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troubles (Remove filter)

Sharing your Problems

If you are feeling down or low or weak,
It often helps if you'll just speak.
So tell of all your problems and each trouble,
Otherwise you may find that they'll soon double.

So each niggling thought - you must now vent,
And don't rest until they've all been sent.
So be honest and do tell the truth.
As this is neither shameful nor uncouth.

Sharing problems shall get you on the road,

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Stuart VannerTroublesProblem.

Omagh, Ireland, 1998

The Vauxhall Cavalier

parked in the gap,

but gently ticked over,

while police shifted people

nearer the attack,

an unintended blunder.


You wonder

if the troubles are done,

but men hurrying back

across fields

to a waiting vehicle,

aren’t two lovers on the run.


Peace gone again,

another letdown.

An unearthly bang,

an eeriness,

a darknes...

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northern irelandtroublesomagh

Our Pain

Our pains - there are many kinds;
Some of body. Some of mind;
And so when we feel distressed
In many ways it is expressed.  

With body pains we scream or shout; 
And let people know what it's all about;
So they understand just how we feel,
As tis often short and soon will heal.

But our mind's problems are complex,
As they may have some strange effects.
And with such troubles we may r...

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Stuart VannerPainTroublesMental ilness




Glancing from window

Into soft white snow wrapping

Signs of spring?


Long yellow catkins from twisted hazel

Where remains of distressed thoughts hung

Decaying yet diminishing as troubles often do


Frozen pond where jelly spawn from

Spent dead frogs was now protected

Ready to emerge as warmth re-appeared.


Tender plants pausing 


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