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poetess (Remove filter)

And why?

And why are you still in my head? 

In my chest,

In my soul?

Engulfed by disdain, disgust and love.

And I am so lone.


In the middle of Oxford Street crowds

I want your advice that never helped

I want your forehead kisses that I rejected.

Longing for you on dark silent nights.


To debate: am I ever truly alone?

Or does your phantomlike presence ignite and guide...

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Love Seed


To win my heart, cross my roads 

To get my love, you knock my doors 

Let's to start, to earn cruise 

To build a nest within love rose 


Adore you much, looking forward 

To keep in touch, even one word 

Eager to fly, to reach sward 

Where your face, shines on board 


You're the star, you're my sun 

You're in heart, the only one 

Grow love seed, before ge...

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At the end of everything 
Some results come to gain 
Thus, you can get experience 
How to deal with same again 

Don't think, it was so difficult 
Just use your own brain 
Be ready for every possible 
Don't tell me "but in vain" 

If you can say "I decide it" 
The desert turns green 
Then you'll exert success 
Surely will forget the pain 

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Two waves in the sea 
Two branches of the tree 
Two wings of the bee 
These are you and me 
In everywhere I go 
I keep your love to grow 
All over my heart's show 
Your eyelashes and brow   

Certainly, I can see 
One heart not a three 
Follow me, or feel free 
I got your heart's Key

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Practical Woman



“To do or not to do”, her daily instruction 
I should always obey, to avoid reaction 
She believes I'll remain in a weak construction 
Wants to be retained in her falling section 


Eyes, ears and tongue, three sources to act 
Depending on brain, to judge it in the heart 
She is herself leader, no love in her chart 
“Practical in reality”, She said. This is a fact 



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No Answer

No Answer


Either .. or, Neither .. nor. 

Your answer, is one of four 

Always "NO" or "I don't know" 

But in general "I'm not sure" 


Keeping silent is an answer 

Complicates the issues more 

Gaps grow in hearts faster 

To close mainly our main door 


Hiding always simple things 

That I'm really pleased to know 

Same as birds lost the wings 

How to f...

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The Poetess

The Poetess

It was the twelfth
Of the twelfth
11 days ago
She searched for
10 different ways
To say the same thing
Wrote 9 down
Pondered on 8
Chose the best 7
At 6 she thought she was complete
Then decided to use the first 1

In her pursuit to find
The perfect muse
Move away from the vacuous norm
She travelled
Sojourned many less-trodden shores
Met a rainbow of natives

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