The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

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history in the making

a wise history is a wise,
decision in the making
a wise decision is a wise,
point of decision
in the making is in the making, 
of a wise sense
history is a sense of history

a galaxy is a decision in the making
a galaxy is history in the making
a wise sense is a wise sense of history
a galaxy is a wise sense of history
history is a fact of history
history is a wise fact
a wise fact i...

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Covid Mary

Covid Mary


This world is made of razorblades and bile

Where every step is dangerous to tread

Bloody footprints stretch out mile after mile

Leading to the bone mansions of the dead

They chew on rotting meat and bitter wine

And breath the fetid air of charnel house

The graveyards filled with beggars is a sign

Of every corrupt moral they espouse

In darkened rooms they ...

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Shakespearean Sonettyphoid mary analogycovid-19asymptomatic carrierconfusionlockdowndecisionsuper-spreader

Time To Decide Patsy

Time To Decide Patsy


I’m sat amongst the boxes

In my nest not in a tree

The November sun is dazzling

It’s nineteen sixty three

In the land of the brave

In the land of the free

I’m learning how to kill

In the book depository

I look down the barrel

To see what I can see

A woman dressed  in pink

Her hand is on his knee

I squint at his head

It’s just him ...

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assasinationday 2decisionjfklee harvey oswaldNaPoWriMo 2019end on a question

The choice 

Translation of my Arabic Poem (“The Choice”) 

Who, in the World, chooses his birth? 
Who chooses his family and children? 
Who chooses his fate and country? 
Who chooses the time to go to heaven? 

But it is possible to choose our day 
To sincerely care about family and work 
This will be the first right step to our future 
To achieve our goals while we're alive 

Your name and countr...

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