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torture (Remove filter)

Chains of Capture

Chains of Capture

Deepest darkest nightmares
But only if you knew
The lengths that I have taken
To hide away the truth
The scars are slowly fading
But the pain runs deep inside
Some say that I'm outspoken
But they don’t see the things I hide
The questions left unanswered
Constantly running through my head
The ‘what if’s’ again resurfaced
That I’d thought I’d put to bed
My demons is ...

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Love: The Truth

Real love is life threatening 

It’s not serene, sweet, dream love

It’s not romantic, rainbow love


True love is torture 

Gut wrenching pain

Hands and knees, love 

Need it to breathe, love 

It’s enough to put you away, love 

But never pull you away, love 

It’s masochistically addictive 

It titillates and irritates

Possesses every bit 

Until you have a fit


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lovefalsetruthfalse truthendbreak uprelationshipin loveromancerealrawemotionpaintraumaintensetorturerecoverlifelongstrugglestronghumanpartnerlove poemhurtchallenges

Tortured Metaphor

The idea for this poem was to have Metaphor itself tied to a chair and tortured with bad writing. I have a feeling the bad writing comes through, but the meta-metaphor and overall conceit for the poem may be lost. But I guess writing is, in a sense, experimental, even if it isn't falsifiable. So, whatever, here is the poem.

Tortured Metaphor


Every rendition begins with shackles,

And ...

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bad writingmetaphorpoemtorture

Muddle Puddle

Eyes and lips
blossom from your carved face,
sugar skull, sherbert fizz.
To Mr, from Mz,
we really wanted to fuck this.
Turned my brain insane,
my tongue inside

Caught in fog,
in haze, like cloudy lemonade;
a gaze, let's misbehave.
I won't make it.
Too intense:
this forever pretence,
can't do more pretend.


Take a hot hit,
bit by bit,
I got...

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SOS Abort

I liar, that’s what I am

I roll my dice from in my hand

I sit upon my throne

Forged from pain

broken promises, pretty lies

They’re all the same

traction, I’m unable to gain

I’m slowly slipping into my old ways

I was getting better

Now it’s worse

Every Name I hear, I curse

But hers’

I cannot do that

she is perfect

she is sweet

I lay my life at her feet


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not seriousjokesfundepressiontorturesoon to be deletedlovekindnesshatelies

Mr Twee

Warfare rages, blood pressure races, worry lines etch into our faces

Predictability always soothes

So we turn our glaikit eyes to you

A saviour decked in red, white and blue

Be our hero, Mr Twee.


Crashing chords in minor keys

Experimental creativity

Please god - spare us all of these!

For our stilted minds cannot compute

Unfamiliar jarring tunes

Blandness is the ...

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musicpopblandSimon CowellToryToriesbloodshotsepiawarfareknighthoodtortureconventionpredictablesuntantroubledinvention

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