The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 9 hours. Get details and Enter.

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campanology (Remove filter)

Treble’s going

“Look to! Treble’s going…she’s gone.”

I’d cry the time-honoured words when I was young,

my voice a boyish chirrup. Everyone


around me on the belfry floor where hung

the bell-ropes were grown-ups, so it was grand

to lead-off when the peal of church bells swung


to clattering action with the six-strong band

following after, letting fly our ropes,

those woolly sallies...

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bell ringingcampanologyreligion


Carol's a novice bell-ringer

campanology is her forte

she pulls my bell with gusto

at night especially naughty


she couldn't leave me alone

never enjoyed a silent night

my bell was at her mercy, a

fast Treble Bob her's by right


in the bell-tower she excelled

Christmas peals lit the snow

triples at the end of her rope

enough to lay a reverend low



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