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Ms. Hush Hush

Hush hush

She started it,

With her forefinger placed as a guard in front of her lips.

She forbids my laughter from unraveling,

Commanding me to remain focused.

She tells me about ghosts,

She wants to catch one,

Hoping to have a friend among them.


Hush hush

She starts to speak again,

Still with her forefinger guarding her lips

A sign to forbid me from laughing


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When That Little Boy Is in His Solitude

The little boy has cloudy eyes, yet no tears ever fall. 

The little boy often hides his voice behind a faint smile. 


The little boy grew into an adventurer, 

Singing along with the howling storm, 

Fighting the thunder that echoed across the sky, 

Confronting the sun that burned the horizon. 

The little boy has bones of steel. 

The little boy could be anything those...

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fatherparentsfamilyloveunconditional lovesolitude

From Your Little Moon “Dear Mom..”

Dear Mom... 

Every morning, the warm scent of rice from the cooker stirs me awake, 

The rhythmic echo of your footsteps, back and forth,

Followed by the sound of boiling water pouring over coffee in a cup,

Truly, it becomes a harmony I always long for, 

And, a melody I always wish to hear,

It is etched clearly in my mind.


Dear Mom... 

Your voice through the phone...

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motherfamilyloveunconditional lovepure love

The Last Carriage

I sit on the waiting seat on the station

Not alone

Many friends are waiting as well

We share the same destination


Not long after, the train arrives

I look at my ticket,

"Ah, not my train," I say

Some friends board

They wave their hands

We exchange smiles

I'm left with the unfinished puzzle in my hand


Not long after, another train arrives

I look at my t...

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lifejourneyfarewellhuman journeySelf-discoveryselfrelationshipslife storylovelost reality

I Am Nobody!

I am nobody

When my career is gone

I am nobody

When my money is gone

I am nobody

When my name is gone

I am nobody

When my body is gone

I am nobody!

I am no body?!

I am a nobody who puts some glitter on

I am a no body who I call Myself

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The Old Man Reciting His Title

I am the Old Man 

My age? 

Ah, does that still matter? 

My title is called decrepit, or so they say

A title that wraps around my wrinkles 

A title that wraps around my blurred eyes 

A title that wraps around my dimming ears

Some say I have no strength, 

but isn’t my age my strength? 

Some say I have no power, 

but isn’t my age my power? 

Ah, does that sti...

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livegrowing olderOld Soulshumans

Echoes beneath the Shadow of Faith

The cooing of the dove grows fierce
Upon hearing that its land is no longer safe
Many have died without a trace
Many hearts have turned to ashes

The wind speaks to the dove,
"Do you not know, there is something that can wound without a cut?"
"Do you not know, there is something that can set hearts ablaze?"
"It has no form, yet it feels sharp.”
"It has no form, yet hearts struck by it fee...

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faithhumanlifemonument of lifepeace

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