snow (Remove filter)
Ode to Percy…(a cats best friend)
Watching the leaves fall
Standing so tall
Waiting at the window
I still wonder
It wasn't long ago
I can still see us
Haunting shadows in the dusk
Running, fighting, climbing
Making footprints in the snow
Your furry figure lingers at the edges of my mind
Gone but not forgotten
Your smile runs to hide
Sunny days fade away
As your ghost lies still
...Wednesday 24th January 2024 9:57 am
Snow Day
The lowest point found me
shivering in a filthy kitchen
The second day of January
I'd walked away from my old life
a lover, a home, a decade of meaning
all stripped and left upstream
The blue mind and splintered heart
of a thousand Christmas drinks
conspired behind my leaky eyes
No friends around, no work in front of me
The year loomed huge and empty
a vast and frozen lake of days
Monday 17th July 2023 5:17 pm
new snow willl fall
new snow will fall
I saw a few geese flying south
the days will turn colder soon
the warm days will be remembered
as the new flakes start to fall
but there are new beauties to behold
Monday 12th September 2022 8:09 pm
the long winter is almost past
the long winter is almost past
the long winter is almost past
the sun has started to travel back north
trying to get through checkpoints
on its way from southern countries
the snow that was beautiful
when it fell weeks ago
is now slick ice, not pretty
and is dangerous
the full moon shone bright
the last few nights, giving
extra beauty to the ni...
Friday 18th February 2022 9:40 pm
the tattered old man on Christmas Eve
the tattered old man on Christmas Eve
snow was falling hard
as the old man struggled
through the deep drifts
on the country road
light shone from a
a farmhouse window
the old man smiled seeing the glow
it was a candle
the widowed mother had placed there
nightly since last Christmas Eve
a year ago
a man was found
frozen along this s...
Tuesday 14th December 2021 5:22 pm
waiting for the first snowflakes
waiting for the first snowflakes
red, yellow, and orange
have long since gone
grass has turned brown
frost has covered the land
afternoon sun is low
in the southern sky
geese have flown
in the blue heavens
south for winter food
squirrels gathered
nuts and stored
them in their nest high in the trees
next-door nei...
Tuesday 7th December 2021 9:53 pm
a walk at robert frosts old farm
a walk at Robert Frost’ old farm
heavy snow was falling
as I walked the New Hampshire
woods of Robert Frost’ old farm
I had been here before
in the fall when
the leaves were splashes
of color hanging on the branches
now the leaves were gone
the snow was resting
where the leaves had been
in the distance I
caught a glimpse of movement
...Friday 3rd December 2021 7:58 pm
It's cold outside, there he is.
Standing in the snow with the letter from his father.
Just found out it was his last letter from his father, regretting for that silly fight about christmasday.
Realizing that is was his last christmas.
Walking between those fast cars thinking and thinking.
What if I stop?
Is it all worth it?
Was it all worth it?
What should I do?
There he was, looking ...
Wednesday 10th November 2021 4:40 pm
woods filled with snow
woods filled with snow
I walked through woods
as they filled with snow
a winters walk to fill my lungs
with cold december chill
I came to a small rise
one that I did not know
where did this hill come from
how was I unaware
I looked for familiar sightings
but found none
nothing seemed identifiable
I walked to the edge of the hill
and p...
Friday 5th March 2021 8:36 pm
Carol's a novice bell-ringer
campanology is her forte
she pulls my bell with gusto
at night especially naughty
she couldn't leave me alone
never enjoyed a silent night
my bell was at her mercy, a
fast Treble Bob her's by right
in the bell-tower she excelled
Christmas peals lit the snow
triples at the end of her rope
enough to lay a reverend low
Saturday 26th December 2020 10:40 am
far end of the graveyard
cant find it for tall weeds
but why did I come here?
thorn pricks, leg bleeds
this grass needs cutting
Billy always was a liar
there's daffodils dead
more blood from a briar
should have put on a coat
hurt me when he strayed
its starting to snow again
not only me he betrayed
trips on a trailing bramble
marble knocks her ...
Wednesday 9th December 2020 10:31 am
Add to cart
I stepped outside and the sound of my feet made me nervous as I slowly walked along a neverending thick white floor.
The snow clung to my boots as if to find some warmth or maybe a hug.
Within minutes my hands were stiffened by the icy air that felt strong enough to slice through my stone cold fingers.
I should have wore gloves, I said to myself as I made 2 fists and buried them deep insi...
Saturday 5th December 2020 10:30 pm
hanging there its waiting
each and every little part
dangling just on the edge
the avalanche in my heart
snow melted has frozen,
stones skitter on a rink,
quick to rip and tumble
before I can even think
waiting at a precipice
crawling ever nearer
my fate in your hands
kismet never clearer
further descent of snow
dead weight on icy rock
I can...
Wednesday 18th November 2020 10:51 am
A Christmas Cat
Cool cat sat on the cold snow.
Coal black cat, Cheshire Cat grin,
Looking up to see within.
White flakes floating down, carpeting, covering all around.
Snow can cover such a multitude of sins.
Cool cat sat on the white mat,
Softly he began to hum a song.
He though of his lost love long gone
Over the seas to nonsense land.
There no snow but always winter,
...Friday 6th December 2019 7:41 pm
The Last Rose
On a snowy day,
In a dimly lit street,
An ailing girl, utterly dismayed
Perches under the canopy of an enormous tree.
Looking heavenward,
Her eyes well up a little.
Perhaps she’s waiting for a special someone,
But all that comes to her are snowflakes, frosty and brittle.
She tears the icy veneer of the earth
With her gloved fingers.
And buries a white rose b...
Wednesday 24th April 2019 6:39 pm
Snow Fields
The soft blown snow that fell five days ago
Crisp frozen now by these five frosty nights
Still blankets all the fields and moors to show
Where pheasant clattered off on noisy flights
While footfall of the lesser birds is scribed
Less deep; and here a small bank vole has run;
There passed red fox and rabbit side by side
Though time kept them apart and saved the one
At the wo...
Tuesday 5th February 2019 9:53 am
One Last Frozen Tear
"Heavy Snow in Wales": 30th January 2019
A sheet of pure white covers her face: that land I thought I knew
frozen beneath its covering, buried ever deeper in its icy tomb
the contours I know so well:
every dip and valley; hill and gully
smoothed by this mantling shroud that descended
as time slipped slowly away, locking us in its white eternity
One last frozen tear d...
Thursday 31st January 2019 3:00 pm
In the pale moonglow
In the pale moonglow when I awoke
somehow shadows seemed the darker
as mantling the land, that soft white cloak
of crystal shine leaves them starker
What cold mystic spell holds fast my hand
what eerie charm doth my fate seal
in darkling night whence daylight is banned
with what ice maid have I to kneel
As my eyes take in my ghost white bride
one last iced tear...
Wednesday 23rd January 2019 2:09 pm
The Ghost of Christmas Passed
Twas the night before Christmas
When starless darkness held the night
With howling wind and sleet;
All through the house was ne'er a light
Dark, and a door that creaked
And despite the fire, twas cold as snow
Only the low fire flicker
Could lend the room a ghostly glow
And light the undecked tree.
I crept towards the bottom stair
Mouse-still and watching
A creak, a...
Friday 14th December 2018 2:17 pm
First Snow
I’m disappointed and surprised
you turned the block and hit my eyes
ugh, the first snow in New York
it’s barely fall and now I’m cold
I wanted you gone so I wouldn’t fold
through the panic I bundle up
I’ve got to focus or we’ll be stuck
I can’t believe it’s fucking you
gliding towards me heart beats steadily
dangling hair, your own kind of weaponry
if you come any closer
soon we’ll ...
Sunday 18th November 2018 3:29 pm
Esgyrn Eira
The thick ice on the pond is dimpled on its face:
The same snow that coated the field
Had landed on the frozen pool to yield
To ice its fragile beauty and feather grace
As dents
Body gone, only the skeleton of the snow is left:
The same snow that covered all around
Has lost its substance to the earthy mound
But dull white bones still haunt Spring's heft
As wraiths
...Friday 23rd March 2018 10:32 am
Glancing from window
Into soft white snow wrapping
Signs of spring?
Long yellow catkins from twisted hazel
Where remains of distressed thoughts hung
Decaying yet diminishing as troubles often do
Frozen pond where jelly spawn from
Spent dead frogs was now protected
Ready to emerge as warmth re-appeared.
Tender plants pausing
Sunday 18th March 2018 4:54 pm
It falls from the sky
Beautiful as it lays on the ground
Kind of even
Sound proofs everything
Ice the snow
Sounds of sprinkles on a cake
Its white all around
It only comes during cold weather
Except it seems, like its here everyday
White like the world we live in
Its not a winter wonderland
It makes my soul cold
Frost bite I feel it coming on
I fight agains...
Sunday 18th February 2018 3:13 am
Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #12 {White Snow Flakes}
{Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #12} {White Snow Flakes}
The white
snow flakes
began to fall
down like
the coldest
pearched on
my doorstep
`n` through
the darkened
dark of ?
night's of the
meadows that
once was
glistening white
`n` the white
snow flakes
began to mix
into a black
convoy ech...
Saturday 9th December 2017 9:07 pm
Snow Day
Snow Day
One cannot simply ignore this
Superstitions do not normally get my attention
That is, until premonition fruition
Hindsight and all
Yet while the bayous have snow
Rain taps my window pain
I cannot ignore this sign
This message
I will not see snow this year,
Perhaps for many years to come
Snow is too pure to be touched by my tainted skin
Yet still I pray ...
Friday 8th December 2017 10:47 pm
Midday's sun lifts to touch the faint horizon,
a pale discus rolling slowly along,
then gone. The lonely writer, limned in crimson
at her window desk, her ego strong,
her spirits cold as the icy scene before her,
shakes her head, breathes deeply, turns blind
from winter as snow begins its feathery fall;
The heater roars its warmth like an angry hin...
Thursday 23rd February 2017 11:48 am
Snowy Night in the Early Spring
Snowy night in
The early spring—
Winter heavy upon
My memories—
I see your figure
Approaching in the dark,
A silhouette in the snow
Against the lantern lights.
Inside, the house is warm,
Though I stand below the lintel
Watching your approach and
Feeling the chilly breeze.
The sight of you
After the long season
Of longing separation
Brings a smile to my heart.
You hesitate in the ...
Sunday 15th January 2017 2:25 pm
Snow Flake
You come and you go
astressed with the trade winds
Tiny ghost dancer
flows to my head
clear and timed
tastes of sparkling ciders melt in my eye
attempting to leave no trace
I hold the proof of our a-cult
reforming love
vitalizing movements seize life
breath exits as I consumed you
as glass inherits my soul
timed and clear
breakable in an extraterrestrial se...
Wednesday 25th March 2015 2:30 am
the night outside
grows colder
he is sitting
listening to the shadows
move from room
to room
there are edges
along the corners
of the narrowing room
where the yellow
light of the lamp
does not touch
he is tracing
his memory
along the curve
of her wrist
the snow falls
in separate time
Tuesday 13th January 2015 6:26 pm
A wintry landscape
The snow falls in opaque lashings
Over the Welsh hillside
Muddy brown lambs bleat sadly in the dawn-stricken valley
As the wind blows powder down relentlessly.
Straddling the immaculate mountain pass,
A hawk flaps serenely overhead.
Among lonely grey hoof prints on the white ground,
Frozen grass barely twitches in the cool breeze.
As silence and darkness descend,
The time has come to depa...
Wednesday 7th January 2015 3:26 pm
Four Floors
Her face was peppered with white powder,
The prouder part of her slender frame
Lay still, a weary head on a pillow
By an open window four floors away.
Eyes of glass catch hazed reflections
From the direction of London lamps
Lighting themselves one by one,
But she does not smile at their amber gleam
Whilst the seams of her soul come undone.
Vague melt solidifies natures crime scene.
Thursday 23rd January 2014 12:02 pm
Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve
the snow fell
so hard and fast
that we thought
the earth had
turned white
and when
we stepped
into the flurry
the lining
of our noses
with the
sudden chill
and our fingers
to make it stop
to give them back
their warm blood
the smell
of cinnamon
and spice
on a draft
pulled from
the open door
for a second
the co...
Tuesday 17th December 2013 6:52 pm
CHRISTMAS SNOW - 2013 and beyond
A re-post (slightly altered)...inspired by- and dedicated to - all who cannot be at home for a precious time of the year but who are always there in heart and mind.
At home the Christmas snow is falling
I see it clear so far away
I hear the happy voices calling
See the children at their pla...
Sunday 1st December 2013 4:37 pm
A Scarecrow Dreams Of Leaving
A Scarecrow Dreams Of Leaving
A scarecrow in the wax moonlight
is snowed upon one winters night
and as the crystals, soft, alight
he dreams perhaps some day he might
take footsteps off into the bright
ice world. His skeletal delight
some hours later, fat and white
with snow-flesh - waiting for coal sight.
Friday 13th September 2013 5:23 pm
Lair Of The Snow Spider
Lair Of The Snow Spider
there are domains so deep
that no one will tread
so dark that they are blind
in these dank places
the air is still and
sound is soft and mute
into this darkness
snow falls
settling in the nooks
and crannies
dusting the branches
with its ice grasp
can you hear it
the soft sly scuttle
of a many l...
Tuesday 7th May 2013 10:43 pm
A Step Towards Winter
I look into the mirror’s depthless space
and note the wrinkles that, somehow have grown
into something I wish I didn’t own.
The knife of age has cut into my face.
The greys within my hair have moved apace
from where the bird of youth had lightly flown
to make a nest of life that it could own.
I wish it hadn’t sprinted in that race.
Friday 1st March 2013 3:08 pm
It troubled her how it had come to this –
she knew each detail, each action, each thought –
but still it troubled her.
As she fell to her knees, her woollen skirt became sodden
with freshly fallen snow.
Tears streamed down her cheeks as she wept
for her lost love, gone forever from this strife-torn world.
Soon she would do the ulti...
Monday 2nd April 2012 7:05 pm
Awake and watchful
Friday 10th February 2012 9:50 am
How many pilots died and old aircraft lost when they flew over jagged snowy peaks in the remotest corners of the world? Doing a dangerous job knowing the risks and trusting in fate and luck to bring the through. Some never made it, there planes impacting vertical mountain sides in sickening crashes. Bodies lost forever, frozen in the time of death. Icily cold and otherworldly ...
Sunday 29th January 2012 3:18 pm
Winter Kiss ( Competition)
Snowfalls bring me to madness,
I catch the snowflakes with my lips.
Snow! The fluffy and sparkling snow!
Its falls make beautiful all my trips.
I love the snowfalls very much
Though I am not eighteen!
Even at my age as such
Catching the snowflakes I am a teen.
What ever that I am not eighteen?
What ever that I am not so young?
The apples...
Thursday 5th January 2012 10:24 pm
Winter, Blinded
Woke to the
kiss of winter's ache and the
thud double dip and dance
of some kind of animal outside.
A fire burning somewhere.
To you, the blind lady,
winter was just a series
of sensations –
the scratch of a naked branch,
the rain (only colder).
The utter embrace of silence.
This was for a contest on deviantART in which contesta...
Friday 23rd December 2011 4:10 pm
Hello and welcome to my new poetry blog, some of you who know me may be surprised by my writing and those who don't know me at all I hope you enjoy it.
Quite an old one this but as this is my first entry I thought I would start as I mean to go on.
As the grey old man slips his niche
He discovers the heavenly pleasures of the world
Also he finds that dogs on ...
Monday 28th November 2011 6:56 pm
Out along a snow-flecked street,
Two giggling girls I chanced to meet;
In play that saw them free from care,
Their breath like smoke upon the air.
Face to face with hands locked fast
They jumped for joy as I walked past.
Bobbing to a silent rhyme,
Taking turns in perfect time.
I've said goodbye to sixty five,
But the youth within me came alive,
Monday 24th October 2011 3:26 pm
Snow at Solstice
We are snug blanketed under a layer, thick and soft
the wreck of the garden beautified by it
the rooves insulated
gate iron curlicued
thickened in outline
a stuttering blurred underlining
snow font.
Walking and feeling the tense squeak
unfamiliar gait to ache our thighs
we are un-gendered,
muffled, pillowed
crack of face, eyes skenning
comfort o...
Tuesday 21st December 2010 8:28 am
Early January Snow Blues
There is calmness
Like a Buddhist prayer
On the road
When it snows
And cars are afraid
To come down it.
There is softness
In the trees rustling
When the wind
Shakes it off
Which reminded me
Of my father
When he used
To shake off his boots
Before he stepped back inside
After gritting
The front path.
And as it gets so...
Monday 11th January 2010 1:57 pm
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