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Albert Einstein
I see one thing,
you see another,
because one thing is always more than itself:
it is itself
plus the relativity of the thing.
It is the mass,
plus I don’t know how many times the acceleration.
You look,
it has transmuted,
it is already another thing.
To see
is to recreate the world,
is to interact with the beautiful,
is to interact with the ugly,
is to commune with the ...
Tuesday 24th September 2024 2:47 am
I’m sorry to disappoint you
That I can be too sweet and so weak
And yet I can be cold and cruel too
That I can completely snap to my core
And morph into a creature of different sorts
I’m sorry that I’m not white or black
Or immaculate
Or of any matter
For that fact
I’m not anything
At all
Not wholly whole
You see,
Has been my superpower
...Monday 8th May 2023 9:09 pm
Mi Amor
Expressions of Love: Part XXII
Title: Mi Amor
las explicaciones me fallan, Mi Amor
las palabras salen de mi pecho y son
aparentemente incomprensibles, Mi Amor
la felicidad que das, es como el viento
soplando en mi rostro, Mi Amor
es como la profunda bocanada de aire
que tomas en una fresca manana de invierno, Mi Amor
es como la sensacion de darle...
Wednesday 8th March 2023 5:33 pm
Pure Art
Combine the 2 of them and anything is possible
The intent of 1 and the capabilities of 1
Together in 1 person both are exemplary
With the abilities to have a new mind
Along with unique artistic talent
Now anything is possible
See what they create
With their muse
Pure art
Saturday 28th May 2022 9:03 pm
I know I traded something
A part of me
For the splendid splendour of money
I did that thing you shouldn’t do
I gave myself to him
You know, the soul
Cut a piece of myself out for him
You know, the heart
I cut a piece of myself off for him
(You know which part)
But I didn't feel a thing
I'm waiting to miss it
Miss this
I'm waiting for the pain
Monday 3rd February 2020 1:43 pm
my shoes
one size 7 and one size 6
i dealt with the cards i was handed i couldnt just pick
my shoes are worn out, battered, and bruised
not the feet of a clown, walk a mile in them you wont be amused
not following any one path, i led my own way but sometimes id fall or step on some cracks
i tried on some others to see if they fit, though they felt better, it wouldnt aquit
couldnt attest t...
Wednesday 15th January 2020 10:58 am
For ALL the Lisa's I have ever known
Oddly enthusiastic
Some would even call her spastic
She was loud but not bombastic
She was just odd...ly
Wednesday 17th April 2019 1:24 am
Many sides of the truth
Why do things have to be only one way
Do you really believe we experience the same days?
Our lives take different twists and turns
And most of all we all truly do learn
So will you listen to me when I tell you
That your experiences are only one truth?
Your knowledge might truly be great
But it doesn't foretell everyone's fate
When I write, it's from one kind of perspective
But I am not sa...
Saturday 11th August 2018 6:27 am
Shouty Face
I think that you are quite unique,
From ear to ear, then down to feet
Sat atop your mind you speak,
Sometimes funny, sometimes sweet
Lots of people seem the same,
They live their lives and play their games
Now and then they use their brains
But not too often, ain't that insane?
You are you and that's what matters
So ignore, the chitter chatter
Small minded t...
Thursday 22nd March 2018 2:13 am
Like a Feather
Let my energy flow effortlessly through the wind.
Let it travel the distance,
To make the difference,
Within each person it touches.
Allow those who could not see,
Witness the potential that I carry within.
Let the beauty of my creativity,
Shine like the moon high in the sky.
Like a feather,
Let it flow,
Let it be guided by the wind...
Let it reach it's ...
Monday 22nd May 2017 12:00 am
Your Tune.
In the creases of a crumpled T-shirt,
the darkening orbit of an orange pasta stain,
the unhinged playfulness of bright and living eyes…
the golden curls like mazes of cornfields – no way out –
The type you just want to twist around your finger –
I noticed you.
In the unrestrained laughter,
I would recall each word that tumbled from your lips
And hang on them, swing from them,
like branche...
Tuesday 16th May 2017 1:35 pm
He bleeds Autumn.
Your skin like the yellow brick road,
and what is it that creates that rush of blush?
I’d love to shovel out your flesh or drill through your cheeks
to reach those autumn leaves,
that grow behind the golden weeds,
the red leaves that were never green.
No, never new, they never grew,
they stayed and they remained:
Dying, but never dead,
thriving, behind your face of ...
Friday 31st March 2017 3:47 pm
Loving ourselves
Learning to love yourself is gruelling. Every flaw, every mistake, every quirk. Only us ourselves know how characteristically flawed we truly are. So we hide. Hide behind make up, clothes and materials.
Social media enables us to create an ideology of the person we think we are, the person we want to be. But in the midst of the night we lie awake contemplating ourselves. Questioning our choices...
Tuesday 1st November 2016 3:17 pm
Ones' Face
God has given us one face,
he has given us something great
that we take advantage of each day.
Our face is a work of art
each so similar,
yet different in many ways.
Each work of art he's created
is a beauty that only few notice
and is something that we hardly see
In our own selves.
God has given each of us a gift beauty,
yet that's not the way we see it.
We judge and critize our...
Wednesday 22nd October 2014 2:43 am
They say you cannot live without me,
yet I am happy lying here alone –
adrift on an ocean of Axminster.
You didn’t miss me until you were finished
and by then it was far too late.
I was just one of your many pretty pieces,
inconsequential to the scheme of things,
until I was the only thing you needed.
By then I was safely hidden away,
Friday 5th April 2013 10:09 am
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