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every morning,
a parade of perfect lives,
smiles meticulously adjusted,
breakfast that looks more like a work of art,
but deep down,
it's just granola and a desperate hunt for likes.

people transform into characters,
each post a script,
each photo a scene,
life in shining squares
where reality dissolves like sugar in water.

hashtags dance on the screen,
like confetti at a birthday ...

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I Am Nobody!

I am nobody

When my career is gone

I am nobody

When my money is gone

I am nobody

When my name is gone

I am nobody

When my body is gone

I am nobody!

I am no body?!

I am a nobody who puts some glitter on

I am a no body who I call Myself

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To suffer

Ah, to suffer,
is not just an invisible burden
that we drag through the streets of life.
It is the mark, the scar,
of existence that shapes us.

To suffer is the pain
that teaches us to see the world
with weary eyes,
where reality is not a straight line
but a labyrinth of thorns and hopes.

In the deep silence of the night,
where the moon whispers secrets of pain,
we find the echo of...

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We are Human

That’s what makes us human,

that we tell our stories;

we tell not just theirs,

not those of the powerful,

but those of the women

and those of the men,

who all but survive,

in our stinking back-alleys;

so out I now venture,

I, who have been sheltered,

who am warm and well-fed,

to collect from the shop

poems written by many,

for you and for you,

for the muc...

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Echoes beneath the Shadow of Faith

The cooing of the dove grows fierce
Upon hearing that its land is no longer safe
Many have died without a trace
Many hearts have turned to ashes

The wind speaks to the dove,
"Do you not know, there is something that can wound without a cut?"
"Do you not know, there is something that can set hearts ablaze?"
"It has no form, yet it feels sharp.”
"It has no form, yet hearts struck by it fee...

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faithhumanlifemonument of lifepeace


We’ll drink a drink a drink,

To an empire pink so pink,

The saviours of the human race.

The truth we speak is ever so profound,

We speak the truth in every case.

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You’re right

3 years ago, I viewed frogs as aliens

Now I wonder whether they’re angels

Months ago, I hated the sound of songbirds

Now I write their songs

I tweet along

Everything I did, I did do

It still was

Even if it no longer is

Whatever I am

I still am what I was

Even if I no longer am

You’re right

I was right and now I’m left

But the person I was hasn...

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Love: The Truth

Real love is life threatening 

It’s not serene, sweet, dream love

It’s not romantic, rainbow love


True love is torture 

Gut wrenching pain

Hands and knees, love 

Need it to breathe, love 

It’s enough to put you away, love 

But never pull you away, love 

It’s masochistically addictive 

It titillates and irritates

Possesses every bit 

Until you have a fit


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lovefalsetruthfalse truthendbreak uprelationshipin loveromancerealrawemotionpaintraumaintensetorturerecoverlifelongstrugglestronghumanpartnerlove poemhurtchallenges

Can we just be?

I'm not looking for a tough guy
So no need for you to act real hard.
Ain't looking for your cold cash either
So forget about the white lie.

I'm looking for some tight hugs, 
A heart to nurture and a 
Love that heals and grows. 
I want to let loose and feel free to
trust in love and just be. 

Sounds quite easy when you say it out loud
But society promotes ego all year round. 
Love is...

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Florida in April..

I've seen my fair share of cynical "makes no sense" and it's made no sense.. 


Rivers of tears afraid to test a current/affairs between men and women, unhappy that it turned out exactly like they said it would/you or wouldn't you? 


I would. 


But that's only because I like bloody knuckles and bent knees.. I'm a pray for you/and yours. Traded. For them and theirs/where you end...

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Nobody knows me,

Not even myself

I meet people everyday

I talk , I laugh , I smile

Others say that I lie.


I’m complicated, orphic

 hard to understand

Just like the way we don’t know                                                                                                                      what happens in between the oceans.                         


I’m an...

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To Try Is Human, To Strive, Divine

Sweet summer sunshine

And her warm embrace,

Her radiance, as pale as egg-whites,

Veils her face. 


She shies away from you and I 

Behind the soufflé of clouds, 

Mighty and high,

Far, far away from the mortal crowd. 


Or perhaps she's afraid 

Of the power we hold

To birth, sunder and devastate

Those shaped from the same dough. 


Fragile feeble fingers...

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I Am Whatever You Want Me To Be

I sliced the sun into two

And looted shimmering bars of gold

Which lined her womb, 

Her beloved broods I stole. 


I plucked the sturdiest mountains, 

The choicest adornments on the face of the globe. 

All it took were my hands, raw and unrestrained, 

Their maimed rubbles now abuse those they adore.


I remember the sea that like Moses I parted

And the ocean floor ...

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devilevilfateGodhopehumaninaturePandora's BoxPoetry

A Part

My bed is still warm

When the next body rolls in

But I'm not

I'm numb


Your body

- Or his -

- Or hers -

Envelopes mine

And I can breathe


I am consumed

I am part of you,

Of someone that lives

That moves

That loves

I am

I was

I will be

Because I'm not apart

Just a part

Of something

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aparta partpersonhumanconnectedbecomingnumbsexcopingcoping mechanismdetachedremoveddepersonalizationconnectionphysicalintimateusingaddictiondepression

The Human Effect

The last butterfly

flutters its wings,

drives the waves

on the other side

of a distant ocean,

then, deletes itself

from the existence

it fleetingly owns.


We watch until

the sun disappears

over the horizon,

and the butterfly dies.

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The choice 

Translation of my Arabic Poem (“The Choice”) 

Who, in the World, chooses his birth? 
Who chooses his family and children? 
Who chooses his fate and country? 
Who chooses the time to go to heaven? 

But it is possible to choose our day 
To sincerely care about family and work 
This will be the first right step to our future 
To achieve our goals while we're alive 

Your name and countr...

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Humans: the race that plagues the Earth

You see the USA and UK
Having pride for our race
When really, we are a disgrace
But the truth always is the hardest thing to face

We hurt the world that gave us life
Proving our greed has no price
We are a plague upon the earth
Taking it for all that it is worth
Money comes before conservation
Because nothing is worth it, without gaining a sum
Disguising our greed as caring for what's ...

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Humanshumanraceplagueconservationcharitypollutiondestroying the planetdestructionearth


Tell me I'm broken

Tell me that it's too late to glue all the pieces back together

Like a shit mosaic we made when there was nothing better to do

My body is a vinyl that no one's played in years

Scratched and distorted but the music is still the same just heard by different ears

If my body is a temple in which my mind is the God of it's intention

Then I must surely be an athiest 


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I’m gonna be so pretty for you,

She says

As one layer falls off and tumbles to the ground -

Hugging your feet

Like a lash of waves.

I’m gonna be so pretty for you,

Let me be pretty for you,

I will be the prettiest I’ve ever been,

She says

As one layer of flesh peels off, along with her clothes.

One layer of soft lips melts from her features -

Layers and layers till...

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Humans & Poets

We are human 
And poets 
Humans make mistakes 
Poets own their faux pas
Endearingly on paper
Making us a uniquely
Fucked up bunch of individuals 

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something i must hide

Breasts are something to be ashamed of, something to hide,
Yet something that a kid will suck on just to stay alive!
Something everyone once depended on once in their life
Yet something evil, something I must hide
A man's nipples are useless and yet just fine
The woman's are lewd tho to a hungry baby divine

To wear one layer of clothing!
A sin God forbid despite the sweltering heat
The s...

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Let there be love!

There once was a man that said
he"d loved all his children no matter what.
And if that's so and if we choose to believe it
then why can't we accept they way others love
if he can?

Because quite frankly
everyone deserve to be loved.
And when being loved or loving one
it shouldn't matter about the fact
that a guy likes another guy
or the fact that a women
likes another women
because lo...

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lovelove is lovegod loves allgodrespectstop the bullyinghuman

In Your Skin

It’s a funny place here, in your skin. Why do you keep it
So very pale? Like a sail left out in the sun
For too long and then flown at the turning of tides,
Though it glides across all of the seas
Its beauty is gone.

Such a strange place here, in your skin.
Like an ivory sheet thrown
Over sharp bones, pale tones and fingers
Pointing blame at passers by of unknown crimes
In ...

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I ask how soon I will become nothing. When my sentiments tear me apart and bounce around my head like cannon balls from a faded war. I want to know so much more than what I’ve learnt in my forty years on this screwed up world, yes people do matter. If they didn’t, there would be no humanity, would there.


I want to go to Auschwitz and see where a millio...

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