The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 5 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Flyntland on OPAQUE
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David RL Moore on Multiple Choice
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R A Porter on OPAQUE
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David RL Moore on A lull in the fighting
11 hours ago

Beautiful and Cursed

It was no longer the body I saw
It was the emptiness of its lines
the silence that stretched like an endless night
a night in which beauty is lost
what is cursed
as if beauty were a lie
and the curse, perhaps, a form of love

I saw their gaze, the beautiful and the cursed
not with my eyes, but with absence
Because who feels sees through what’s unsaid
through what dissolves in the words ...

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Raw eggs

I tried beautiful,

I tried pristine,

I was no good at it

I’m not neat within

I’m not “clean”

Even externally, I cannot master

Clearing every bit of clutter

I’m raw, like an egg

It’s not pretty to have a cracked head

But if I don’t

I’m practically dead

As inanimate and detached as my wooden bed

To be raw is




But it’s rich with fee...

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raw eggsmesscleansoulconnectintrinsicworldfreefreedomuniverseviewperspectiveexistentialgroundedcentredconsciousnessrawlifelivecontrolledwildsensory overloadpainfulemotionembracerealtruth

Practical Woman



“To do or not to do”, her daily instruction 
I should always obey, to avoid reaction 
She believes I'll remain in a weak construction 
Wants to be retained in her falling section 


Eyes, ears and tongue, three sources to act 
Depending on brain, to judge it in the heart 
She is herself leader, no love in her chart 
“Practical in reality”, She said. This is a fact 



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You would think that I would have a handle on this Based as I am in no space, with no story but the road But those who let loose in raves surrounded for miles By pavements, they think that they can achieve That state, there, in Clubs in the basements of high-rises. Maybe they know more about this than the lion in the zoo. These faces come and go, family is far flung across The...

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Wild fire

Captivity is a cruel mistress for a wild heart

To tame the beast destroys her 

Let her be fierce and teach you her knowledge of nature 

Let the freedom of her naked soul wash over you 

Dance with her by the moonlight and bask in her unbridled joy

For no one can own this beautiful creature

So savor the moments she shares 

Enjoy the lessons of this licentious being and always sa...

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wildfree spiritstrong women

First, divide...

Weeds snake through the cracks

cramped stilled leaves beside

clot a crusted creek.


The silt turns past a corner

reflected in a straining noon.

Branches overhanging wilt

as in idle hours the flock come

scrutinise the work made waste,

and retrieve far flung

logs and stones, whittled fare

for time now dried.


And the passenger that crushed

dried leaf in ha...

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Wild Wolves















Wild Wolves,

I heard you howl

at the moon.

I believe it was

sometimes in June.


Wild Wolves,

You sounded lonely

You sounded sad.

Was I scared?

No I was mad.



Wild Wolves,

You are being

hunted, exterminated.


Wild Wolves,

why are you

so very hated?




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In the Wild

In the wild, the bonsai is an amazing sight and a moving lesson from nature. It depicts the wonder of a resilient soul.


A fond gaze
rests upon hope
A testament

of pliant supplication
stunted and weathered

each scar a witness
to fate's coarseness
its scourge did not prevail

A bent torso
flowing in the breeze
over sheer drops and crags

the dour migh...

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