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Snow Day

Snow Day

One cannot simply ignore this

Superstitions do not normally get my attention

That is, until premonition fruition

Hindsight and all

Yet while the bayous have snow

Rain taps my window pain

I cannot ignore this sign

This message

I will not see snow this year,

Perhaps for many years to come

Snow is too pure to be touched by my tainted skin

Yet still I pray that one day

A snowflake will bless my cheek

And there you will be

Waiting for me in the snow



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Rick Varden

Fri 8th Dec 2017 23:12

Great piece, good job, well done Miranda.

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Fri 8th Dec 2017 22:58

Wow, I really love this piece, Miranda. It balances between very obscure imagery and a decisive plot that I'm a very big fan of.

Can't wait to read more!

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