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haiku (Remove filter)

awakening (haiku cluster)

Chill spreads through the land,
Branches bare, skies hold their breath,
Snow's touch soon to come.

Frost whispers softly,
Bare earth awaits its white cloak,
Winter’s gift unfolds.

In twilight’s quiet,
Hope stirs with each frosty breath,
Snowfall's gentle kiss.

Trees reach silent arms,
Night's first flake drifts to the ground,
World awakens bright.

Hearts lift in still...

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awakening (haiku cluster)

Chill spreads through the land,
Branches bare, skies hold their breath,
Snow's touch soon to come.

Frost whispers softly,
Bare earth awaits its white cloak,
Winter’s gift unfolds.

In twilight’s quiet,
Hope stirs with each frosty breath,
Snowfall's gentle kiss.

Trees reach silent arms,
Night's first flake drifts to the ground,
World awakens bright.

Hearts lift in still...

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This is not a draft


I don’t want to mask my poetry

I want you to understand me

Curse your perfect rhythms, rhymes, haikus

Your lyricism, your literary

When I try to adopt it, I turn mute.

Something channels through me

(I’ve never really found the root)

A demanding stream of consciousness

That cannot stop to breathe, let alone

Wait, conceptualise, draft, redraft

I can’t!


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poeticstyleformformatliterarytechniquestanzarhythmrhymehaikulyricismstream of conciousnessfreedomfreetalentcraftdraftperfectproofeditrulesconfinesartmetaphorsdebatebeautyimagerysubjectivevoiceunderstandconnectemotionfeelingsmotifswordsmithtransparentloudboldunfilteredaccessibletruthmask



While you face the past

Your ass faces the future.

Turn around quickly!


©Larisa Rzhepishevska


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You're too good to me;
but very good for me too.
You bring me to life.

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Dappled shadows dance

across my Summered window.

The trees are laughing.

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Must I say adieu

to this life? That's where I'm at?

I say it's not so.

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Tears flow face feathers
Wrapping the world in wet wings
Cradling hearts broken .
Emptiness vacuum
Space floating in space floating
Stars shining for love.
Smiling beautiful
Peaceful tranquility there
Rest now your heartsfists. 
Love is flowing down
Love lasts longer then hatred
Overflowing love.

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Haiku: Bacon Sarnies

Each bacon sandwich

shortens life by a minute.

A bargain, perhaps!

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bacon sandwicheshaiku

Gospel Haiku 俳句

Mass murder machine

The ultimate irony

Gospel is its name

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