The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 9 hours. Get details and Enter.

Epic (Remove filter)

A Drop in the Cavern

Great debris of unimaginable
Scales of hubris tall in size
Hidden ‘neath a sole demise
Late in life to come perusal
Of a minuscule far human
Far in reach o’ destination
Hidden ‘neath another nation
Sniff of prison under rocks

He could not envision then
When the sights for him producd
In a wonders’ moment mused
See beneath the situation
Of a planning in this wreckage
Simple fate to b...

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Space Job

Frolicking above the stars
On a night diminutive
Was the planet lone and captive
Licking comets just beyond
Gravitational its pull
On a very starry night
Dancing rubble with delight
Seasonal around the orbit

It was never a coincidence
How the shiny eloquence
Of the boulders’ breaking dance
Lit celestials with the sounds
Of another silent rumble
Shards of space rocks flying by
From ...

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Five Chances

Iron boots imprint the ground
Rigid steps to stamp the mud
Clear instead of heavy thud
On a swamp within the trees
Trudging was the lonely ranger
On a beastless quiet forest
Longing for his home and rest
Coming any time at last

He perused the vegetation
Looking for faint signs of life
Was devoid and less than rife
Free so he kept on his way
Till an unsuspicious shadow
Held a dagger ...

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Through sure steps along the beach
Moving forward destination
Muscles fighting the exhaustion
Knew her journey how was long
She pressed heels above the sand
Footprints shaped of iron sabatons
Armor forged by many sons
Knee with luster under sun

Turning face for distant gaze
Over briny vast those waters
To where she wrote many letters
Loving someone overseas
Now just scattered past an...

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A Forest Confrontation

Was a warrior in shambles
Crawling tired through the mud
Longer longer than she should
As the sunset dared encroaching
On the scenery around her
Crows were gathering with hunger
Breathing she should be no longer
Soon the body would give in

But tenacious her stubborn
Grit and living a desire
Burned inside of her an ire
That for moving to continue
And with every lift of muscle
And her...

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The Unexpected Ballad of Laura and Ben

Laura and Ben were toddler friends

Born less than a year apart

Kindergarten playground buddies

Inseparable, right from the start


We watched them grow into teenagers

The two spoke as if one, of love and romance

they wanted to take their relationship further,

Give their young adult dalliance a chance


Each family wished them well. 

Their friends were overjoyed.


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Aethereal protégée

Universal consciousness is omnipresent
— living vicariously, we too are one - and the same,
Having the time of our lives
all knowing— enlightened divine sparks
going —Godspeed.

This is a way of life:

Anatomic amino acid building blocks chain letters,
into the complex double helix;
in our initials is a chemical signature—me and my significant other have between us—
this bond, that

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The saga of Abdissa Aga


Suspected of attack
On fascist Graziani
He was in house arrest
As the case was with
Suspects the rest.

A prisoner of war
Then  via Somalia
He was sent to Rome
Found a black lion
If left at home.

Together with
A prison inmate
From Yugoslavia
Called Julio
He made a rope
Out of a blanket
The reason
To descend down
And escape
From a tower prison.

In a show of contempt

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The Forests will Echo with Laughter. Part 3.

The sun was filtering through a gauze of green

and ripples of lustre rolled pearl-like over moss

as if her path lay deep beneath the sea.

The branches overhead 

seemed polished with a gloss


that flung each iridescent spark of light

ricocheting sideways, bud to bud,

before they sprinkled, sharp and diamond white,

to soak into the vibrant

forest’s spongy bed.



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The Forests will Echo with Laughter. Part 2.

Anemones frizzled sparks beneath the trees

and bluebells rippled lakesides in the glades

the day Amelia Hamilton first breezed

into the woodland camp

sequestered in the shade.


Although no one had seen her face before

they felt she had been born to live among them.

Willing to muck-in with all the chores

the new recruit soon proved

more expert than the young men.



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The Forests will Echo with Laughter. Part 1.

The night Amelia Hamilton was born

the caravan was battered by a gale.

Her mother gripped the drop-down bed and scorned

the father who was now

a thousand miles away.


The caravan site owner made it clear 

that babies have to pay their rent as well

so young Amelia passed the next ten years 

in custody of Gran

where none would wish to dwell.


Daily beatings, sma...

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Remembering, Me...Woman Infinite.

Being a woman is not simply belonging to a certain demographic. It is a privilege not to be taken lightly.Being a woman is being an indestructible soldier in a Historic Movement of Epic proportions. Flourishing in the knowledge that you are a part of something so special is utterly gratifying and nothing short of a miracle. An elite member of a Universal Society comprised of The Global Community a...

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WomanFierceWorld changingEpicCommunity


King of the world for my time,
I ruled the world, and in my time
There was no death nor disease
(Except, of course, tooth disease
Which we will conveniently ignore).
My father was the sun, and I was
A simple farmer believing in the
Old ways before I met my destiny.
The creator of all things came to me,
And called me to be a prophet.
He asked me to spread his words,
To make his religion,...

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YimaTooth diseaseimmortalitygodsprophethusbandmanancientdiseaseepiccreator

God The Banana

I've now published my epic verse-novel God The Banana. It's available in print on Amazon & on Kindle at

I posted the first two of the 437-sonnet story here a few weeks ago.  This is how it continues:


Many thousand sticks of incense smoulder

blueing the gloomy hall within t...

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The Prophet Of Amanga

I've published a new ebook, and you can get it for free at

It's the first part of a trilogy called God The Banana, an epic verse-novel written as a sequence of 437 sonnets. Here's the first one:


Picture a diamond spinning against the dark,
flinging back the brilliance of a sun.
Move a little closer - you’ll be stunned
how lakes and oceans ...

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Once in a land faraway

Once in land far away
Was a woman 
she knelt to pray
She prayed for a child who could be
The key to a new dawn of ages

The baby was conceived
Naturally of course
By union of bodies 
By lustful souls
The scrolls foretold the child would grow to be
A pawn in the game of prophecy

A peacemaker
A son of the goddess 
Most high
Her diamond ,glowing  bright in the sky
But there would be...

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Land farawayalienpoetpoemstorypoetryepicfinale

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