The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

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h e r

this world is a universe

for she is a world 

in herself

at every turn beautiful;

a billion flowers 

in any garden of gloom

would bloom to her smile;

her existence is life

her instance pride

with sadness shied away

the swooned heart

travels miles in a beat; 

every sweet smell 

reminds me of her

the earthy perfume

rain sends forth

the flavored whiff 


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d i s s o l v e d

when my eyes close 

and the day ends

thoughts get so loud

your curvy silhouette disintegrates 

I lose sight of you

my world loses the right you

as your mediocre choices

blend you in with the crowd


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at times

life becomes 

that empty glass

fractured in the heat

waiting below a tap 

not connected

to a water source





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pity flower


I forget

what you are:

just a flower

swaying to

the directions

of foul winds;


yet can’t stand

your ground;

looted off

your perfections

for reasons lewd

you pursued

colors faded

and gone

gone into a world

a life where

pretty flowers

don't belong


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coffee and me

coffee, me, and no one around

I listen to me, I talk to me, decide life

we imagine, dream, fantasize

some of that is said out loud

some added to my notes

some sent out into the universe 

every sip brings me back to earth

and then we go again

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the send-off

the fragrance of flowers 

gently touched 

by the cemetery breeze

celebrate the silence 

of life being released


the colors of nature

gather around 

that piece of earth

cradling every moment

of time since birth


dark figures fade out

with memories 

replaying in their heads

as the day ends, yet again

death is fed

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