The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 17 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Elva Zona's Last Act!

In 1897, the death of Elva Zona Heaster was deemed accidental, but her mother’s grief would not subside. When Zona’s ghost appeared, it revealed a shocking truth that no one could ignore. Based on a chilling true event, Elva Zona’s Last Act explores a haunting tale of love, betrayal, and justice from beyond the grave.

Born in 1876, Elva Zona Heaster,

Of her youth, only fragments reside.


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true eventghost storytrue crimewest virginiasupernaturaljusticehauntingmysterymurderparanormalhistorical fiction

Which Tomorrow?

More poetic flash fiction based on the browsing of best selling book titles in under 30 words. Perhaps next time you're looking at a list you'll spot them all!


Tomorrow and Tomorrow 

And Tomorrow 

The Last Goodbye

Was the longest 

Then she was gone 

No one saw a thing 

Except for the couple 

At No 9

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In Trance

It feels so deep,

enchanted sleep.

A haunting spirit.

Eyes to weep.


With trembling hand

stretched forth to feel,

yet nothing felt.

Five hearts of steel.


Creep closer, closer,

closing in.

In staggered breath

as night begins.


Where mystic songs

will have their way.

Hypnotic rhythm,

come what may.


No presence here.

No ties abound.


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gravity takes ahold of his body and shadow

talons, pinning his shade by the nape

on a cold night, dim lit stretch of pavement

underneath a flickering street light

wings, carrying his body and stretching his shade

rising through the stratosphere

rubber banding under the pressure

as gravity takes him to the peak

talons, slipping, falling from gravity’s feet

he shot back to...

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Bigger than you

You should know better

Than to think you’re alone in this universe

You’ve seen breath come from nothing 

Animals evolve 

More complex than fathomable

Human species shapeshift and roam

With inventions inexplicable 

Grass, water, and life itself

Come to be 

And people like you 

Who all think different

And think they’re the only ones

Don’t assume you’re not connect...

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CorelistenguidebeliefUnitedkismetwiseknowingSpiritsoulfaithconnectedlifeworlduniverseintrospectionthinkingmysteryalivealiensplanbiggerselfdiscoveryopen mindbig picture


I awoke to a grainy black & white

A pale moonlight 

cast vague puppets of shadow

around the canvas of bare walls

All fidgeting like an impatient audience 

From below

I could hear the hollow crackle

of a gramophone 

An old folk song

drifting through time

Serenading &  haunting the ear

I reached out for my wife 

but there was only cold, undisturbed sheets

But, ...

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I wonder

I wonder


I saw you skipping through the meadow this morning


were you on your way to meet a secret lover


or taking a shortcut to the Village Market


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mysteryloveryoung woman

The Sixpence II


From the old stone bridge

he could see her,

barefoot, on a platform

no longer there.

Under a moonlit slither

something shimmered

in her slowly closing hand

Her head slowly rising

Her eyes locking on his

Somehow, her face so clear

despite the distance

Her hand snapped shut!

He could see a well

Dark & slick with black moss

A door

Smell a drift of whi...

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there's that distance in her

something remote and far

like the canals of Mars, an

ice monolith atop a star


her soul of cosmic mystery

went to places I cannot ken

sheathed in armoured silk

none knew where or when


in those blue eyes is infinity

windows on time and space

blinking before shutters up

in a cryptic chain-mail face


enigmatic were her ridd...

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woods filled with snow

woods filled with snow



I walked through woods

as they filled with snow

a winters walk to fill my lungs

with cold december chill


I came to a small rise

one that I did not know

where did this hill come from

how was I unaware


I looked for familiar sightings

but found none

nothing seemed identifiable


I walked to the edge of the hill

and p...

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 Sleek, below indigo 

A mastery of dancing light,

She swims among waves.

Floating nothingness surrounds

Time stopped on beauty

As her deep eyes look up.

Diamond scales

And ivory hands

Reach toward sunlight.

Mysterious soul,

Treasured, rare wanderer,

Gyspy of the sea,

Song of timelessness,

and enduring breathlessness,

She swims eternal;

A captor of her s...

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The Poetry King

A bow to The Poetry King,
who thinks he doesn't 
mean a thing 
in the grand scheme.

Wears his heart 
on stained sleeve,
makes paupers feel
like royalty.

Waxes poetic about 
life, love, and history
that would otherwise remain 
unsolved mysteries.

More than just a dream,
The Poetry King
lives eternally,
in you and me.

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Nobody knows me,

Not even myself

I meet people everyday

I talk , I laugh , I smile

Others say that I lie.


I’m complicated, orphic

 hard to understand

Just like the way we don’t know                                                                                                                      what happens in between the oceans.                         


I’m an...

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What Lies Above And Below Us

Far above us

The sky bursts into colours-

Blue, purple, grey, orange,

With red and all the hues in its range.


Miles beneath our feet

Are secrets buried,

Arcane and deep.

Their ampoules once known to everybody.


What goes overhead

Suffuses stars and their milky shells.

The departure from earth melancholic but serene,

Leaves behind shimmering trails that spe...

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Addressing a Mystery Charmer

That look of yours kindled an old fantasy which had preferred to stay silent since offices cannot be even purposely used for play activities. Although the Human Resources people say big about engagement but it hardly does happen on the floor not even in those silent corridors. These days the camera follows us everywhere perhaps they would have planted some secretly in washrooms also. Coming back t...

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I know I traded something

A part of me

For the splendid splendour of money

I did that thing you shouldn’t do

I gave myself to him

You know, the soul

Cut a piece of myself out for him

You know, the heart

I cut a piece of myself off for him

(You know which part)

But I didn't feel a thing

I'm waiting to miss it

Miss this


I'm waiting for the pain


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i am as a sapling in the shadow of a hundred year oak
try not to breathe, not to stir
i wish to remain unnoticed at the edge of your meadow
here in my solitude
i dare not disturb this perfect silence
inexplicable and deeper than night
nothing casting it
a black shadow wavers in the bright sunlight
it covers the the meadow floor
pulling at my curiosity I am lost in it's mystery

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The Void

Hey there lonely girl,

what are you doing wandering around

these dark places?

Don’t you know that 

evil lurks about? 

The void is littered

with those who will use you,

abuse you,

scar your soul for eternity. 

Listen to my pleas,

I’m begging on bended knees,

move forward

towards the light,

no matter how tempting

the mysterious

shadows may be. 


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Soft Spirit of the Night

As I leave my home behind

To walk the far farm fields

The spirit of the land enfolds me

Its silence becomes my mantle

While I alone hear

Those wafted word

As the wind caresses the treetops

Whispering englynion

To lure me on

Through woodland and moor

Beyond fences, ever deeper into a land

Clothed in swirls of radiant mist

Rising from plashy pools and tarns


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Mystery man

Black coat

Full hat

Deep voice

Fishing net beard

Jungle beard

His eyes mapped my walk

Smiles every time he sees me

From the corner bar

He walks past me

Ask if he can take me

Dinner was amazing

Many sides

As another man sat next to me

Greeting parts of me

Being attentive to every part of me


Was messy

The taste was different as...

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Time and Windows

This poem is a reverie and contemplation of my mother.

Time and Windows

If the past is a tattered old book,

then why am I a ghost

at my mother's window,

so clear I can sense her mystery,

and her brown eyes, so alive?


Look, I can fly to her

through the high windows

of my memory

until I'm so close that she disappears,

and the curtain flutters silently.



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A Winter's Walk In The Park

Sickly branches spread out from the bodies of comatose trees,
And her feet fall on leaves that have died,
Paper-thin corpses at one with the ground frost,
With each step she feels that she might,
Fall through the earth and plummet for years,
Leaving Welsh winters behind,

Crystalline grass blades stand neatly under silver pink skies,
She follows where the gravelled path snakes,
Her concer...

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Forsaken Love

Prince Charming  a soul meant to roam my heart,
A deadly man with a poisoned dart,
The breath of a gentle kiss, 
Or the meaning of this eternal bliss,
The one who walked right into my life, 
Taking my heart with a knife,
Who knows what there is to behold, 
But this love is not to be sold, 
Take it wisely as you run, 
And bring...

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The mute speaker

We talk.

A lot about her,

yet I know nothing about her.

She shapes words

but I hear emptiness

and all that exists her mouth is air.

She gives me carbon dioxide

but little care,

little advice or help,

little information.

Just ambiguous comments,

large words meaning nothing

and letters sounding silence.

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What's Your Name?

What's Your Name?

I've been out to Dovestones walking. On the grassy slope by the woods to the right of the access road I found a letter. Hidden. Written by a goth girl on decaying paper. Past damp, full of holes and three bits of gum stuck to it. It told her story. Lock the tiger up, secure the house, said how down she is. I don't see her name. What's your name my dark angel? There's an envelo...

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letter foundsuicide note?mysterymysterious womanalternative interestsdovestones

The 7th City

The 7th City 

The warplane lay broken on the barren desert floor utterly broken, forgotten and forlorn. Painted on her side are the names of six cities; next to each is a faint but distinct image of a mushroom cloud. There were six in all each next to a city name written in their native language they read: Moscow, Berlin, London, Shanghai, New York and Rio de Janeiro. Next to the s...

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lost jetnukesdestroyed citiesthe futurewarmystery





Endless miles of ocean stretching out before them,

compass needle wandering wildly, only option to fly

by the sun and hope for a miracle, their miracle.

Blue sky overhead for a thousand horizons,

nature’s world, mankind here is a guest,

as the small Electra plane is buffeted by turbulence,

two people aboard start to panic.

Where are we? We are...

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amelia earhartfred noonanelectra planeoceanlostflightmystery

Italia with utube vid link of my gullivers headline gig




Dream of a nation, they built a big airship for Arctic exploration. Things went so well, taking a plethora of readings and photographs till a head wind sprung up. They used most of the fuel battling the wind. Serious technical trouble followed. This would go downhill, fast.

A crash!

Ripping fabric, torn envelope. Sma...

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italia airshipexplorationitalyarcticcrashdeathdisastermystery

My one day friend, Mark

  To Liverpool

By: Ali Taha Alnobani
On Vernon street
Off Dale street
I sat near the sidewalk
At the edge
Like a broken bridge
People were passing
With their robot walking
Sea gulls felt my pain
Also did the rain
And my one day friend Mark
Who heard the voice of gulls in my heart
And my desire to start
His frien...

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peaceLiverpoolLiverpool poetrymercysideriverpoetrylove poetrylove poemslifefriendshipfriends of the earthbe friends?old friendsmel my dear friendmysteriousMysteryfoggoodbyesJulie Goodyeargoodbye

Something's gotten hold of my heart

For him the song took a whole new meaning,

a control that made him wish to control others.

“Something's gotten hold of my heart”

an evil, a darkness

he mused on midnight

and the encroaching demonic hours.



3am and a stereo's blazing in a stolen Volkswagen Beetle

inaudible white noise, a prerequisite

for the red mist to follow.


“He see...

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