The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 51 days, 7 hours. Get details and Enter.

In Chains Of Faded Flowers

You're gone but it was good

You had to put up with a lot

My moods and wanderings

A child dying alone in his cot


Carnations bring you back

Our shady garden bowers

You dangle from my heart

In chains of faded flowers


High up on Ilkley Moor

Laid in fields of heather

Laughing we made love

Never mind the weather


His birth was not easy

For you might have died

We brought him home

Stared at him and cried


They said he was frail

The outlook quite poor

To Ilkley Moor we went

Gave him a guided tour


Carnations bring you back

Our shady garden bowers

You dangle from my heart

In chains of faded flowers


On the Moor his ashes lie

Curlews nesting nearby,

Yours joined our son's

I walk up there and cry





chainsflowerscarnationsfadedIlkley Moorneathercurlewsashes

◄ Skip Hire

The Cellars Of Your Heart ►


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Emeka Collins

Sun 18th Oct 2020 18:23

Terrific poem.

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Sun 18th Oct 2020 14:36

What a heartbreaking poem. I love the title and verse, "You dangle from my heart In chains of faded flowers." So hauntingly beautiful. ❤

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Stephen Atkinson

Sat 17th Oct 2020 18:31

Moving, tragic & heartfelt

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Stephen Gospage

Sat 17th Oct 2020 17:17

A truly moving poem.

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