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Low Level Raider

Low Level Raider

There flew the Nazi bomber low over a town

The front gunner shot at people he spotted

Short random bursts zipping out mostly missing

Bullets bouncing off roads houses walls

Some thudding into people quite lethally

Nobody shoots back this raider has surprise

And speed with daring to keep him safe

Plus eight guns to shoot if intercepted

The English fighter...

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low levelbomberwar planes

Widow Maker

Widow Maker

In the mid 80s my dad took me to a plane crash in North Wales

It was a B-26 Marauder that hit a mountain

We climbed up to the area nearby

I froze when I saw our last climb

Up a seemingly vertical dry waterfall

There was only a bit of metal at the bottom

The rest was hundreds of feet above 

We had to ascend a series of rock ledges

These were like steps and gav...

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Above Our City

Above Our City

Messerschmitt Me-410 night fighter formates behind his prey - a Lancaster bomber. Hunter and hunted in formation. Below the city glows and pulses like a live thing. Orange lighting up the ground clear as day. Bright yellow when incendiaries ignite or buildings collapse. White flashes when high explosive detonate. Our German kin are being murdered down there.

Above us is d...

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air warbombed citynight fighterbomberdeath





It troubled her how it had come to this –

she knew each detail, each action, each thought –

but still it troubled her.

As she fell to her knees, her woollen skirt became sodden

with freshly fallen snow.

Tears streamed down her cheeks as she wept

for her lost love, gone forever from this strife-torn world.

Soon she would do the ulti...

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