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The Now of Every Tomorrow
Just for today, life is gentle
And every moment is a song
In the glow of the moon, in the afternoon breeze
Everything is a secret, but everything is reason
With each step, what can I be?
In the field of time, flowers grow
Only the now, the rest is mist
Just for today, love is a star shining
Ah, if I could keep
The sound of the wind, the taste of color
Everything would be so simple, s...
Wednesday 22nd January 2025 4:33 am
one day i'll be a star
told you about all my hopes and dreams
I wanna be a writer and teacher,
the only things I feel like i'd be good at
you ask to see my work and I refuse to show you
a few months later I joke about how funny I am
you say I should become a comedian
to be honest I've thought about it
why not dump all my trauma onto people and merely laugh it off?
after we broke up I t...
Wednesday 3rd April 2024 1:16 pm
Amidst silence of thousand voices
Arrived a shooting star,
Gazing right at us
Proving everything destiny.
Tuesday 8th August 2023 7:48 am
Pick me a Star
Would you pick me a star?
one of those shining far, far away
Always there when Night-time fall
please bring one home to stay
Would you pick me a star?
that one, light years away
I know it will take us forever and a day
bring it home, we can put it the jar
Would you pick me a galaxy of stars?
choose a million between Jupiter and Mars
We can sprinkle them on t...
Sunday 28th November 2021 9:30 am
Big Scars
she was always an enigma,
her hurts stayed in reserve,
a woman of terra incognita,
a rare mistress of swerve
its been ten years by now,
and I'm still in the dark,
tantalised out of my wits,
more blissful than a lark
for the years reveal layers
that take away my breath,
novel undug virgin strata
a world away from death
its living is her catchword,
...Wednesday 14th April 2021 10:57 am
Winter In The Sky
Steady beats the pulse of the sun
Wonder still leaps from its beams
Yet beneath a mask of bonhomie
That sad star is not what it seems
Watching its favourite run to waste
Hot tears escape that burning eye
Bound by nature to fry its offspring
Torch forests, put winter in the sky
What treasure this greedy satellite
Down the ages pillaged from space
Squandering ...
Wednesday 16th September 2020 11:11 am
Wanna be a star
She wanted to be a star, Well known near and afar
Someone posh in a Brand new car
She wanted to be a star, Her fave in glossy mags
dressed so fine, not in rags
she never made it to be a star in her life
She got pregnant and became a Gypsy boys wife
Always shabby chic, kids in tow
She wanted to be a star but Could not say NO
She Wanted to be a Well known Star in Films on TV
Tuesday 21st January 2020 11:08 pm
Tinsel Time
T'is tinsel time when midst the grime
Of muddied minds shines ...
What can it be?
Electro-lite silver, gilding
This tarnished life of strife?
Celebrating the survival of the fittest,
The feel good factor?
Forgetting for the festive moment
The fate that awaits?
Or, could it be
The eternal light of an eternal star?
Startling joyously
Faces, who wa...
Friday 20th December 2019 5:01 pm
There is always one sacred moment
when the night's ink black sky
allows some personal atonement
to my dull and once-blind eye:
a single white star's icy reign,
absent in the deepest dark,
until the second that my brain
is riven by its diamond spark.
That this sheer shining crystal blazed
while hidden from my careful scan
can only leave me dumb, amazed
that the min...
Saturday 10th August 2019 12:18 pm
No Star Was Seen
To You who art
To me, when I see
The made star night
Looming, enfolding,
Displacing the confusion
Of maps and charts.
A darkness that is as light
As the day when
The sweat and the blood
Tasted by a dying thief
Glistened, glistened, glistened,
While the hot sky
Darkened, darkened, darkened.
No star was seen
But looming,
Falling, falling, w...
Saturday 13th July 2019 12:40 pm
Disney Fairy
Nancy comes in my dreams
Like a fairy of Disney Land
Have two wings and song
Touch hearts with no band
Nancy comes from the moon
Where the lovely stars shining
Calls me to join the song
And to share her in the dancing
Nancy, I love you so much
Can you call me only once?
Don't keep me in dreams
Just come in real to dance
Wednesday 3rd April 2019 10:42 am
Beauty Song
Don't wear contact lenses
Your eyes are my Ocean
Let me feel your lovely senses
And see you my Queen.
Don't use makeup material
Just be same as you are
Rosy cheeks are really natural
looks for me as star.
Don't cut your shiny hair
I love it to become so long
Set free your hair to air
And let me enjoy the song.
Monday 11th February 2019 6:14 pm
I am Certain
In every city, I go.
In every country, I have been.
The Star and the Cross hope,
That he will be with us one day.
They call him by different names,
And claim him as theirs.
Both preaching similar faiths,
Both saying they are correct.
One says he is yet to come,
While the other hopes for him again.
One says he is the son of God,
While the other says, he wi...
Thursday 16th February 2017 6:42 am
Bright Star
She sat beside me and I was drawn into her orbit-
as if on a collision course.
A satellite, a meteorite, a dust particle,
an insignificant entity - magnetised.
She was my Sun and I, her worshiper.
She warmed me and I basked in her.
Her innocence masked her true potential,
her true identity.
If only she knew what she had done,
what she was capable of,
Wednesday 27th February 2013 10:54 pm
Believe In Your Star
Live…Breathe…Believe in your star…
It is with you wherever you are,
It never leaves you for a moment,
The saint light is in its current.
In storms it helps to reach the land,
Its warmth it gives to you my friend,
It cherish you and gives you strength,
It leads you through the whole life length.
It lights up your soul when it pains,
It bright...
Thursday 10th November 2011 6:41 pm
Waiting For A Star To Fall
Diamonds strewn across black velvet sky
Starfish scattered along the shore
Star shaped maple leaves flutter and fly
Star flakes of snow in the winter's roar
I miss you so much wherever you are
All I ever wanted was to be your
Photography by Lisa Milligan
Monday 15th August 2011 3:13 pm
Once-upon-a-time, a barman worshipped the Sun.
Worked nights so didn’t see much of it
but in his head he’d got stories of
the Fire God supreme,
Blaze Lord,
vanquishing monsters who'd eat out your dreams.
He called the Sun ‘Hero’,
believed it had six pairs of arms,
giant wings of flame
and the handsomest nose in the galaxy.
Made moons blush
and g...
Friday 17th December 2010 1:38 pm
Srebrenica - Сребреница
Will humanity ever learn? Europes worst war crime since World War II brought home the fact that its not just Cambodia and distant places where massacres occur, but anywhere that there is hate.
This time the Serb units in the area were in the wrong. Courts rules the Serb state as it was and is was not responsible. Last time it was...
Sunday 11th July 2010 6:50 pm
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