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Tide's Afire

I watch the flares of trickling gold
Hear gentle lapping on pebbles of stone
Sea bound adventurer lift and soar
In orange skies a shadow form

Horizon line, the suns devourer
Her fight begins in reddened anger
Casting fires fingers across the void
Setting oceans tide a line, afire once more

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Tuesday, From the Water

From here—

I wish I could capture this moment with my eyes:


A rose-golden mist of salt

shimmering in the glow of the setting sun

falling like stardust into the grey-green seams

of water, pulled tightly over by the crest of a broken wave


She could devour me in an instant with 

white-water jaws;

swallow me whole and 

spit me into her dark abyss


But here—


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wateroceanhealinglifeshort poem

Jumping waves

Just wait with me. Hold my hand? Jump the waves that reach the sand. 
They push me over when I stand alone, I'm not sure I am strong enough on my own. 
When you are here, life isn't so dark and it's a lot less lonely with the warmth of your heart. 
Can you jump these waves with me a little while longer? 
They're easier to stand up against when together we're stronger. 

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The sea fell in love

With the moon

Because of the darkness


Every night

The sea stared up

And wished for a glimmer

To dance across its waves

And make it feel

Like something precious


The moon saw this

And every night

Wished to stroke silver

Across its skin


The moon fell in love

With the sea

Because of the darkness


Cold and drifting


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Look at the ocean

Tides and waves,
Hitting the shores,
Drenching the sand and the feet that stand on it.
With eyes on the blue infinitude,
And mind on clouds,
I look at the ocean.

A mirror holding the image of the sky above.
I realise how big the world is.
I am at peace, 
Knowing that I am an infinitely small particle,
And a powerless being,
In front of Him.

I am just a bit of a being,
That arises ...

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god loves alloceanthe sky


 Sleek, below indigo 

A mastery of dancing light,

She swims among waves.

Floating nothingness surrounds

Time stopped on beauty

As her deep eyes look up.

Diamond scales

And ivory hands

Reach toward sunlight.

Mysterious soul,

Treasured, rare wanderer,

Gyspy of the sea,

Song of timelessness,

and enduring breathlessness,

She swims eternal;

A captor of her s...

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Let Me Bother You

I’ll walk down to the beach,

see you standing there,

bother you,

and tug on that beard.

I’ll knock you down,

roll around with you through the waves

and land on top.

You’ll have the sand between your hairs,

our bodies wet, 

while watching the sand melt away beneath us.

It’ll melt the distance between us,

it’ll melt away the silence held within,

while we watch the...

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Young Love By the Sea

Here we are, alone by the sea, 
bursting with joy at finding each other. 
There’s a wonderful, giddy feeling, 
as if all nature were smiling. 

The diamond on your finger gleams 
like the shining path 
of the sunrise on the water.
Our wedding bands were forged 
from family rings and new gold. 
They join us and our families 
in the ancient, unbroken circle of life.

We are like the pla...

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Calming Waters

Waves crashing

in and out

up and down

pushing and pulling


A knock on the door

beating louder and louder

waking my fibers

restless and unrelenting


Louder it knocks

heartbeat pulsing

anxiety levels rising

these fears in me won't subside


Breathing in and out

imagining the waves 

the calming waters 

I am one with them

and how they rise aga...

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The Sea



A black ocean falls upon me

I am consumed by the waves

Deeper I drown

The cold sends shocks through my body

A cattle prod for every inch of flesh

The pressure grows

Crushing my bones

The weight of 1000 suns reduces me to ash

I am nothing


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sea to song

effective myth, metaphor, & mysticism transcend

semantic efforts to articulate dynamics erupting

dreamlike amidst more trusted, linear conceptions

of reality, imagination, experience, & being


by presenting arrangements so engaging, uncannily

familiar, irreducibly insightful, idealogically slippery,

that the foamsplash suddenness of its crashing

across a previously unnotic...

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Sea Oats Already Know

Beat, beat, beat

breathe in


My heart and lungs

they already know


Waves know just when

to bend


The crest crashes

when it feels high enough 


The seagull glides

by pulling on air


Sand crystals swirl

around half-buried twigs


Sea foam blows

down the body of the beach


Clouds rush

to reveal the warmth of September



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love poemoceansea oatsseagull


Bubbling, surfing ocean of the mind ...
Frothy, foamy laughter  always shined...

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Beauty Song


Don't wear contact lenses 
Your eyes are my Ocean
Let me feel your lovely senses 
And see you my Queen. 

Don't use makeup material
Just be same as you are
Rosy cheeks are really natural 
looks for me as star.

Don't cut your shiny hair 
I love it to become so long 
Set free your hair to air 
And let me enjoy the song.

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Goodbye's hurt

I could fill the oceans with the tears I've cried
Or cover the entire earth with blankets of failed tries.
Countless times what I thought was truth became a lie.
Everything is falling apart, and I'm sick of asking why.
It gets so bad, to the point where I just want to die,
But all of this is nothing compared to the pain of goodbye.
What's the point of believing if you could never fly?
I'm a...

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Gasping for air

Reaching for hands that are out of reach.

Tumbling in the tides of the island of undesirables.

I try to swim away from my fate.

Though, the hands of time are cruel to dreamers, and -

I'm dragged back into the surf.

Is anyone out there?

Anyone to hear my plea?

My will was strong, but like a rock, who's been beaten -

by the surf, I'm slowly crumbling.


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you could see right through me

a swift pick up

a gulp

a quickie

then off to do your thing


feeling used and dirty

then discarded

trodden on

kicked around

left to feel like rubbish


the slow decline

the breakup

falling apart

going to pieces


feeling so small

so insignificant

as if no one knows

you’re there at all



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plastic bottlesoceanpollutionlove affairthrown awayplastic waste

sinking ship

My ship is sinking, 

while your ship has sailed...


Our attempt at love,

seems it has failed...


Maybe if we tried harder,

could have prevailed...


I'm crumbling into pieces

crashing against these waves

that are helping to rip my walls right apart

my ship sinking, a metaphor for my broken heart


Where did the love go? 

how did you and I go from bein...

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jimmy 2018oceanseashipsinking

Deeps ocean


Deeps Ocean.


The feelings you erupted in me were too immense for me to handle,

the pushing,the pulling

being torn

left and right

up and down.

ANY direction you ordered,

I listened and bowed in shame like the fucking bitch you told me i was.

I fucked you the way you wanted me too, like the whore you called me everytime i didnt answer my phone.

I ran to you as so...

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My Ocean (S)

A Tumblr picture; my first bikini

In the ocean

I had been so proud, disabled and beautiful

That's when you saw my shine

You reached out like a moth to a flame

Too fast, my love, too fast

One makes mistakes

when no one hesitates

Oh how much you have grown my love

Not only have you become the man I saw all along

You have become the man you have always wanted to be

I ...

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To the Waves and to the Sun

You have always been my favorite,

The moment you reach the shore,

With every move you make,

To touch the sand,

Where I wait,

With every sound of splash,

To heal my soul,

Where I am.


You have always bewitched me,

The moment you creep towards the sky,

With every climb above the clouds,

To cast reflection,

Where I am,

With every ray you set free,

To reac...

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lovelove poetrynatureoceansun


MAN:          In so short a time

I saw a future



From the formless waters


From the darkness

The way begins

All words are water



GAIA:             From my innermost being

       I gave abundance!

My words flow from the mountain top

My words give succour to the land

My words are the waters of the sea


PRIEST:          The ...

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And then


            at my source

I was lost to your ocean.


Flowing... your endless bounty stole my direction

            your depths embraced

            your corals welcomed my load

I drowned in your currents.


My hands caressed

your waves

My body plumbed

your deepest sounds

Your pools



Your tides were constant

            I sw...

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Restless: my body is your ocean; my limbs the currents of the sea

You float on my waves - sink only a little

I hold your sacred vessel safe - we become one:

A perfect balance of forces

Your body runs its course through my being

I feel you cleave my waves

I know you as we sink

Black waters closing

And I know you as we rise

I hold you to float above the tide as we burst th...

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the depth

You will fall
You will keep falling
Falling into the depth
The depth of the ocean
Without any doubt
You will reach the bottom
It will suck you up
Into its sticky environment 
You can not breathe
And want to escape 
You pannick 
And do not know what to do
You will keep falling
Falling into the underneath ocean
It feds you up 
You want to escape 
Escape from the fall
Falling into th...

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depthescapefallingoceanto fall

The Schooners

The Schooners


With billowed sails the Schooner glides across the open sea

The crew secures the rigging as they’ve done through history

Port side there’s a Humpback coming up to take a look

They watch in pure amazement its like a picture from a book.


The Skipper takes the Helm and guides the vessel on its path

The crew they scramble round the deck to fight mother natures...

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Sinking Ships

 One day this boat will be too heavy to float,

And the captain will say his goodbyes.

A song so sad will be sung on that night,

As the crew greets their friendly demise.


      I've run out of ways to diminish the waves you violently push towards my shore.

On my hands and knees. I beg, I say "please".

But the water is climbing up more.


      So for all of the people a...

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I stand on the edge of a cliff,

High above the water that assaults the rocks below.

I overlook the stormy sea.

Lightning cracks across the sky,

A horrendous sound.

Neptune huffs, he puffs,

He tries to knock me down,

He hopes to cause me to slip on the damp ground.

I hear it coming for me.

Its roar could intimidate a lion.

I see it coming for me,

A blue wave as high...

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Speak to me like you speak,
in tongues, or in plain old English
dusted with a view of sparkly seas
or oceans, as you say, my owl.
My crow, my dove, my dolphin
plunging among the waves that roughen,
among the sands that graze and toughen
your skin and hair but soul untouched. 
Tell me of the call you heard
from a distance, from the depths 
of blue or green or blackened water,
the rover, ...

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escapeoceanromantic distance lovesea

From Whence We Came

We're going back from whence we came
Answering her ancient call
It's almost as if she whispers our name
That she knows and owns us all
Salt in the blood still proves the link
Urging hearts to soar, brains to think
Salt in the blood
Salt in the blood
We admire her with breath and ink
We're going back from whence we came
She beckons us there, somehow
Leaving only questions, no trac...

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Figment 7

i dreamed
of the ocean again
last night
silver lined
the water and 
the hanging
shadows of the gulls
the waves
curling like fingers
against the sand

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The Beach: My Remedy

it's just before sunset when loneliness creeps in

the beach is my remedy

the ocean will let me be sad
but only enough to shed a few tears,
never enough to let me drown

the wind invites me in when no one else has thought to
the lazy waves take their time rolling up

the toddlers mix mud, as their parents hold a conversation

the older couple holds hands like they're still in love


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Hatred Junkie

Fake nostalgia spews out from your head

For a sepia England that was never there

Hatred junkie, you know

Where the blood river flows

Feel the bile at your knees


Marching bands drown out your higher brain

Blaring voices drive your soul insane

Hatred junkie, you feel

Like a cog on a wheel

Grinding so out of time – after time


God made you useless


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BNPBushellEDLLittlejohn. BNPEnglandnostalgiasepiaEnoch Powellbloodhatredpityhangoverhypocrisyhypocriteswordsprejudiceocean

A Sea Poem


Deep within me  
lay a sea poem 
of long ago;
where air is fresh 
but blusters wildly
when southerlies blow, 
slick and slimy 
mud between the toes- 
mangrove's brackish home.
Whitecaps dance 
in the open channel 
close to where corals grow.
But further than the distance
of childhood ...

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Endless miles of ocean stretching out before them,

compass needle wandering wildly, only option to fly

by the sun and hope for a miracle, their miracle.

Blue sky overhead for a thousand horizons,

nature’s world, mankind here is a guest,

as the small Electra plane is buffeted by turbulence,

two people aboard start to panic.

Where are we? We are...

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amelia earhartfred noonanelectra planeoceanlostflightmystery

Waves (A Final Letter Home)

I lie and let the waves wrap 'round my feet,
As midnight skies perform the second act,
Where black and blue so effortlessly meet
And force the waters cold around my back.
I feel the sand bequeath my buried toes;
To let the grit defy my sodden skin
And as the open door to my soul grows
I let the frothy waters trickle in.

The moonbeams push my head into a daze
And buckle up t...

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amidst a sultry warmth

three boys answered

the call

of Devonian dawn

and with no words to warn

saw no cause

to fear the sirens luring call.


surf gently boiled trims the shore

with silver pearls,

then, with throaty holler

and backs arched

three boys

cast their bodies into the brisk and briney


blue who’s welcome embrace extorts


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near deathoceandrwondevon





The sea is deceptively calm on this cloudless spring day,

away from the shore a twin hull catamaran sails,

leaving a gentle wake upon the mirror smooth ocean.

Painted yellow overall you cant miss her,

like a glass bottle upon the sand.

Out of nowhere a thick mist comes down

covering everything in sight like white blanket as you sleep.

A ...

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boat disappearancelost crewoceanufo abduction





Dark blue ocean has so many moods, just like a person.

If you ever make one mistake you will pay for it dearly with

life; this ocean is a thing of beauty and of mystery, yet deadly.

So many planes and ships have disappeared into the dark waters –

who knows where they are now?

People sail the seas on such flimsy craft, old sea rafts and dangero...

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Great, warm wet ocean rolling, curving, boiling cauldron.

Little grains of sand – brown, white, clear, black.

Thrown together onto the beach.

A small layer, a medium layer, a deep layer compressed into rock.

Hundreds of feet thick. Exposed to elements, rain, cold, wind, snow.

No warm carboniferous sun here. Just a windy plateau of a rock face.


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sandoceantimemountaingeological processmother nature





Thousands of years ago there stood a huge prosperous city on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.

Sea level was lower then and the ocean was smaller and less deep. Over the years the sea level rose, covering and drowning this magnificent place.

Many people tried to stay to ride out the storm but the flood of water became deeper and deeper until it was ...

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cityoceansea level changeold





Water, very deep to immense depths, no sunlight pierces

down here – blackness.

Coming to the surface, sunshine sparkles magically,

a myriad of dancing points of light.

Sea monster curling in the rip tide, powerful muscles

gracefully propelling him seawards – for food.

Salt water covers so much, two thirds of the globe, all this wetness.

Drown if y...

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