The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 13 hours. Get details and Enter.

A Part

My bed is still warm

When the next body rolls in

But I'm not

I'm numb


Your body

- Or his -

- Or hers -

Envelopes mine

And I can breathe


I am consumed

I am part of you,

Of someone that lives

That moves

That loves

I am

I was

I will be

Because I'm not apart

Just a part

Of something


aparta partpersonhumanconnectedbecomingnumbsexcopingcoping mechanismdetachedremoveddepersonalizationconnectionphysicalintimateusingaddictiondepression

◄ Outside of Herself

Afraid Of the Dark ►


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Graham Sherwood

Tue 17th Dec 2019 09:54

My ‘as ever etc’ comment was clumsily put. It was meant as ‘as usual a very interesting and thought provoking piece’. Sorry for confusion.

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Alexandra Parapadakis

Tue 17th Dec 2019 02:29

Thank you, Martin!

It shouldn't worry you, Graham. Please refer to my initial response on my previous poem (Outside of Herself). And yes, poems can develop many more meanings than the one the writer intended because every reader offers a new perspective. ?

Thanks for your comment, Po.

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Graham Sherwood

Mon 16th Dec 2019 23:01

For me, the way you have structured this makes it a difficult read.
Once again I can read along several pathways without knowing if I'm on the right one.
The tags worry me too! As ever etc, etc.

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Martin Elder

Mon 16th Dec 2019 22:10

A wonderful piece of writing that doesn't seek to explain itself

Love it

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