feeling (Remove filter)
They reach me,
I give them my all,
Yet after that,
They leave me Alone.
They will come back,
Once again, for sure,
With a different face,
A different name,
A new personality,
All along,
And once again,
I will give them my all,
Will they, this time
Stay by my side?
I don't know,
But that's how Trust works,
That's how Life works.
Friday 22nd September 2023 10:49 am
I can be Warm,
As Fire,
Or Cold,
As Ice,
Flexible like Water,
Or Rigid as Stone,
I can be,
As simple as Joy,
Or complicated as Rage,
Worse as Fear,
Or Beautiful as Love,
I can be Anything,
I can be Everything,
Depends on You.
Monday 18th September 2023 4:20 pm
When you looked me in the eyes, I wanted to feel your love
To feel the love that you said, was gone
I wanted to believe with all my heart that you would come back...
I wanted to believe that I could be enough
I wanted to believe that we could grow together but the truth is, it was all an illusion created by a stubborn heart,
Instead, I let you close and you hurt me, broke me, and ra...
Friday 22nd July 2022 2:57 am
A hyper-sensitivity of feeling
your art connects across the senses
The roughness of ancient bark
beneath gentle fingertips
A kiss from rock-pool water
warm against bare ankles
A double exposure
a murmuration
it's poetry, the sensuality
the sheer never timid beauty
lensed so gracefully
with such assurance and dexterity
The texture, a waking daydream
a cloak of fog, shaft of sunligh...
Tuesday 19th January 2021 4:38 pm
The melodic grass
This music,
it makes me want to fall from the water
float in the sky,
stare at those lips
and kiss those green eyes,
drink from the clouds
and jump on the pond
to feel the stars
and gaze at the stones,
the rythms , the notes
melt my mind
ignite my visible voice
I'm not here nor there
maybe inside a void
floating on the blues
maybe its a d...
Monday 14th December 2020 8:23 pm
Roots of Love
Roots of Love
Ones moon rises as the others descends.
The Sun brings their identity as they unlock their worlds.
One gusts into the world as Air.
One ignites into the world as Fire.
One love’s expressing through intellectuality!
One’s motivated by inspirations and aspirations!
The moon is the Soul of their identities.
One’s Soul reacts to experiences,
with discernment ...
Wednesday 2nd December 2020 7:21 pm
Am I A Poet?
Do you look around?
Does anyone???
The great ones did, and they wrote about it.
(the mediocre ones did too)
They looked, no they SAW,
And they wrote......
They did not choose to see, they just SAW,
And they did not want to write, they had to,
Because people who see would explode, vaporize, disappear, or something,
If they didn't write.
The world has no oth...
Saturday 29th August 2020 6:58 pm
~I'm the thin layer of ice that forms on paved surfaces
A slippery slope that can lead to ones demise if ignored
But you ignore me anyway, because I'm seemingly harmless
I don't think the camouflage I wear every waking day helps
It's a proactive measure I guess
You see right through me
Like I'm made of glass
I'm fragile, but you throw the stones anyway
Don't you know shards are deadly?~
Thursday 26th March 2020 6:21 am
Bodily Notions
The eyes are
the windows of
the soul and
speak of words unsaid.
The mouth should
be delicate in
voicing out what
the mind have constructed.
The nose smells
not just the
arome of one’s
kindness but the
filth he brings
as well.
The ears audibly
reacts to the
sound of life’s
hustle and bustle.
The tongue...
Tuesday 4th September 2018 10:54 am
Failed Pills
Failed Pills
I took pills all my damn life to cure this and that
None of them ever fucking work
So I write about my ailments instead
The way only I can words on the page
Putting my ills into them to free me
Who am I blooody kidding eh?
Myself to give me some backbone
But that doesn't change how I feel
Nor take way the illnesses that rest inside
Waiting to get me li...
Tuesday 8th May 2018 4:50 pm
Fifty miles apart
Texting seems further apart
Responding is like driving
Not feeling any closer, even though technology plays apart
Bratty I am
Possessive I’m not
We aren’t that many years apart
Mature thoughts speak with me
Showing interest and do want me
We don’t say much
Turtle motions travel cross our keys
Delayed response
Face to face
Infinities of words
...Sunday 18th February 2018 4:48 am
The way, she did to me
Is the way I did to her
The way, where hearts broke
The way,
I will never return to
The way where
Sun used to long last
The days spent in the past
Still, when thy feeling arises
My day neither sets, nor rises
Saturday 13th January 2018 11:58 am
The more I go
The darker it gets
Doesn't matter what is my choice
It's always the wrong one
I missed all the tracks
But there is no survivor left in me
I wish I was the never ending story
That at least came to end.
Wednesday 26th April 2017 8:36 pm
I see you
I hear you
I feel you
Is what you tell me
I keep explaining
Keep excusing
Keep blaming myself
Don't tell me you understand
- nicoline
Saturday 26th September 2015 12:40 am
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