falling (Remove filter)
I am a son of the heavens.
I do not fall,
I can only fly.
The way the wind whispers
determines my path.
It has never once led me astray.
A gentle breeze ruffles my feathers,
while the sun's bright smile warms my face.
Clouds dance above my weightless form,
forming all kinds of shapes to entertain.
The world turns as do I.
Leaping carelessly through the endless sky...
Thursday 20th June 2024 9:22 pm
Looked in the mirror shortly after i rose
Not quite sure i like what i see
A little bit of this, a touch of that and
Maybe i'll start to feel like me
Maybe i'll start to feel a little bit of glee
or maybe that's just me taking a leap
I need to get out from under this heap
I need to free myself before tears start to seep
Then they'll all start to say, girl please!
Get a grip
or you are b...
Monday 6th February 2023 9:09 pm
The melodic grass
This music,
it makes me want to fall from the water
float in the sky,
stare at those lips
and kiss those green eyes,
drink from the clouds
and jump on the pond
to feel the stars
and gaze at the stones,
the rythms , the notes
melt my mind
ignite my visible voice
I'm not here nor there
maybe inside a void
floating on the blues
maybe its a d...
Monday 14th December 2020 8:23 pm
I’m losing my mind.
Don’t you understand?
I’m desperately reaching out for your hand.
Don’t leave me hanging, slipping, falling…
down into the endless abyss of darkness,
Never destined to land.
You’ve saved me once before,
But this time there are no safety ropes.
I’m free-falling, plummeting, going down…
My only hope Is for you to save me now.
I’m losing my ...
Monday 18th June 2018 2:59 pm
the depth
You will fall
You will keep falling
Falling into the depth
The depth of the ocean
Without any doubt
You will reach the bottom
It will suck you up
Into its sticky environment
You can not breathe
And want to escape
You pannick
And do not know what to do
You will keep falling
Falling into the underneath ocean
It feds you up
You want to escape
Escape from the fall
Falling into th...
Sunday 16th April 2017 3:25 pm
Last call
Its the final curtain lets see who was acting and who really hurting
A burning desire to be a follower no matter the case
Instead of showing some back bone you rather limp home with your tail tucked between your legs
I bet you thought you was big dog on campus till you seen a real monkey act up
Even a rose got thorns dont think a beauty cant defend itself
You got grass thinking...
Monday 12th September 2016 9:42 am
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