The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 8 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Looking from the other side of the mirror,

Seeing through dirty glasses,

There is something not real about this moment

Like looking at a reflection of a reflection of a reflection….

Something just undefinable,

A gap between my here,

And their here.

My now,

And their now.

So fine as to be invisible but so wide

That one is unaware of the other.

I’m existing in their ...

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detachedsubtle psychosis

A Part

My bed is still warm

When the next body rolls in

But I'm not

I'm numb


Your body

- Or his -

- Or hers -

Envelopes mine

And I can breathe


I am consumed

I am part of you,

Of someone that lives

That moves

That loves

I am

I was

I will be

Because I'm not apart

Just a part

Of something

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aparta partpersonhumanconnectedbecomingnumbsexcopingcoping mechanismdetachedremoveddepersonalizationconnectionphysicalintimateusingaddictiondepression


If his mind was always in a daydream, 
In his eyes - the awakening of a new fear, 
And his feet - with no direction to turn. 

How do his eyes see anything - 
But his darkening soul within? 
How do his hands reach out, 
With nothing to grasp? 

It's a lonely road, 
For a soul without purpose. 
And it's about to crumble, 
Under weightless pressure.

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