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Greg Freeman on BEACHHEAD - JUNE 6, 1944
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Martin Peacock on It's June
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Martin Peacock on PLAYTIME
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Auracle on Emailed message
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Sunshine on Slipperstale
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Holden Moncrieff on moment.
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Holden Moncrieff on Hark...
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If Only

If only our lives were a movie?

If only we got what we wanted

If only we didnt have to think about our 'stances

If only spontaneity was our reality

Then life would be easy

Then again, who says our life is not a movie?

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Ovid in exile

Wikiart Ovid in Exile, 1915 - Ion Theodorescu-Sion -

So hard to please, gentle reader,
so unlike me, loose, thoughts astray
Hot, tonight,  as it was for the poet,
Ovid, exiled from Rome to the Black Sea.
So many exiled nights ago,
Go slow, I whisper, go slow.

Forebodings bring unstoppable shakings 
Like i have poisoned blood,
I think I have stolen your heart.
I never lie,...

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Also by John E Marks:

Love is a losing game | Christian forbearance | Statistic | Seeing things | Excavation | Quantum leap | Two worlds | Mother's little helper | Past imperfect | John Clare |

Why Can’t We Go

The summer is nearly over 
#staycation will no longer trend
Foreign holidays are risky
until the traffic light rules end

We could travel down to Cornwall 
we could travel up to The Lakes
There’s no need for Covid testing 
whilst enjoying staycation breaks

We can not travel to Turkey 
the country is still listed red
Our flights keep getting cancelled 
so we are stuck at home instead 


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Also by julie callaghan:

Will The Truth Ever Unfold | Difficult Day | Good Morning | My Petition Part 2 | My Petition | A Moment To Savour | Today’s News | Cheeky Little Roam | Smorgasbord Of Texture | G Pee | TV | Day Break | Puggle | The Morning Run (Not Mine) | Freedom | Moorhen Chicks | Plymouth | Summer Landscape Scene | After The Storm | Everything Happens For A Reason | Gothic Glow | Play Time | Blushing Pink, Sunny Yellow | Holiday Check List | Travel Plan Chameleon (Karma Chameleon) | The Doctor Will See You Now | Jewel Of A Scene | The Muscovy Duck | Turkish Wild Fires | The Plight Of The Bumblebee | #Visibleandsafe | Yorkshire Day |

A Great Poem


I wrote this thinking
I would create
Turned out this poem 
is not that great
To failure then
I can relate
At least it's brief
it's ending, great!

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Also by d.knape:

THIEF | The Poet And The Mockingbird | HOPE | Good Intentions | Adoption Ad | Chance Of Rain | Blue Moon | AUGUST | Fridge Is | Carpenter | Paint Strokes | Bad Times | Drops In A Bucket | All For Naught | CANCELLED | Interest | Choosing Sides | For Sale | HITCH-HIKER | Song Unknown | Angel | The Yard Man | Today's Poem | i feel so small | The Phone | The Phone | BANANAS | Wet Noodle | WALKING | The Mask |

Daughter Of Eons

You're seen beneath broadleaves
as light rain passes over

Disaster upon disaster
safely behind you

When the rainbow shows
you're happy to move on

You're caught listening sometimes
sorrowful sighs on the wind

Driving home today
how many to run out of road?

Your eyes shock those now asleep wide awake
and those all too awake at last shall dream

You speak of a clock 

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Also by Adam Whitworth:

Looking Out To Sea | A Certain Strength | Convalescent Life | Putting It Right | My Half Of The Sonnet  No.3 | Son  | Buzzing Of The Saw | The Poet's Promise |

The Journey


The plain and simple things are those we feel

In our lives on any common day

And keep us all together on the ground

Like sturdy stones resisting over time.


They are the same for poor and rich alike,

A hug, a smile, a warm and sunny day,

Reminding us that we are here and live,

As different as we are, in the same world.


Apart, there are some goals and wishes, t...

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The Shopping List

A curl of paper

Placed on our scrubbed pine table

A hurriedly assembled

List of necessities

For comfort

And some structure

On days when I am lost

Drifting, unanchored

Thread to sew on a button

Polish, for appearance sake

(Can't show how I'm feeling)

A Sunday lunch

Of chicken, salad

Apple crumble

Trying to hold my life together

When each day it's


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Also by Brenda Wells:

From The Silence | Wish You Were Here |

TAKe & giVe

Is love to give or love to take

Do I give my love or is it taken,

If it’s taken is it at behest

If given is it by request


Confusion reigns

to give, to take, But given can I take it back 

Further down life’s railroad track 

Or taken is gone for good

Lost forever in the wood 


You take my love and lock it up

And leave me cold and out of luck

If given though ...

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Also by Edbreathe:

huNt [er]s moon | DREam InG SunS | YooF | OLd RaGe ( will Owe) | hoPE LESS | tHe Or an g dreSs | FiiiiRe | SUMm-er-DusK |


I admit I speak from a certain age

In an era when exercise is all the rage -

But having had my share in the past

I seem to have done enough to last;.

Keen to lay the foundation provided

When youth and energy coincided,

Working to keep the body healthy

Without seeing multi-gyms get wealthy.

Now the years have accumulated

I view exercise as over-rated,

Preferring instea...

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Also by M.C. Newberry:


A Shooting Star


I think it's the third twinkle down


In the constellation of Ursa Major

Where she sits

All sparkly with stardust

And cheesy-gobbed from moon food

Gran said that God had came and 

plucked her right off the earth

A car was an odd choice of plucking

But, that's what he chose

With all her beautiful smiley curls of gold

And shimmery eyes of sapphires

I t...

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Also by Stephen W Atkinson:

Page Break | Sunbeam | Your gracious hosts | The Day The Seeds Fell | The Changing Breeze |

Children poemslosslove

The cabin I am

Think of me as a cabin in serene forestry

May the stillness of my words shine down upon your presence

Like light penetrating though a canopy

Dancing hickory shielding you from ghastly winds

Astray and exhausted

The path will always present itself

Guiding you to the home of my existence 

Supplying you with peace of mind

Serendipity lives amongst those who reside


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Also by Cody Roach:

River of love | Awake | Fate | Dam | Paradise | The climb |


OUR NEW NORMAL Life during a pandemic. Already change is challenging for most. If we had a choice or I should rather say, control things would remain the same, people's thinking would never evolve, but we don't have control over anything. Change is inevitable; it is an integral part of being human. Going about our lives blissfully oblivious believing that we are the captains of our destinies, then...

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New normalcovid19survivorrecoverypandemicacceptanceprayerdont lose your humanity


things used to be simple

lovers dawning undiluted

before he turned up and

left my dreams polluted


I knew she had a history

you sensed it in her eyes

she'd seen many lovers

said a host of goodbyes


hoped she'd seen sense

woken up and matured

that restless streak still

her carnal urges cured


my money she was after

I knew it from the start


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Also by simon lucan:

Cottage Cheese | Kelp | The Roxy | Size Six | Spikes | Sealed Units | Fern |



In a score-settling mood

With the way things go, 

Though the point might be moot,

If life's sine qua non

Is the precariousness of it all. 


Indeed, yesterday's feast

Could be tomorrow's defeat;

But what of today?

It could be the olive branch

Extended in exchange.

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Also by Holden Moncrieff:

Porphyrogenitus | Cracking | License | Defined | Freeze Frame | Visionary... | Make-believe | Avoidance | Unrehearsed |


A much needed Dylan Thomas/DIY/Shakespeare fusion poem and celebrating a little mishap which befell me at my daughter's house.


I should go gentle into that stud wall

For fear of piercing cable or a pipe

Else certes much skunk shite may me befall.


A wiser man might prod with a bradawl

At DIY, though, I am dud arsewipe

If only I’d drilled gentle through that wall.



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Also by John Coopey:



An organised mess,

No train of thought,

Just swirls and swoops, 

Campaign abort 


If ironed and pressed,

A chain no longer, 

Confused and tangled,

But maid of honour


A taste of love,

So now you see,

Instilled in us,

A fantasy


Exchange our hearts, 

Entrusting me,

Through pain feel power,


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Love in Winter


At grubby winter’s evening time,

They waited in the cold and dark.

He saw her run across the park;

Each changed their taxis in between,

To take no chance of being seen.

He opted for a jazzy blue;

She wrapped herself in guilty green.


Later, beneath a small squashed sky,

They looked back at the empty room,

Scraped featureless by some new broom,

With all scraps...

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Also by Stephen Gospage:

The Log Sledge | Global Rat | Demonstrators | Dead of Night | Eighty year-old rockers | Waste of Space | Data |

This wanting look


The more I see beyond
your reckoning words
and their sweet ache,
I realize you won
You always did
I gave,
You hid.


And this boyish want
has walked its way
away from you.


Despite my stay
and turning look
I was leaving by weighted
line and flying hook.


And this turning to your
wished for face
has piled the wanting
piled the weight
like stones not counted

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Also by Tommy Carroll:

3rd person silent | Holding...the point | I can point |

Dinner By The River

Dinner by the River with beautiful you.
The 3 Graces can also join us too.
Across the way a Ferry, Seacome bound.
Dinner by the River, happiness I've found.

A sleepy Mersey, barely musters a wave.
The memories of this day, I'll forever save.
A speedboat leaves all else in its wake.
A crawling old Tanker, baby steps to take.

A weary Criuser, her voyage now complete.
In the cool River M...

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Also by Mike Bartram:

97 Avenue (For Andrew Devine) |

Superglued with Love

Pink flamingo angels

soft butterfly wings

sweeping virtue gracefully

steadfast gallant knight

dignified splendid blue

white princess bride

elegant breathless beauty

wedding vows bonded

hearts superglued forever.

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Also by Nigel Astell:

Betrayal on a Massive Scale | Hard Core |

get a room - - - then superglue the door.

Don't let me forget

I am scared I will forget you.
Forget your voice. 
Forget your face. 
Forget your smell. 
Forget each moment. 
I walk on with my heart lodged in my throat. Wondering when it will make me choke. 
But how can I choke on a broken heart?
It's been in pieces since we have been apart. 

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Also by Guinevere Heron:

Jumping waves | They are just words | Do you grieve in heaven? | Your coffee | Dear Death |


Jewelry from stars

When the music is boring
when I will not have the strength to express myself magically
the sky will break
the moon will be left homeless
and I will meet the stars on the terrace
oh good people adorn me with star jewelry.

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Also by Sanja Atanasovska:

Brown eyes | Angels on the wall | Pineapple from Thailand | Wound in the genes | Diaspora of verses | The beautiful face of truth | Visiting the sun | The right way | An empty dream | Stacking images | Disarmed | Dedication | Me, you and she | One way |


Together, forever

Into the world eternal 

Hand in hand

We walk into that land


Love isn't what we say

It's much Deeper than a ray

It makes us feel everything 

Longings, pain and also grief


If there's anything I want to change

It isn't past that I have already lived

It's just my feelings I had for few

Who cared not for how much I loved 


Reverse isn'...

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Also by Sunshine:

3. Poem | 2 Poem | 1. Poem |

On Sunday

I never used to understand
why Jesus wanted to be reborn,
into a world of sinners and saints,
of betrayers and victims
where even the strongest hearts of gold,
would one day taste the cruel pain
of a finite life.

And then one day, I met you,
and my heart that believes no faith,
believed in you,
and I knew,
I’d die a thousand Friday’s
to be reborn to you on Sunday.

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Also by Connor Hamilton:

From A Distance | Murder on the Playground | Racing Thoughts | What’s One More Cancelled Visit to a Man in his Grave? | Breakfast | Black Water Bay | Mr Fat & Mr Thin | Ophelia | Butterfly Thoughts | The Wasps Kill | The Bath (A Recipe for a Broken Marriage) | Burnt Toast Tomorrow | An Ode to the First Times | Three Kisses for Betrayal, Two for Spite | Handsome Leaches | The Sad Boy Orchestra | The Postman Came So I Know the World’s Still There | We Got On Like A House on Fire | Crimson Hills | Cracked Pot Schemes | Naked Poets Society | Salt | She Stayed for a Season |


Best In The Morning

It’s best in the morning
with no decoration
only flesh 
and fingers reaching out
It’s best in the morning
sun licking through the window
we’ve honestly
nowhere we need to be

It’s best in the morning
kitchen door 
open on the garden
you sip your tea, strum the guitar 
sitting on the back step
Your dark hair ruffled
eyes so brown and full of wonder
nowhere we need to be

“It’s bes...

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Also by Tom:

Tokyo Honeymoon | Mayor of Kabul | If We Love It... | Beguiling Sirens |



You’ve heard of policemen out walking their beat,

while wearing those shiny black boots on their feet,

a slow measured march as they come down your street,

but now what if that beat was a tango?


They’d shimmy and slide to a rhythm so hip,

while lookin’ so cool the kids wouldn’t give lip;

watch out for the sergeant and give him the slip,

because he’d want to switch to fand...

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Also by Trevor Alexander:

Car Crash | Beached | Conversation With My Nine-Year-Old Self |

Waiting to Fly

Waiting to fly


People run to terminals

As best as they can —while dragging heavy bags

Others sleep

Or are zoned in to their screens and books

Like robots


Elevator music playing

Passengers in waiting— tiredly window shopping 

With no clear intent or interest

What time is it?

Doesn’t matter—you are in another country anyway


Not sure

So you buy...

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Also by Rasa Kabaila:

Put me on the kitchen counter—please! | Forever Blue | Finding My Way |

Farra Thin Thot

Farra thin thot

Feera thin thet

What is it I'm trying to say

Fairer than thit

Feerer thon thet

Mi tongue's in a twister today


Firra thin thot

Firra thin thet

I'm talking like a twat

Farra thin thit

Farra thin thot

I can't say .....fairer than that




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Also by kJ Walker:

Coal Ash Maisey | Spelunking the Banana Caves | To Ride Jock's Bloody Bull |


So you want to go it alone

Asking for help is just not right

Please consider before you abandoned any assistance

Even a shadow needs a light

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Also by Joe Marcello:


Come and See

Come and See


Then there was a faint light

A glimmer of hope in a vault of cloud

No brightness was emitted

Not even shadows could be formed

It seemed to remain still, unmovable

I pondered on its presence

Did it signify new hope or a beginning?

It would not go away

My attention was transfixed

A gradual movement dispersed the remaining darkness

I saw the sun in i...

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Also by keith jeffries:

I never cried | The Good Old Days | A Smile |


I start my day the same way I end it 
Reflecting and preparing
I believe when a day begins it is a chance to start fresh with a new perspective 
I am struggling, overwhelmed by the chaos we accept to live in our lives, it hurts. 
With every sip of coffee I believed that today would be the day I change my own shitty circumstances. 
Unfortunately, it seems that it was only the caffeine...

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giving up

Can you hear it?

Listen carefully now

Pay attention as the neck snaps

Before you snap and lose it.

Do you hear it slit?

Before you split,

To your misery.


Enjoy your seconds of misery

Joy will find you in mystery.

It's all scenery and gore in your head.

Hearts heavy you don't rest.

You wanna die not by your hand,

They won't blame you if you die.



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Also by JustKelvinMasilela:

when I was still happy | dark world | Sadness | Path |

suicidal thoughts


I'm sorry, I nearly remembered your name,

no-one's to blame for that,

but a face i'll never forget

I couldn't recall the place we met

but perhaps it was the same for you. 


We'll never know of course,

such is the way of meeting

and a few words will let us off the hook

but still, behind that blameless look - 

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Also by ray pool:


Lilith First Wife to Adam



Lilith, first wife to Adam. She refused to be submissive to Adam, God or his Angels.


She chose to live freely. She was turned into a Demon for disobeying God.


Known as stealers of Babies and seducers of single Men.


Many talismans bearing the names of the Three Angels who tried to force Lilith to return to The Garden of Eden have been found. This is to ward he...

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As expected it's going downhill,

the imaginary ride which I was on,

it made me fantasize for sometime,

that I have reached a deepdown zone.

But it was same as earlier,

the jaunty ride which started with praise,

which once reached an apex climate,

and now it moved to falling phase.

It is like an incessant chain,

tulips after orchids and that after lily,

or is this push...

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Dead Hughes

I'll love you until Shakespeare's irrelevant.

I'll love you until Chaucer don't matter.

I'll love you till Silvia climbs from her grave,

and serves me Teddy Boy's head on a platter.


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Also by Ferris Ty Taylor:

Reflections and Extrospection |


A life without rules
No teachers No schools
I actually can't imagine  how that feels
No authorities ..difficult to picture
No leaders
No scripture
No currency
Living free
No morals..No flaws Flawless
No rules..No Laws..Lawless

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Also by Sarah Louise mcnee:



Matrimonial Courses - Pre and Post

Forced furiously to undergo a Pre Matrimonial Course

by both Priest and gorgeous harridan intended,

(otherwise the knot remained  undone).

Feeling indignant, resentful and slightly put upon,

the 'married' to him less important than her 'moneyed'.

Honeymoon period over, he grabbed the chance

to take a Post Matrimonial Refresher Course

to avoid early nuptial burnout and collapse...

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Also by Jennifer Malden:

Ebb Tide Only |

Cold winter night

And on a lonely seat in a cold winter night where it all began. Yearning for what once was, but not still and never again.

Was it hope bewitching my mind. Thinking all ache has passed. Or was it true serenity that was too rare to last.

In the dark of night my mind wanders free. Seeking a relief beyond my reach.

Then the day comes and it's darker still. Though the sun shines bright, my sun...

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That Kind of Love

It was the kind of love

You read in books or see in movies.

The kind that makes your heart flutter.


It was the kind of happiness

That makes you giddy and act silly,

Can’t stop smiling when you see each other.


It was the kind of kiss

That makes your lips tremble and your knees weak

And now you know how it feels to be thoroughly kissed.


It was the kind of to...

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Toxic Affection

Pain coiled

In the red cords of love

Cause a sweet-toxic flow of passion

That pierces the souls of the fateful

Birthing a horrid abomination.



Adoring a beautiful ensemble

It comes to those who seek

An emotion that is nearing extinction.

Promising a blissful existence



It illuminates a trail

Feeding on the vitality of those who walk 

Leaving a car...

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Also by Blue Raven:

Sanity. |


I love, many things.

I love Mandarins,

And Pagolins,

And Emperors.

But what’s a Mandarin?

Just a duck you say?

Well you’re right

An Emperor's a penguin

And a Pagolin's a Pagolin

But to me it’s not just a duck 

It’s a Mandarin.

You don’t have to look to see all the world's Mandarins

They come and they leave with you just looking at them

Noticing nothing

I s...

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The missing

Good to see you again young man, tell me have you made better choices?


Are you still stuck struggling young man, have you sucome to the voices?


You can be forgiven for the sins you did commit,


put it all down to the personality split, 


God won't judge you, you used to say he loved you, loved us all,


you should have been safe in this knowledge but no not at a...

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Death, Sex and Violence


To put it in the Title

to me seems Sadly Vital


You have to Grab Attention

with Poetic based Invention


The Masses just want Action

to give them Satisfaction


It’s Bloody Death and Sorrow

that’ll bring them back Tomorrow


When its Culture that you’re after

turn to Shakespeare, Blake or Kafka


The Best of us are Dead

Unmarked, Un-missed, Unr...

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Also by Crimaldi:

Flatbed |

How To Think About This


bodies trampled

at the gates to another life,

all the screaming,


and scared eyes

of children clinging 

to their parents legs,

while I lay here in

the quiet of a weekend afternoon,

the coffee cup 

cooling on my chest,

my child nearby

watching the television,

something about

super hero dogs,

my heart aches

as if running low

of w...

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Also by Tom Harding:

Desert Island |

The Divided Nations

As the earthquake shakes the nation of Haiti, 


Afghanistan’s president flees the country for his own safety.


Palestine still in need of freeing from the oppressive regime of the Israelis,


Whilst Yemen starves and the death toll rises daily, 


Indian farmers continue their protests and fight for their rights bravely.



The Democratic Republic ...

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Also by Your Royal Poetess:

友人 (Yūjin) |

Global crisisHeal the world

Candlestick, October 17th 1981

We arrived at five a.m.

thinking this was early enough

for great seats close to the stage - wrong!

The tents and campsites had been there for days


A tower of empty bottles over our heads, whisky, vodka, tequila,

and all the other varieties you could possibly imagine – no bottles allowed

Having delivered their liquid feelings of euphoria

they were piled high at the entr...

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Also by Mike McPeek:

Evening Walk |


The clock is ticking

Faster as it can 

There's no time to waste 

When there's much work at hand



The hour glass slips the sand

The dunes of time shifting swiftly as best it can

Moments slipping off our hands 

Hoping to achieve all that I best simply can


The tides are turning to and fro

Ebbs or lowest low, the life flows

How much can we make when waves ro...

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Also by Ghazala lari:

Blissfully dormant | Being orphan | Little bits of this and those | One more time | Breathing anew |

Losing battles

You and I are the same,

Just like him and her,

Soilders in the battlefield,

Facing challenges and fear.


Stock up the arsenal,

Build you defences,

We sometimes reach for help,

Building gates and fences.


The fight goes on,

Non stop and unrelenting,

Demons, monsters and evil,

Outside and inside the ring.


The dream pushes us on,

Our motivation, our...

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You And Me L.S.D.

What humanity needs is to take some acid,

Take a tab kick back and get blasted,

There's more to this world than what our eyes can see,

The first time I took acid it truly set me free,

I had never in my life experienced joy like that before,

I have never been that happy in life I am sure,

Then I had a realization and tears poured down my face,

I didn't want to leave that blissf...

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acidacid tripDepressionl.s.d.l.s.d. tripmanic depressionmental freedommental therapysuicidal thoughts

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