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lithe (01/18/2024)
what a tongue flick. a comet-tail
a touch of poison; a fluid sail
raised upright in a misty wood
to catch winds for long-abandoned boats
a land-loch, waiting for heaven
waiting, like I would
pressed against a door frame
mounded from earth and ash
a home writ upon
these hostile lands:
a space of teeming life
mistook greens and greys
blotches and heightened braille
Thursday 18th January 2024 2:44 pm
The melodic grass
This music,
it makes me want to fall from the water
float in the sky,
stare at those lips
and kiss those green eyes,
drink from the clouds
and jump on the pond
to feel the stars
and gaze at the stones,
the rythms , the notes
melt my mind
ignite my visible voice
I'm not here nor there
maybe inside a void
floating on the blues
maybe its a d...
Monday 14th December 2020 8:23 pm
These memories fade into me
Each time I gather
They become seamless
They've woven themselves into the stars
Beauty as they are
It is my past
To the melody of my soul
I caught them dancing
As if they didn't mind the memories that cried
They thought them loveliness
Please watch for when they fall
That is you or I falling to harmonize
Monday 25th August 2014 3:46 am
'It's Time To Face... Resignation' (Performance)
Earlier in the week I performed 'It's Time To Face... Resignation' at the Empire Theatre in Blackburn. On the following YouTube link, you'll find my rendition!
Sunday 20th November 2011 8:10 am
The Climb
Silence surrounds us.
Wind whipping hair, sun shining down.
The trees a rustle in the autumn chill.
Yet still we climb, climb this hill.
Our laughter evades the pores of the earth.
Sinking deep into its burning heart.
A lark it darts, flying free and high
away from the shackles of fate.
Tell me, why cant we?
Horse harsh breath flies as the bag we carry fills with stones,
Picking ...
Tuesday 29th December 2009 2:41 am
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