The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

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The melodic grass

This music,

it makes me want to fall from the water

float in the sky,

stare at those lips

and kiss those green eyes,

drink from the clouds

and jump on the pond

to feel the stars

and gaze at the stones,



the rythms , the notes

melt my mind

ignite my visible voice

I'm not here nor there

maybe inside a void


floating on the blues

maybe its a d...

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She volunteered at the hospice,

They'd seen off her old man fine

Daytimes she was a lollipop lady

Keeping kids safe with her sign


Then she took ill, her sight went

Gradually the kids put in peril,

A brain tumour behind her eyes

Still the kids relied on old Beryl


Sadly she gave up the hospice

Painkillers made her too weary

The kids noticed she was tired


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Earth Treasure

What is that glint

                as the sod breaks and crumbles:

a sparkling hint

                of discovery

                as I dig the dusty summer soil?

This old garden has gained lost treasures

                of man, woman and child for centuries -

                What lies uncovered?


Teased from the clod

                I find a tiny glass heart and this ...

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