key,

Perhaps the reason why she was she.


She was professionally entwined and held a charm,

A mand...

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On earth away from earth

Are you a tourist or
A volcanologist my dear?
With a painful joy
To a live volcano  getting near,
Do you want to pay homage
To earth's nadir
Conscious that beneath a sea level
A sweltering heat you can bear?

Then to Erta Ale  go you not why
Found under Ethiopia's sky?
With a style jumping high,
Hitting the ground
Beating  drums, on their waists,
Sabres tied around
Afro men along wi...

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“The Man and The Whisper”




What if…,



The haunting past,

The heart of anxiety,

The present limitations,

The lack of belief in myself,

Uncertainty of knowing myself,


These are the lions in my den,

The lighting and thunder in my storm,

The dark walls enclosing on my shoulders,

The waves that are ready to pummel me in my ocean of lif...

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godquestioningbeliefsbiblestrugglesbonesachewonderaweanswerstruthdiscoverybelieveGod Within

Fear and Wonder

The headlights from the oncoming vehicle
held the stunned animals in their grasp
The beams like a claw clasping around its prey
An unholy ray screaming silently into the night
Distant, but penetrating.
Approaching still closer,
terror in their hearts,
the vehicle turned off the road

And transformed into a rainbow
Dazzling colours and many forms.
Behold a crystal,
the prism of light br...

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A dead rose for a dead friend.

I came across with a dead rose.

How impure and crooked it seemed.

Deteriorated without the life it once had.

I kept walking with it, holding it with my right hand.

How sad it was to see a rose like that.

Where once it was bright red,

now it’s only a brown looking thing with nothing left.

I kept walking with the dead rose,

a sad rose with no thorns.

Until the path ended i...

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Overwhelming Sky

The overwhelming sky enthralls me
Shows me its magic, fills me with glory
Layers of stratus, piles of towering cumulus
Cirrus lacing glazes overtop
Neon pink icy scribbling on an evening horizon
Fireworks sunsets, pale sleepy dawns
Reds, yellows, purples, greens overwrite the blue and black
Gauguin, Picasso, Rothko must have felt this
The Starry Night is truth, no wonder Vincent suffered s...

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poetryskyvan Goghcloudswonderwondermentbeauty

Kiss me now I say

Kiss me now I say, 

and I promise I won't cry.

Tell me, what do you see? 

Do you see this sad soul searching for clues or

do you see someone who has the same soul as yours?  

Life is such a wonder, 

to live not knowing things and to die for something worth it. 

I say now kiss me, 

I'm not sure what will happen next. 

But I promise is worth it. 

Life is such a beauty. 


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Somewhere between places

I've been here before...

Somewhere between places, 

somewhere I can't escape. 

Tell me.

Does it feel the same or does it feel different this time?

Am I just a memory with no feelings left or am I something you still look for in your dreams? 

I may not know and never will...

But maybe not knowing is better. 

For me, I am only me. 

Something you can't simply replace.


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Oh how I crave to feel the touch of the ocean.

My skin longs to feel the mountain breeze. 

This heart of mine seems insatiable when it comes to wandering,

To wondering

What this world holds and where my place in it is. 

I search for new in the old and for excitement in the familiar. 

How wonderful it is that you eventually find what you are looking for. 

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Mommy Please

Mommy please don't let me go,
don't let me be your second priority
because, for 14 years you'd left me
before I could see you;
my mother who'd brought me here

Did you not love me?
I dared to ask myself
and was I what you wanted
I dared to think of.

For years I stood here in pain
and you stood so far away
i'd began to wonder if.
If you'll always be
just a thought in my mind

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beggingblamelove memommysadwonder


As I bask in the sun

The rain starts to fall

Droplets find the ground like silver

I am filled with childish wonder

Awaiting the magic, it appears

The colours bring my world

To life

My sky awakens

To excite me from within

I seek to find my utopia

Not for the riches of wealth

Only for the affirmation

Of magic

Are you looking for me?

You will find me at the e...

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I believe in fairies


I believe in fairies
I believe in fairies!…… don’t tell me that you don’t?
You don’t believe in fairies?…… Is it that you don’t?…. Or wont?
Yes I believe in goblins, trolls and fairies
And pink and yellow polkerdot canaries
I believe in wizards and dragons and magic
And fairytales both joyful and…….. tragic
I can conjure them in my own mind
See them...

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bed time poem for childrenbelievechildren's poetryfairiesinnocencemagicwonder

Do You Ever Wonder?







Do You Ever Wonder?


As you drive past houses,especially late at night,

Do you ever wonder?


With their curtains open wide,

Lights on inside,

I often wonder

what they're up to,

why or where they bought that glass clown ornament from,

with it's bejewelled colours

deeply set

inside thick cheap glass,



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