The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 56 days, 4 hours. Get details and Enter.

lostlove (Remove filter)

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shoulder the sky

echoes to the waters edge,
no fractured beauty in the
luminous lost in love.
from ridge
to crest
to flume, 
the olive in my skin
and glimmer.
this deadened
dock your heart to mine
as we expire,

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there’s cobwebs

on your side of the bed.

not the same bed,

across state lines

in a town by the coast

where no one knows our names.

I am afraid to disturb them,

to make a space as unfillable 

as the miles between my window

and the haunting moon.

I am afraid most days,

as memory slides into silk shadows

lurking on the edges of rest

like cobwebs

on your side


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I've been accused of
Not having wander lust
But only if they knew
How often I wander
Looking into your eyes
Sometimes losing my way
Getting lost
Into the depths of them
For hours together
Time is irrelevant
To the frustrated artist in me
As I keep trying to trace out
Your eyes
With mine
Without getting lost in them

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Hope For Our Love


You have said, that it has to be

Our future is no longer we.

There's always you, but without me.

I cling to our memories of what went before

Before you said we were no more,

With your suitcase in hand, you slammed the door.


It seems strange, yet clear to me, I'm

Unhappy being this carefree,

I want a second chance at being we.

I cling to our memories of what wen...

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Darkest Times

In the darkest times, there is always a light,

Someone who will hold you, or just sit with you,

when you are feeling doubt.

Maybe it's a person? Or maybe it's a dog? who looks at you with non-judging unconditional love,

and makes you know everything will be alright!

That makes you put  on your armour and continue to fight,

Because warriors might lose battles and even have scars,


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When you looked me in the eyes, I wanted to feel your love

To feel the love that you said, was gone

I wanted to believe with all my heart that you would come back...

I wanted to believe that I could be enough

I wanted to believe that we could grow together but the truth is, it was all an illusion created by a stubborn heart,

Instead, I let you close and you hurt me, broke me, and ra...

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Without you

I'm lying her alone thinking about you,
I'm lying here alone pretending not to feel.
Pretending not to see all this darkness around me. 
I hear my heart break when I remember your smile,
That smile is shinning in my dreams.

My heart is shattered, my body cold,
when I sleep here all alone.
I try to sleep, try to forget you're not next to me.
I close my eyes and feel the cold,
I let the d...

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love poemslostlove

i will love you at a far

Dear Tin


i will love you at a far

because no matter where you are

you will forever leave a scar

we went our seperate ways i see i took the wrong turn

i recollect the path i took straight to the tunnel

will that dimlight was darker than my life has been

you were the light to the end of that tunnel to my world

the sink was shipped and i got lost in the ocean without a re...

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Snow Flake

You come and you go

astressed with the trade winds

Tiny ghost dancer

flows to my head

clear and timed

tastes of sparkling ciders melt in my eye

attempting to leave no trace

I hold the proof of our a-cult

reforming love 

vitalizing movements seize life

breath exits as I consumed you

as glass inherits my soul 

timed and clear

breakable in an extraterrestrial se...

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