forest (Remove filter)
Today my friend buries her mother
Today my friend buries her mother in a coffin she has painted by hand. Today my friend's father tells her that she has taken on too much responsibility in the matter. She tells me he made her feel like she did not have a choice. Today I will get my hair cut. Today by mid day my friend will have buried her mother. My friend is only twenty four. Her daughter is two. I ask my friend how she has been ...
Tuesday 30th January 2024 8:45 am
Winters fingers
Sweat on the ground
Moist all around
Shivering was the witch
Until the mob surround her switch
The crimes untold
As the woman's wrath unfolds
While the flames ignite
to the crowds’ delight
Her screams echo fuelling the mobs hate
While masking their fate as her soul surrounds them
The forest of death has a witches’ breath
With eyes that see through...
Wednesday 24th January 2024 10:07 am
a cough as dead leaves drop
detached with soft faint sigh
last breath of lonely martyrs
murmur of breeze in the sky
gravity's heavier as we age
ancient oaks sad blue eyes
saplings thrust like a lance
a loving that knows no lies
do remember me, I'm here,
did you forget I found you?
like a lost fawn, dappled in
shadowed glades and dew
scoured every ...
Monday 2nd August 2021 10:18 am
eerie mystery
A droplet rolling down a leaf,
a ray of sunshine lighting the way,
rain clouds coating the sky in gray,
all of it beautiful beyond belief.
In the distance a drawn out howl,
the night gives all a nocturnal cowl,
hiding in the shadows,
a quiet danger grows,
waiting for an opportunity,
a made-up monstrosity.
Both begin in an eerie forest,
it all depends on t...
Monday 7th June 2021 10:25 pm
hinterlands intact,
forests not a hell,
grass not wheat,
soft cold rain fell
heavens doing what
open clear skies do,
pilgrims of sunlight,
days honestly new
no forever anymore,
now the foe is time,
some end's in sight,
verses don't rhyme
tarnished the sward,
ox-skulls bleaching,
toll paid for a blind,
low, over-reaching
truths die...
Monday 3rd May 2021 11:10 am
Lonesome Backwoods
In the lonesome backwoods behind our vintage house
We buried our souls deep just to have ghosts around.
But phantoms, they startle, howl, scream and weep
Way past their bedtimes because the night doesn’t seep
Into their cavities where they safeguard our souls,
Still glowering in caskets of gold.
And that’s what they’ll ever be-
Fossilized memories,
Vessels of love...
Friday 12th February 2021 11:12 am
Speak for the Trees
tears fall from the tips of leaves,
no longer heaving but finally at peace,
no longer a place for relief,
no longer bending to the constant breeze,
no longer kept afloat meandering rivers,
no longer subject to raging fires,
no longer a victim to defeat.
tides no longer pulling at the heart,
stars no longer hovering above,
no longer tormented to be part of the world
that casts...
Tuesday 10th November 2020 2:07 am
Forest Green
She's smart as a whip and shoots from the hip
She's calm in a crisis and clever
She's stronger than men and quick with a pen
She's wiser than Plato was ever
Forest Green. Forest Green, my sylvan lover
Take care not to get that one riled
She lives in the woods with all her goods
A creature of Nature, God's child
I was walking my dog on a day blunt with fog
When ...
Sunday 12th April 2020 2:38 pm
All I saw was trees
I longed to see a forest
So I crossed the seven seas
But when I finally got there
All I saw was trees
So I headed for the mountains
A range called Pyrenees
But when I got much nearer
All I saw was trees
And then somebody told me
The Amazon would please
And guess what bloody happened ?
Monday 21st January 2019 5:44 pm
The Forest Glade
I saw her stand
exposed and timid
nervous, shivering
in the leafy sun
a dappled beauty
suddenly shy
I saw him stand
proud and sure
brash, potent
in the cool shade
a young pretender
suddenly hesitant
I heard them come
angry and loud
fast, rushing
through the heat
the older lads
suddenly here
I saw his doubt
alone and fearful
...Friday 18th May 2018 2:51 pm
Water Street
This poem follows from my earlier work "Wet", set in the city of Cairns, Far North Queensland. Having reached the place, the next challenge is to figure out how to survive in the prevailing weather conditions: 100 percent humidity and massive daily rainfall. Air conditioning helps, somewhat.
Water Street
Summer was the waiting for the Wet:
On Water Street, old Queenslanders
Friday 1st December 2017 4:31 am
Beyond the Plastic Pole.
The landlord called this morning
Said that she could tell I just woke up. To call her back later.
The cold was different to me, this late morning
Hazy, paired with rain
Drizzled, Murky, Heavy air that swept through the knit of my hoodie.
The branches lay next to the garage in a consecutively non-organized fashion, taken back by hand a few times
To the old burning pile ...
Saturday 28th October 2017 4:50 pm
Sleeping in a Forest
Everyone deserves a dream or two.
Sleeping in a Forest
Light and fire and music
all dance within me
in this perfect, silent forest
as she welcomes me to her breast,
full with fallen seeds and crinkled leaves
for my head; my bed of ashen river stones,
murmured possums, and repose. Long I slept
while overhead the white-hot starfields
bent to their nightly arcs...
Monday 30th January 2017 9:16 am
Oh, England,
you green and pleasant land,
your beauty never ceases to instil
a calmness in my hands.
A sense of peace; contentment
within my wandering mind,
a fulfilling feast for longing eyes
that seem always looking behind.
The golden greens of your pastures
covering long and rolling hills,
the succulent scent of your flowers
tickling senses to smile at...
Sunday 2nd August 2015 7:04 pm
Gently caressed by the breath of the breeze,
branches sway atop tall lofty trees.
Restless leaves, to gnarled fingers, cling
wondering what freshness the new day will bring.
Hopping about on long leafy arms,
fluttering feathers displaying delicate charms.
Beautiful songbirds sing out their sweet melodies
in the grand performance of natures sweet harmony.
Bushy tailed...
Sunday 7th June 2015 10:17 am
Lair Of The Snow Spider
Lair Of The Snow Spider
there are domains so deep
that no one will tread
so dark that they are blind
in these dank places
the air is still and
sound is soft and mute
into this darkness
snow falls
settling in the nooks
and crannies
dusting the branches
with its ice grasp
can you hear it
the soft sly scuttle
of a many l...
Tuesday 7th May 2013 10:43 pm
Did You Hear Something?
if a tree falls and nobody is there should it make a recording
so that we all may hear it scream, tweet, so the birds that one day called it home
can carry word of it’s strident surrender?
maybe this tree is happy to fall and rest in quiet reflection
of it’s once verdant splendour, at peace with its latest role
as the newest crossing over the forest stream and
Monday 3rd September 2012 12:12 am
Nutty Squirrel
This squirrel is crunchy nuts
like Kellogs.
He's oats so crazy.
He makes Hammy look
placid, docile.
And with a cheeky smile
wrecks havoc on Hampshire.
It'll take more than a New Forest
to stop this rabid squirrel.
He subjugates snails
and bullies badgers.
Bonkers, he th...
Tuesday 7th June 2011 11:20 pm
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