plastic people with plastic hearts

acting their thermoplastic parts


born of plastic from plastic tubes

fed from protuberant plastic boobs


with plastic hopes and plastic dreams

in love with plastic zippered seams


cleaning up their plastic mess

and plasticising happiness.


With pink and squidgy love they stick

plastic slow or plastic quick


they t...

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Also by ray pool:



I've just spent a few N.Y. Eve hours watching Youtube videos of steam trains...especially a

superb collection "Steam Trains at Speed" ("Speed to the West") with 3million plus hits! 


I thank heaven for the thrill of the steam that remains,

Once a boy - now a man, but still waving at trains.

As each image passes, s...

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Also by M.C. Newberry:


New Year Fun

We’re out to party all night long,

Now we are done with Christmas cheer;

We’ll see the old year out with song,

And dance into a bright new year.


So don’t sit there alone and mope;

Come raise a glass and join with me,

And drink to love and health and hope

For all our friends and family.

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Also by Trevor Alexander:

Beautiful Game Rant | Snow | Christmas Cheer | Resolutions Wrecked | The Mirror | Blast From The Past | The Young Lad At The Ritz (Radio Edit!) | Cold Misty Morning | Christmas Ghosts | Love Is Cruel | Clouds | OK, Christmas |


We're the throw away


The use em and lose em



Like old cars

you trade us in

for new models

After  putting 

one hell of alot of miles 

on us


One man's trash

is another's treasure


So here I sit

on the Goodwill's shelf

like the Velveteen Rabbit

Waiting for


a Real Man...


By Lynn Hahn

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Also by lynn hahn:



Annual fog of grog

Steve’s just had it off with Beth’s sister.

Dodgy Dave finally broke his beer bottle record --

opened six with his mouth,

leaving his lips behind on the last one.

Debaucherous drinking stirred with a few unmentionable

mind-altering drugs thrown in.

Fractured relationships now totally dislocated, fuelled by four Jägermeister shots.

Bragging rights saved for the morning after.


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Also by Chakraj:

Manic Manipulator | The Reality of You | We could be dead, you know that? | Naked reckless mind | Sacred Technology | Our Communal Gig in the Sky | Take me to a Higher Place | Say it from that place of love | THE CALLING | LOVING ME | HERE, CAN YOU PASS THIS GRATITUDE ROUND PLEASE | THE ARTIST OF HAPPINESS | STARVE A FEAR | NEW NATIVITY. NEW HOPE | Tick, Tock. | Just Be. Here. Now. | UNIVERSAL TRIBE |

Light that brings me home

With a warmth inside I'm heading home.
Shadows fall as I walk into the dark,
slowly losing the sight of my goals.
Alone, I have killed the sun,
now even the moon fears me.
No one by my side,
getting ready to give up,
I stopped,
opened my eyes,
I saw a light that was running towards me.
Soon a relaxing laugh followed,
in my mind it was hallowed.
The light shone brighter and brighter,

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Also by LeGou:

Can't stop thinking about you | Repeated story | Your beauty behind my eyes | World based on lies is not what we enjoy |

poetrycomfort zonecrushfeelings




“I ate you” I said,

Bitter, hard hearted affair

I keep repeating.

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Also by Ian Whiteley:

Cold Hearted | Advent |


Tell me everything

Give me the dirt in your soul I don't want pretty and clean I want the ugly and messy the real nitty gritty the raw feelings. Please overshare that story with me, people like you don't scare me, I don't feel uncomfortable when you scream and cry, I feel at home. 

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Also by Youthfullyxx:

A secret | Getting close | how can I love you when I don't love myself | Destructive me | Cycle | A made up reality |


I prefer to write in


The freedom it entails

Simply to be an pseudonym

Represented by a single word

The potential to be


Alpha or Omega

Female or male

A horizon

To express uninhibited

Faceless in a crowd

Existing only as a brief shout.

It is shameless almost

In its vanity,

To be cloaked

In a cultivated air

Seemingly mysterious,


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In the house
we found rooms full of paper
where he wrote

what we should have known
in such detail
that there wasn't much to say.

This was the year
of the election
when everything was going to change

but in there it had already

and it was for us
to fill our arms with the pages
and to carry

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The Process Of The Fake News Meme

back at the ranch..
a baby boomer marxist rock star
           just took a gong
it must be the new neo marxist third way
not gaddafi's third way
but that other fella's
third way

the marxist rock star
the obligatory one-legged lollipop lady
the arms dealer
the charity ceo that helps war victims
thrown in
for balance

a slebrity
a poet
a food critic
a ...

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Also by Suki Spangles:

Human Civilisation 2.0 | Bollywood National Anthem/Bollywood Bleach Cologne | Cracked Symbols | Sun And Air |

Love Remembered

The ghosts of yesterday 
Come to visit in vacant time
And I, alone, shall greet them.
Their host, I lead to rooms,
The pleasure domes
Of youth.

Where I call them back to life
One by one,
To propose a toast
To intimacies past.
Lost love will ring
Cathedral bells tonight.

The aftertaste is bittersweet, 
But unforgettable scents
Cling to my preserved guests
Like tobacco smells
On ...

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Also by Paul Waring:

The Fall | Carried Away | Home | Love, Adverbially | Blackness | The Wait | Long Gone |


This stick named Outrage
Is what stirs the masses
Rousing them in anger
Rail against injustices
Wolves in Yellowstones
Gangs in L.A.
Genocide in Africa
Trouble in Latvia, or
Slums in Mumbai.
And while anger is better than fear
This focus remains on the problems
And so the problems remain.
How then to drop that stick,
And let our focus be guided
To solutions?
To set our sails instead

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Also by Eric erb:

Reflection | express | First Flight |

AfricaMumbaigenocideLatviaLos AngeleslovemanipulationmassesOutrageproblemsolutionyellowstone

Man Vs Mountain

****Slight Adult Content*****


Off to the dark continent, I've something to do

In the footsteps of Dr. Livingstone, Tarzan & crew

Intrepid explorer, hope the monkeys do behave

Not dragged off, to be made a reluctant simian sex slave 

Cousin Louie, yer can get ter fuck

I'm not that way inclined.......yer out of luck

I'm not the King of the swingers, please!, not today!


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Also by Jeff:

Going Now | Don't Treat Me Like Me | My Gay Mates | Not the Man I Used to Be | Social Media Studies | My Show | My Prison | A Day for a Life | A Butterfly Flaps its Wings | The Cuckoo & the Fledgeling Meet | I'm a Pencil | Which Dick Ordered the Caramel Latte? | This isn't what life had planned for me | Heart | Going, Going, Gone | The Quick & the Dead | Mothballs n Piss |

Surface tension

We cannot be held back

By our own desire

To grow old and know better

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Also by Chunks and Marrow:

Razors do get dull | Yearning downpour | Have a bite! | It's their fault, darling |

Brother can you spare a dime?

Brother Can You Spare a Dime

I got drunk in a 

a Portland bar

thirty minutes after

I had exited my

girl-friend's car,

she text

to tell me

that she had finished with me

that that that was that.

I sat drinking

and pouring tears

into my whiskey

a guy with an

English accent

joined me

we had a good time.

I bought all the drinks

as I remember.

I l...

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Also by Tommy Carroll:

proud Scots wha hae | Happy Birthday Bill | Higgs Boson pt2 (Haiko) |



I'm constricted by the fact, that life is to share,

I just see poor judgment, and a silly content,

of stay where you were hand, to raised and to forget.

Over bed or on couch, your time shall come next,

As the rest of your days, bad-thoughts, hopes and prays.


It is said that's not true, for you to be alone,

So to them I should say, my half never became.

I've been thinking ...

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Also by AhLlopis:

Poetry VI | They come from far |

couplehateinner thoughtslovepeace of mindself destruction

No Longer Lost

Lost in a world that was never mine. Dedicated to those who were to busy taking stabs at my back and heart. Now looking at it from the outside.  I realize it was me who allowed all of this. That life, person, and blame claimer. You have not thought I wasn't listening or watching, but I was. No longer a lost boy. I found the person I had buried so deep to please others.  No I'm back to the bear tha...

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Also by Leigh Tiffany Love:

Our moment | Who? | The Veiw |

Black Again for the First Time

“The end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.” TS Elliot

Sometimes when we’re together I don’t feel like a family of one. One of us starts a phrase for momentum, and the other will pick up pitch, tone and rhythm to meet somewhere in a chord. Themes in our rotation lead us to rendezvous’, sometimes in the house of Riely other times in hou...

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I saw the way he looked at her when she wasn't looking.

The way he caressed her cheek.

The way she giggled at his touch.

I want that with you.

I want you to look at me like that.

I want you to adore me the way he adores her.


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As we search for the truth in these lying moments
Identifying clues that trigger the police
Passing the polygraph, establishing the peace
Between our two old souls connecting our movements

Chasing the old robbers out of community
Defeating the bike gangs and the Italian clans
To have peaceful venue, making festival plans
For everlasting love, respect and unity

As the gloomy stories are...

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Also by Louis Audet:

Be different | Prison | Vacation on a beach | Reconnection | The movie plot | Seducing through words | Challenge the Power | Monster | Lesson Learned | Long Live the past | First meet | Escape | Start Up | Sapiophile | Hot Tub | Mr Fantismo builds the cake | Mr Fantismo up Everest | Mr Fantismo and the Ice Queen | Mr Fantismo at the beach | Mr Fantismo and the ranchers | Lusting over Love | Lifestyle Hypocrite | Living it | Burning stars | To meet again | Knowing what you want | The minding affair | Hotel Bar | Finding love | Trials |

Beautiful Love Poems

Like The Sunshine In The Spring

You're like the sunrise in the spring

that makes the meadows dance again,

and motivates the clouds to sing.

Your warmth and light soothes all the pain

from icy winter thoughts that cling

to memories that still remain.


You're like the sunrise in the Spring

that calms the mountains in the rain,

and colours rainbows with a hymn.


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beautiful love poemslove poemsgeorge stanworth

The gear changer

Running out of
Oxygen, burning out
When contenders feel like
Dropping dead,
In an unexampled manner
Summoning a vestige
Of energy
Bringing into play
A new strategy,
Miruts Yifter Ethiopia's
Olympic legend
Used to surge ahead
Demonstrating a race
Is a sport of foot,lung
And head.
That is why
A commentator
Christened him
“Mirutse Yifter
The gear changer!”
“I dare say
Catching up...

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Also by Alem Hailu G/Kristos:

A maverick seen mentally sick | The Christmas Guest/By Helen Stiner Rice/ የ ገና እንግዳ/Translation in Amharic Alem Hailu G/Kristos | A genius taken for a dummy! | You break anew to make | The acid test of love's intensity | Men’s true measure((Ben Jonson)/Translation in Amharic/Alem/የሰው ትክክለኛ መስፈርት | Fresh 2 decades later | The double faced | Fidel(Faithful/Fiddle) |

Ethiopiagear changerMiruts YifterMoscowolompic


light's silvery flecks

are cast down from the

face of the heavens,


and men--earthbound

--sit fishing for stars

shining thinly in

shallow reflecting pools


to fill the deep wells

of their empty bellies

with tears.

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Also by nunya:

vagabond | boxing day | behemoth | freelance | suspension of disbelief...or, you are what you eat | unspoken | kisses from home |

What You Find In Peace

In to the power in to the sea till now

Now I see what happens in sight is alied seen

Expands in open space and diamond sink

Have a drink and dont feel me

See me dont think

As the peace sinks in

Air hint.

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Also by Walter Edgar Viera:

My Mind To Yours | They Can't Know What I Talk To Dogs | The Ending with out Ending | No Duty of Doubt | The Ripple Effect | The Art of Warcraft in and on Warcrafted | My Life | My Stride | Roses Are Red | The Sky Is Blue | Only me | At The Height |

juniper tree

juniper tree outside my window

in a space i made for myself

this morning at 2 am

too hot in your room for sharing

i am the most temporary in this

place for people with nowhere

to stop.

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Also by saskia daylight:

snow | silence | self-defence | oh girl | keep moving stop talking | how do you write life? | how to enter the circle without falling into the centre | gaza strip | i am myself |

The Girl in the Picture

The Parthenon behind her,

bleached white in classical light,

is little more than staging,


the backdrop they’ve chosen

–this girl and the boy who loves her–

to match her flawless style.


And why should a goddess

matter to her, or the distant era

when myths were real?


There are idols enough

for her to aspire to

in the pages of Vogue and Marie Claire.


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Also by David Cooke:

The Girl in the Picture | Chasin' the Breeze |

Blood shot eyes

Tear soaked eyes

Torn up tissues

Stretched out sleeves

Clinched fists

Sleepless nights

Precious time wasted For who someone who broke your heart

Waste no more tears or time for a heartless bastard


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Also by Joe Barrett:



Fistfuls of teething,
 hot and wet like sand, 
a mocking curse, screeching 
and grinding over one another, 
flooding through windows and baseboards, 
cascading over chandeliers and 
down hallways, clashing and clattering
chattering like the frosty duels of rutting
 November bucks
filling me up, burning hot
like a drill from dentists' days

skewered and chewed
caught and crushed
a mor...

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TeethfeardentistryI can't feel a fucking thing

Westway's dark

When day falls down

be mine

for the night

passes by.

You choose which

way we run

I can't choose more than one.

You got no sleep but I found my belief,

I found my belief.


The Westway's dark.


Please stay, don't fade away

Save us,

lone stars.

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londonlonenotting hillstarsWestayxmas

“Glastonbury Fayre”

- performance piece -


The driver of a leather upholstered

Hillman Hunter drop head saloon

Reeking of Capstan full strength

And Lifebuoy soap

Dropped me off outside Devizes.


I prised open a door

To get out of the rain

Unrolling my doss bag

On a scout hut floor.


I crept out early

While the village slept

Washing down a Kendal Mint Cake bar

With a ...

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Also by Rick Gammon:

“The Orkney Spring of Bradley Driver - Easter 1995” | "Dingle Bound Epiphany June 1990" |


(It is my ambition to write the greatest Christmas song ever. Not sure this would have made Christmas No 1 even if I had written it in time)


You all know Santa Claus

The saint each child adores

He brings the good ones gifts, does Pere Noel;

But I’m his kith and kin

I punish kids that sin;

I’m Krampus and I harvest souls for Hell.


And unlike brother Nick

Well, I br...

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Also by John Coopey:


A better place

Close your eyes and create a better world 
where wars and hate are but stories to be told
A place called home where we all  belong
where no man is better and no man is wrong

close your eyes and picture this, 
the perfect place for you and me
A place beaneath which rivers flow
A place of peace, a place of love

 close your eyes and visualise
The prefect place to spend a life
If you do ...

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the people i see are not the one i want to see,

the things they use are not the one i want them to use,

they are not my friend ,

they are not my enemy,

they are one of my creation,

as i have done many.

they created phones,

they created megaphones,

still not hearing my voice,

let it be there choice,

now i am not happy

now i am not sad ,

now i am angry


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George Michael - R.I.P.

Wake me up before you go go to club tropicana

Bad boys and young guns go for it and wham rap together

Everything she wants baby I'm your man

Do it right at the edge of heaven in club fantastic forever

I heard the sad news late on Christmas evening

That George Michael had peacefully passed away

He burst onto the music scene with energy and wham

His creative legacy will last for...

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Also by Tom Doolan:

Christmas Rhyme |

Bye Bye Santa

On behalf of a grown up child.

To my Santa with love,

Thank you Santa for all the gifts

You gave me till today

As I have grown my wishes have changed

I seek from you desperately some wishes Devine,

Peace in the world and hope for mankind,

A love filled life with my mom and dad,

And all my friends in the world,

Grant us power and good sense,

To forgive our friends and ...

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Also by Mrs Sharma:

Love | New Born | Sunset |

Love me this way, if you love me too

Often have seen you stuck
Amid being smart and schmuck
Here’s my answer to how should you?
Love me this way, if you love me too

Wake up with me at the dawn-break
Yawn, smile and kiss my forehead
Wish a good morning before I do
Love me this way, if you love me too

Avoiding me is a gross mistake
In a quick second, respond me back
At least twice a day, say “I miss you”
Love me this way...

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Also by Juhi Gupte:

December |



I can only think of your gentle

lips, I can only picture your

delicate touch, I can only

remember within myself

the words, those words

you never spoke.

Because time is too small for

us caught in the wrong

corners of it, at the start

and the ending, but never the


Because yesterday was the right

time for today for the

kiss that I gave to the



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Random Hero

The only person who can save me

is me

A Random Hero wont set me free

Violets are blue

Its time for you to save you

Mentalities can't fly

Yours wont admit defeat

Not that I ever wanted you to lose

But, my grasp is still so weak


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Also by FramedBrain:

My moon |



The year is almost over,

Our birds have got the flu,

Our pounds are losing value,

And the trains are overdue,

We held a referendum,

We all had loads to say,

The outcome unexpected,

As it gave us Mrs May,


The NHS is creaking,

Farage is friends with Trump

The English voted Brexit

So the Scots have got the hump

The Doctors started striking

The postal worker...

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Also by Mrs Claire Baldry:

Epiphany | I Rhyme |


I suited up

Camouflage, boots, armor, and ammunition 

I went in

A heart on my sleeve, hoping it would go unseen

Camouflaged behind the wall that was built on the battlefield 

Boots laced up ready to flee anything that tried to overcome me 

Armor in place to deflect harm

Ammunition locked and ready for retalltion 

Yet this battlefield I was not prepared for

It was like no...

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Also by Morgan Lovely:

Dreaming |

The Light

The light inside me shining,
Butterflies are flying.
My nerves are at their peak,
The thought makes me weak.

Like climbing a mountain,
The reward will feel so great.
The aches and pains keep shouting,
"Turn back," but it's too late.

All the pain is worth it.
At the top is where you see,
The beauty of the mountain
and all it's scenery.

Nature is amazing,
A type of therapy.

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Also by SarahAnneD:

Love Yourself |



The night 
has some secrets.

It is still burning 
in spite of 
its deep burns.

It shows 
it has received

It confuses us
with some

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Also by Daipayan Nair:



Hip Hop Evolution

In the summer of 2015, Swedish music streaming service Spotify created a live musical map of the world that analyzed listening trends for over 1000 different cities around the globe, yet, whether you're focused on figuring out which rising young rapper is next to blow or pining for the golden age of beats and rhymes, the story of how hip-hop evolved from soundtracking New York block parties to bec...

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Also by Ebonaya Smallwood:

Are Brandy and Monica Feuding (Like It's 1998)? A History of Their Drama | Kayne West- Heartless |

Silent Tick Tock

The clock has stopped 
I let it and it dropped 
The time doesn't change 
Its mind is now made 

As I watch the clock 
It's silent tick tock 
Brings me peace of mind 
That we're one of a kind
This clock and I 
Were born to die 
And along the way 
We stopped a day 

It was only a day 
But why?  You say?
Because the clock has stopped 
Because I let it and it dropped

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Also by Wonderer:

Long time friends | Vanity | Perspective | Black and White | New baby |


My mind can wander to dangerous places...

Places where uncertainty is the only thing that is, well, certain

How nice it must be not to worry

The trembling fear of what’s coming next has consumed me

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Also by ~just me~:

Undercover | Underwater |

Divine Fruit

The one who created the world with his two hands knowing the knowledge of the tree of life,

Planted with his own seeds dug deep in the garden of Eden.

Did the almighty become a lonely man a lonely soul all on his own,

whilst he spent his last few days with Adam in his garden of the tree of Knowledge,

constantly telling him you may eat any tree here Just make sure you don’t eat from the...

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Tap, Tap, tapping My Way

I’m caught up in the fog

I’ve got my hands out

Feeling my way like a blind man in a haze

Tap, tap, tapping my way along,

Through life.


I don’t really know what I’m looking for

But I keep searching

I’m like a blind man fumbling in the dark

And I sometimes think I need an instruction book

So I can be flick, flick, flicking,

Through life.


There are times; I ...

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Lady on a Tram

one evening almost Christmas

ten-o'clock cold and windy

from city centre to suburbs

crowded tram close and steamy

floods of patrons from the theatres,

concerts, cinemas, restaurants, shopping malls

a buzz of chat about performances

food and wine, purchases and prices


I had to stand, anchoring myself on a bum pad.

At the next stop a black lady boarded

lugging ...

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The Doppler Effexit




Where Target = Majority


Chancy Referendum  =   Ferocity of Fear + Gnashionalism                                                                           Disinformation + Deceit                               




Where Strategy = 0


[Taking back our] borrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...

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Also by Laura Taylor:

No One Called You Gordon | Kaleidoscope |

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