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The Crossing



A drifting dinghy in the shed tear of a storm’s cry

Souls crouched desperately frightened beneath bedraggled rags

They seek a future: We have one to give, and that’s why

Our safe refuge is undetermined by their tattered flags


Don’t consider them foreigners from a foreign land 

They are pitiful parents, young children who need our care

To be warmly welcomed, not pol...

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Natuonal poetry dayThemerefuge

I Like to Be

I like to be in Afghanistan.

Okay for me in my own Sudan.

I like to be one team Iran.

I like to play in peace when I can.


I like to be safe, without war.

Bring it right on, early doors.

I like to play, win, and score.

I like to be welcome on your shore.


Bullets for me, not in Hertfordshire.

Jumpers for goalposts, yes in Yorkshire.

No penalty kicks in Shropsh...

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national poetry dayrefugeNationalPoetryDay

The better evil (revised)


Intimidated by political tugs
Prone to insert in one's mouth
The nose of a loaded gun
Or suspend a plastic bottle full of water
On males' reproductive organ,
Devoid of freedom of expression
Also denied  to his right and
Deplorable condition drawing attention
Shunning his God chosen land,
What is more a bright and warm country
Under the sun ,a journalist dreaming began
Fighting al...

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The Beach: My Remedy

it's just before sunset when loneliness creeps in

the beach is my remedy

the ocean will let me be sad
but only enough to shed a few tears,
never enough to let me drown

the wind invites me in when no one else has thought to
the lazy waves take their time rolling up

the toddlers mix mud, as their parents hold a conversation

the older couple holds hands like they're still in love


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An Acorns Throw

Oh to be once more in the depths of green

Escape from the bustle of the present mainstream

Soak up the magic of natures verdant glory

Linger there a while and pen the story

For refuge what can ever surpass this haven

An acorns throw away from the commercially enslaven...



August 10th 2009

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