flowers (Remove filter)
Haiku for 2025 [No. 7. Peacemakers]
On London’s streets there’s
trouble for Jews with flowers.
Peacemakers aren’t blessed.
Friday 24th January 2025 10:04 pm
Flowers in You
In your eyes, I see the sun, serene and rare,
Where light, in its colors, becomes a garden bright,
And in your gestures, clear enchantments flare,
Like a thousand flowers dancing in the light.
Ah, you are the flower the heavens gave to earth,
Growing in pure grace, in shape and hue,
Like the lily deep in fields of endless worth,
Spreading the fragrance of an eternal view.
In your smile...
Thursday 19th December 2024 3:57 am
Roadside roses
From the lover you'll never know
A note scribbled down in tears
sits atop a mound of colour
Trying to work out these forgotten fears
From a family torn and lost
Flowers that soon will rot
Your teddy sits upon the mound, arms wide open
Melting, muddy and forgotten
For the journey now cut short
With an ending some had thought
If only you could see things
How b...
Thursday 17th October 2024 1:38 pm
Flowers of Misfortune
In the silence that resonates,
a lament of absences,
the flowers bloom in the shadows,
whispers of a life that fades away.
Eyes searching the horizon
for a trace of hope,
but pain, like a poem,
is sculpted in the words of the day.
The city is a labyrinth of steps
that reflects solitude at every corner -
laughter dissolves in the wind
like falling petals,
disguised in the chaos.
Saturday 28th September 2024 3:35 am
Bold & Silent
I turned the volume down so I could hear you.
Everything is still too loud.
Too many voices, and not the one I needed to hear.
I want to hear.
Mourning that lasted for nine hundred sixty four days.
Salty tears soaked waterlogged greenery.
Droopy head. Droopy leaves.
Pruning a root bound plant
Acclamation felt like dormancy
Dormancy was intense
Wednesday 22nd November 2023 2:31 am
Feeling inspired by flowers ....
Eager to rise
Searching for sun
Spiriling vines
Quick to hold on
Striking a pose
To soak up the rain
Then onwards
And upwards
She's moving again
Queen of the climbers
Flowers free flowing
Her petals define her
She'll never
Stop growing
Friday 30th June 2023 12:47 am
The pretty, little flower girl
There was a pretty, little flower girl
Many moons ago
She always found the brightest blooms
And sold them down The Row
The Row was full of scurrilous knaves
Who thought her smile so priceless
One day they took that smile away
And left her cold & lifeless
No man nor beast was ever caught
And flowers bloomed no-more
The Row fell grey with dank decay
Monday 29th May 2023 7:10 pm
The Secret of the Sunflowers
The Secret of the Sunflowers
is one that my mother knows.
How their gaze forever follows the sun,
the more that they grow
and glorious they become!
The late afternoon shadows lay forgotten behind,
they remind me of where our mother taught us
to always turn our minds.
Saturday 19th February 2022 1:54 pm
Where beauty lies??
I see them daily,
The trees...
Smoothly waving their giant arms at the passers by.
Shedding off what's wilted,
Waiting for the spring to stop by.
I observe them everyday,
The birds...
All flocked and frisky.
Soaring up high,
Never dwelling in envy.
I see them, the stars...
Who never seem wry.
Happy with their brilliance,
Lighting up the sky.
I see them dai...
Thursday 25th November 2021 2:02 pm
Roadside Wildflowers
I hope the stars
Always twinkle for you.
I hope the flowers
Always bloom for you.
I hope the sun
Always shines for you.
I hope the moons
Always bright for you.
I hope the sunset
Is always your favorite color.
I hope your ocean’s
waves are always calm.
I hope your river
Always runs true.
I hope the rain
Never lasts too long.
Saturday 25th September 2021 6:33 pm
The Show Must Go On
Can I help it, if I think you're beautiful?
If I love you,
Must I spend my whole life being sorry?
When you smile,
Something twists inside me.
Something fragile, so it ought to break
But doesn't.
Can I help it, if I think you're special?
If your name excites me,
Must I always try to hide it?
The cynic in me tries to squash it;
Dulls my voice, and makes me stiffen.
Makes my gaze see...
Sunday 11th April 2021 4:01 am
I let you all down
? I let myself down
Now it’s time to go
Time let my thoughts d
Tuesday 16th February 2021 1:23 pm
Flo and Rose were lovers
they ran a florists' shop,
buds and lilies binding
a love they'd never lop
then Rose met a driver
new emotions but true,
she left Lily cut deeply
and eloped off to Kew
sick to death of flowers
Lily pined, got sick, died,
specified in her last will
no wreaths grave-side
her plot's tidy but bare
no blooms for her woes,
...Thursday 19th November 2020 10:40 am
A Nameless Flower
Ujjal Mandal, India
A nameless flower has come out
From the unknown bush.
Neither pens write her name
Nor books make place for her.
But my heart has written her name
On the pages of human hearts.
Wednesday 4th November 2020 12:41 pm
In Chains Of Faded Flowers
You're gone but it was good
You had to put up with a lot
My moods and wanderings
A child dying alone in his cot
Carnations bring you back
Our shady garden bowers
You dangle from my heart
In chains of faded flowers
High up on Ilkley Moor
Laid in fields of heather
Laughing we made love
Never mind the weather
His birth was not easy
For you might h...
Saturday 17th October 2020 11:04 am
Fleeting Images
The other day I caught myself staring at your image
Embedded in the cliff-side pool.
Surrounded by flowers and foliage,
Miles away from you.
Your skin porcelain,
Flaws hidden,
Eyes clement,
You didn't even seem human.
And maybe you weren't.
You were perhaps just an abstract concept,
An evanescent concoction of pigments,
Who swam away, leaving behind no remnants.
When I thought ab...
Tuesday 29th September 2020 3:45 pm
Wounded Flowers
Hear the shuffled footsteps drag upon the cold alone
Looking for a distant stone an ancient memory
Dryness caked upon the ground with lives that never were
Looking for a trace of wounded flowers
Rows of dying blossoms dripping open in the rain
Satyrs running naked in the summer nights of love
Cracked and dripping idols close their eyes against the pain
Blinded aged still ...
Tuesday 22nd September 2020 10:01 pm
Flowers Are Yesterday
I never saw such a posy of carnations
A flush that shade rose to my cheeks
They were delivered each day at first
Before long it was every few weeks
Flowers are yesterday and I know it
Reality can cope without fine blooms
The mundane stuff is more important
Like securing a set of cheap rooms
Memories of those sprays sustain me
Even now I can smell that African l...
Wednesday 9th September 2020 10:48 am
Flowers In The Bath
Rosebay, willow-herb and common poppy
Garnish each enchanting meadow
Sweet fragrances and alluring hues
Draw rapt villagers to every window
Flowers can be double-edged swords
Marking endless sorrow and pain
I can recall the time my father died
The old tin bath where wreaths were lain
Deadly nightshade or belladonna
Lurks on limestone and dry chalk
Consume th...
Tuesday 18th August 2020 11:03 am
A Lullaby of Loss
(Inspired by Death With Dignity, Sufjan Stevens)
Stoic and sober silence, I can feel you,
Like a blanket draped 'round me
When I'm down with flu.
Why don't you speak?
Decimated dreams, I can see you
Even in the stark bleak.
The color of coal.
When will you heal?
Whispers of floating phantoms, I can hear you,
When you hover over my cot
And sing a berceuse.
Why did you stop?
Flowers p...
Wednesday 22nd July 2020 11:11 am
If Foxes Wore Gloves
Gazing at the sunrise, as a new day breaks the dawn,
bleary eyes fixate towards the distant edge of my lawn.
The speckled common foxglove, sturdy, strong and tall,
a spike of colour backdropped by a grey, dry stone wall.
Lost deep in absent minded daydream, I begin to think,
if foxes wore gloves would they be purple, white or pink?
Early birds catch worms for hungr...
Monday 15th June 2020 11:34 am
Vita hominum flos est
Inscribed on Emanuel Sweert's painting 'Florilegium': Man's life is a flower.
Like a flower, he comes forth, then withers away;
like a fleeting shadow, he does not endure.
Book of Job 14:2
While I watched, her blossom
faded from the field
left no shadow
Now all life expects in this eleventh hour
we should revere lost heroes with a flower
But I shall not ...
Tuesday 12th November 2019 12:17 pm
Twisted Love
Love once bloomed
like a fragrant flower
in eternal spring.
Through years of
torrential summer tears,
then droughts,
the scent faded.
All that seemingly remains
are scorched petals that drop
like dead leaves in fall.
But, far beneath
the frozen surface,
intertwined roots run deep...
Making our twisted love
hardy, to weather the
toughest seasons.
Wednesday 8th May 2019 1:57 am
Between the last customer
and morning light
in the parking lot of the Korean Gentleman's Club,
he picks lilacs for me.
Standing high against a warehouse wall,
these always bloom early, and
he goes annually, covertly, in the still dark,
unsure of welcome by the
Korean Gentlemen.
He fills the car.
I imagine that damp, spring-scented ride home,
his fantasy of be...
Wednesday 27th March 2019 11:39 pm
kill me.
Pain in my stomach, heart, mind,
stabs of a knife
I yearn for this piercing pain
I've lacked it far too long.
Ungrateful love:
Punch me, hurt me, kill me almost.
so later
when the rain has ceased
a flower can bloom again
a new blossom
the same plant
Revive me, ungrateful love
Make me another
Kill me.
Friday 11th January 2019 11:07 pm
A Million Ordinaries
I’m ordinary and that’s ok
Extraordinary is made of
A million ordinaries anyway
I can feel Magnolia
Reflecting sheen
From her glossy dark leaves
It’s early afternoon
Rays warm my left shoulder
My car window lets just enough in
The faint rattle in my back seat
Plays a bridge
To the melody of my AC
The turns of my car, so familiar
The rout...
Thursday 25th October 2018 1:51 am
Flower Shop.
I spent
My last $20
On you.
I hope
You like
What I got you.
I know
They're not
The nicest ones there,
But I,
Wanted to show
That I was thinking bout you.
I know that,
Times have been
Tough for you,
And I
Know that this
Wont make everything right.
But I've been thinking bout you.
And with
Every petal that falls
I hope you
Know that it's
Every thought I have bout you.
Sunday 13th May 2018 2:40 am
Rainfall Tonight
Let me return to past, let me recall tonight
With me cries, each corner and wall tonight
What let flowers to slit throat in my garden
Who has invoked the curse to fall tonight
My screams have awoken people from sleep
Separation to be mourned in rainfall tonight?
He might be Abbas-e-Ali collecting tears
Mourners have sighted him tall tonight
Mirza, your phone is ringing since evenin...
Sunday 18th February 2018 4:26 pm
Daisy Chains
Pick the petal, then you eat it.
Fields of daisies.
It's a sort of unegotistical monopoly that I crave
I think.
Playground fortune telling is a mysterious art that rides on the idealistic concept of opposite chance.
Loves Me.
Loves Me Not.
Where I stand now.
Where yellow spiraled arms that reach for love, surround me.
I come to the bubbling surface, that the reach...
Wednesday 26th July 2017 9:57 am
sudden inspiration
Blooming blossoms here and there,
Flowers looking more than fair.
this came to my mind somehow, and just wanted to write it down. I know its a bit weird as it is winter in hong kong, but anyway.
hope you enjoy.
Thursday 15th December 2016 1:34 pm
Waiting on flowers
I am waiting for the day that you will show up at my door
With a flower for every birthday you missed.
Twenty-one flowers of vibrant colors—
Turquoise, violet, “tickled pink”—
They will spread their pedals in the warm spotlight
That will touch every inch of my cold, pale skin.
The features of my face will be illuminated.
I will no longer be the infant you left—
The life tha...
Saturday 24th September 2016 1:57 am
I’m pretty sure there were tulips in her eyes,
I shouted “Fire! Fire!”,
She took off her sunglasses,
She saw sunrise.
Now I know it, there was a darling rose in her blush,
A honey dew in her stare
But they told me “beware, beware!”
“Have you not been warned of ‘primrose way’?”
Now I felt it, there were dandelions on her lips…
Make a wish, make a wish!
Daisy ...
Thursday 4th August 2016 12:32 pm
back in the time when the leaves crunched under our feet
we kissed and the world stood still,
but as leaves fall so did we
like the frigid air was our relationship,
glances and looks exchanged and meaner ones received
but as ice thaws so did we
as the flowers blossomed the looks weren't as harsh
back in the state of love and happiness we were
and as the sun gets hotter so did we
Wednesday 8th June 2016 3:26 am
Flowers mark the spot
Flowers mark the spot
Once fresh
Sweet scent
Since faded
Brittle petals
Tied to the railings
Marking the spot
The shrine beside the road
For the passing world to see
Never forget
Never allowed to forget
Sun-bleached photo at it’s core
Decaying flowers surrounding
A reminder for the careless drivers
Too busy pedestrians
Texting as they walk
Thursday 14th April 2016 8:46 pm
Writing poetry is harder than you think
Roses are red.
Violets are ... not red.
Hibiscus are sneaky little rascals that only bloom during that weekend when you're away visiting your parents because they still pay your bills.
I hate flowers.
Thursday 18th February 2016 11:08 pm
Oh, England,
you green and pleasant land,
your beauty never ceases to instil
a calmness in my hands.
A sense of peace; contentment
within my wandering mind,
a fulfilling feast for longing eyes
that seem always looking behind.
The golden greens of your pastures
covering long and rolling hills,
the succulent scent of your flowers
tickling senses to smile at...
Sunday 2nd August 2015 7:04 pm
Swaying flowers,
passing hours,
birds in evergreens
happy smiles,
worth your whiles
and sappy little trees
muddy faces,
fraying laces,
and a gentle summer breeze
swaying flowers,
passing hours,
making memories
Wednesday 29th July 2015 4:09 pm
An eloquent visage placed upon a pedestal of mosaic stones,
Creamy white snow shimmering,
Glistening freshly cut phernomes sit eloquently upon your chest.
"They will die!," you say.
"They will die!," you say.
Erogenous plains outline your temporal landscapes,
An infinite glaze of still-life sunflowers,
Procreating infants breadth,
Hypnotizing Adriatic oils,
...Wednesday 17th December 2014 6:44 pm
She ate sliced ham out of a zip-lock bag,
standing beside me on the subway platform
with her side-tilted hat showing she was
all spunk and all seriousness, making me
feel absurd to be holding these gladiolus
and heading to the far west side of the city
where my sweet friends with an Irish accent
had just had a baby removed.
This girl with her hat and her ham and I
Tuesday 27th May 2014 12:53 pm
Friday 16th May 2014 1:54 am
From the 'Wings' series
They announce the occasion
White for the virgin.
Black for death
Red for love.
Pink for a girl
Blue for a boy.
The loudest colour of all
Embarrassed cheek of girl or boy.
We have had them all
Confetti in our lives.
Throw me red rose petals
Shower me with love.
Spray me with your rainbow
Dazzle me with your spectrum.
No need for pots of gold at the en...
Saturday 30th November 2013 8:04 pm
You sent me
flowers as an
to my work email
It wasn’t
quite the
I was
looking for.
I replied
with a
JPEG of a
I never
a postmaster
so you must have got the message.
From my new book - 'Working Extra Hours Ha...
Wednesday 20th June 2012 12:44 pm
When nights are long and spirits low,
Remember - still the flowers grow.
When days are short and full of woe,
Remember - still the flowers grow.
When health and wealth ebb to and fro,
Remember - still the flowers grow.
When friends and family come and go,
Remember - still the flowers grow.
When life has little left to show,
Remember - ...
Friday 25th November 2011 10:06 pm
The language of flowers was born in the East
and today this tradition still persist.
Having a lack of communication,
being unable to show it on their faces,
the women of the East created the language of flowers,
it could show their love power,
it could show their mood,
it helped them to be understood.
Once it had appeared as the language of communi...
Tuesday 20th July 2010 12:48 pm
The Rose
The flowers unfold
as I pick the rose
walking in the park
way after dark
with my boyfriend.
I lift the rose
as i climb the fence
wondering what the passer-by thinks
of me and my boyfriend.
he lends me a hand
as he stands on the pavement
smiling with his eyes
this handsome man,
my boyfriend.
the passer-by stops
as i be...
Tuesday 19th January 2010 9:21 am
Bach Flower Remedies : 38 Haiku
The Bach Flower Remedies : 38 Haiku (click to link)
38 haiku - one for each of the Bach Flower Remedies - now published with illustrations online by Edward Bach Organisation Research Programme.
Some of the haiku:
cherry plum
the coroner declares
impulsive suicide
the silent mull
of this way or that
a week of ...
Tuesday 5th January 2010 3:08 pm
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