equality (Remove filter)
A Piece of Cloth
A creature is created,
a joy and a blessing to all;
God called her Woman,
Adam named her Eve,
which means she who gives life
Eve was guilty of taking a bite
of the forbidden fruit of the tree of good and evil;
Adam was tempted by her and that was the end of it all,
that was how Original Sin was born
That was the beginning and then came the rest,
a stigma tha...
Tuesday 11th April 2023 3:15 pm
Cast away
Love is love they say as their loveless mouths spit each syllable like a foulness upon their tastebuds. All the while spouting poisonous scriptures on why your kind of love is not adhered to, not seen, not recognised.
And if it is not recognised, but you still dare to live outside their boundaries, you are cast away.
Family is everything, they speak as though that ought to be enoug...
Thursday 10th November 2022 3:48 pm
The Perfect Fit
The sun doesn't know that I'm different
The sun doesn't notice I'm here
The air doesn't know that I'm special
The air doesn't care that I'm there
The moon glows on me just the same
The moon doesn't care who I am
And time has never stopped for anyone
Since time began.
No, my dust won't be any different
Than dust has ever been
My bones won't seem more magnificent
Than bones have ever se...
Wednesday 10th March 2021 1:58 am
The melodic grass
This music,
it makes me want to fall from the water
float in the sky,
stare at those lips
and kiss those green eyes,
drink from the clouds
and jump on the pond
to feel the stars
and gaze at the stones,
the rythms , the notes
melt my mind
ignite my visible voice
I'm not here nor there
maybe inside a void
floating on the blues
maybe its a d...
Monday 14th December 2020 8:23 pm
Paper Friends
Leaving seems so hard
Until you actually leave
The peculiar truth is
Leaving feels ludic, orphic, majestic
Leaving the places which seemed to matter
Leaving the paper people I once met
Leaving, forgiving & moving forward
What a trouvaille I encountered
To leave the paper connection
Leaving them as they are, incomplete & rustic
Leaving them in the ocean ...
Saturday 17th October 2020 5:39 am
Nobody knows me,
Not even myself
I meet people everyday
I talk , I laugh , I smile
Others say that I lie.
I’m complicated, orphic
hard to understand
Just like the way we don’t know what happens in between the oceans.
I’m an...
Sunday 26th July 2020 4:34 am
Life is like a train journey,
Passengers keep changing.
Life is like an ocean,
The winds keep on changing
Life is like a desert,
Where weather keep on changing
Life is full of change,
No one and nothing stays the same
There will be ups and downs
People will leave you with painful wounds
But you have to stand up and fight
You have to follow ...
Sunday 19th July 2020 5:08 pm
Breathe Again
"I can't breathe."
How those words
now haunt me.
Suffocating reminder
of the curse
on humanity.
I want no part
of this evil plan,
man against man.
Let me stowaway
with paper and pen
until we get past
to a safe place,
where kindness,
compassion, love
rules the land,
where we can
breathe again.
Monday 1st June 2020 1:50 am
The Ship
Here comes my ship,
She roared blissfully,
Steaming in on a golden sea,
But wait they pray, be what may,
Girls don't board ships and it should stay that way
Here comes my ship,
She danced with glee,
Sailing in on a pale blue sea,
Stop! They spray, don't go that way!
Good girls should stay, darling what will your parents say?
Here comes my ship,
She clapp...
Monday 23rd September 2019 9:11 pm
In this world are we all different
Or are we all the same?
Don't we all deserve to have respect
And the right to have a name?
Do we not all have feelings?
Do we not all breath the same air?
Don't we all enjoy the same weather
In this world that we all share?
Do we not all have the right to be safe
And the right to feel secure?
And should this all last just f...
Thursday 22nd August 2019 7:54 pm
Bring Back the Pin Up
I was a sexual woman
I was…
Until my consent and its importance,
I was robbed of.
This is the year where-
I rediscover her
In my coven
Friend to friend
My witchy woman tell me how to be-
A proud feminine,
Love bug again
I know, I know!
I will observe you in your glory
Take notes, mimic my old self and copy-
My memory
When i was classy, polite and dressy...
Saturday 2nd March 2019 11:32 pm
ingrained in our brains
the need to be thin
the need to be thin
so we fit in
ingrained in ours brains
ideals of beauty
ideals of beauty
to be pretty is our duty
ingrained in our brains
be nice and sweet
be nice and sweet
watch how you speak!
unburden your brain
let yourself be
embrace who you are
woman be free
Monday 28th January 2019 6:09 pm
Respect to the Snowflake Generation
Don’t listen to them when they call you snowflakes.
Don’t be hurt when they call you fucking pansies.
Pity them. They are damaged. And they fear you.
They think it’s too much work to be inclusive,
too used to being the privileged majority.
Who is it really that’s easily offended?
When they see they don’t define the world anymore.
You do. That is why they fear you.
...Thursday 4th October 2018 10:52 am
We Have a Dream
(Just a note, that this is supposed to be set in the suffragette era)
We have a dream
That one day we’ll be more than our looks
More than our fathers or husbands accomplishments
We want to be valued for our intelligence
We have a dream
To have the possibility for success
To be more than wives, mothers, and maids
We want to have our chance at greatness
We h...
Thursday 30th August 2018 9:19 pm
Normalcy Bereft
They rewrote songs on the sceneries of their dreams,
under the same roof, in the same room, but alone.
Living in each other’s isolations,
so tiring, boring, sensual, overwhelming, warm.
In thoughts, several severely intimate moments had passed;
their knotted minds kissed intermittently, not seldom.
He knew he was boundless, liberal, enraged, , jealous, dizzy,
he thought h...
Friday 21st July 2017 9:13 pm
Getting a Ribbing
A performance of equality-
when their eyes
are reflective of me.
When their way of life
or philosophy
might be something I dreamt up once
doing a cartwheel in primary.
Those beautiful lads of great design?
I made them in my leisure time!
If anyone's ribs came from
anyone's ribs-
their's came from mine.
Thursday 9th October 2014 12:24 pm
I see you know the ways to glow your bodies floating nowhere to go cash money that's all you know your womanly curves showing words through sight and sound you have no disgust no regrets somehow you undress willingly you let them see you let them see with all too bare but that's the way you were trained no underwear pantie...
Sunday 31st August 2014 7:34 am
Wistful Wanderings
Wistful wanderings of my mind,
take me from stubble scratching
to thoughts of just how to unwind
the complex issues we face today…
Mankind is gifted with intelligence,
we know that is a truth for sure,
yet still pursues ancient grievance
that only serve to bring pain for more
Better that we stop and think of more ways
to shape a society where all give as they c...
Tuesday 24th June 2014 1:00 pm
Malefic Condescension: Tearing Down Heaven III
Is the unguidable wilderness distant nature of the Mother of all Gods' bargain, Every sin confidence is a cold denial infinite bet confession labyrinth of words hoping She'll awaken to faith gesture and play the secrecy threat of Her oft benign cross empathetic dead hand!
Just another running card eternity drawn breath Sunday without god... gag, Her augmented li(f)e o...
Saturday 7th June 2014 9:56 am
Malefic Condescension : Grace's Parasite
Kill off the infection,
A belief against the invisible court of justice, Wherein love is no longer held libel as the greatest of every moment's existence value... The difference between intolerance compelled lethargic inaction versus the any second creeping essence affliction of the empathetic imagination engine must survive the spread of difference across our lives, Surmounting the conv...
Monday 2nd June 2014 11:48 am
Malefic Condescension: Wrought by You II
Drawing worthless diction as fire,
Unqualified lucid pictures of muted clouds entitled hope, Inaudibly described via a depravity of discord, A torrential malady choir of misshapen atonement deficit cast foreseen just libel out angels, Whose eyes re filled with numb denouncement matriarchal Lilith established garden of misery over marionette's adorned with the purposeful threat of silence ...
Saturday 31st May 2014 11:05 am
Malefic Condescension: Wrought by You I
Drawing worthless diction as fire,
Pictures of hope via inaudibly denouncing marionette's adorning a threat of silence augmented memory shrapnel ache crown, Unholy is the bargain of karma's fallen god betting delicate righteous amputated feeding gold hand, Wherein Avarice' nurtured greed lies unnaturally skin apparently injected confession awoken, Bruised tongue & wicked attention ...
Friday 30th May 2014 11:12 am
Malefic Condescension: Dose of Heaven...
Over death,
Achieving nectar dose of the god's lost dreams, The unfathomable infinite sandcastling cosmos, Realm of golden aptitude desire tests, Where the children of karma's eternal poverty war are forever subdued by avarice... Inside.
In earnest anticipation of,
Thursday 29th May 2014 9:32 am
Hive Mind: Seething Vocal Discord I
Holocaust seething,
Speech vomited from a hate intoxicated mouth full of razor blades, Whose tongue is white nameless cross tattooed to empower the whisky bottom glass dreams to appear more than obscene, Suicide slicing empathy's once authentic imagination equality eternal engine on behalf of avarice' reincarnated intolerance heirloom of a false Buddha's multiple profit gun arms, Margina...
Tuesday 27th May 2014 10:41 am
Malefic Condescension: Shedding Heaven's Walls I
Is the unguidable wilderness distant nature of the Mother of all Gods' bargain, Every sin confide ants is a cold denial infinite bet confession labyrinth of words hoping She'll awaken to faith gesture and play the secrecy threat of Her oft benign cross empathetic dead hand!
Just another running card eternity drawn breath Sunday without god... gag, Her augmented li(f)e...
Monday 26th May 2014 11:43 am
The Scratchers and the Scrawlers
The Scratchers and the Scrawlers
We shall not forget
Signs scrawled by Neanderthals on almost every wall we walked past.
An N, in capital form with two lines added, which digressed to suggest a capital F.
It was scratched into a table
It was scratched into many a table
It was scratched into too many a table often by near illiterate authors who wanted to blame...
Saturday 22nd January 2011 10:59 am
Upon Disappearing
I’m not quite sure
when it was I disappeared
the precise moment, minute, hour
I only know that one day
it happened
I ceased to exist
to count,
to matter,
to be.
Nobody told me so,
the milkman still knocked,
neighbours still smiled,
kettles still boiled,
and children still cried,
but somewhere, somehow
someone flicked a switch
Sunday 9th January 2011 3:38 pm
Equally bad (AKA Rantings of an antisexist man in a post-feminist world)
I may be a mister,
But sisters don’t get pissed yeah when I say in fact - I, am a feminist.
There seems to me to be a need for us to celebrate and debate the culture of nurture over greed,
Which appears an instinctively natural part of so many a female’s nature.
Maybe its origins historically are biological,
Isn’t it simple, obvious and logical,
That of the human races pair of parental par...
Monday 3rd January 2011 4:31 pm
Third Sonnet
The Taliban of Christianity,
Are guardians of our nation’s moral health,
Protecting men from femininity,
They worship pomp, and privilege, and wealth.
They disapprove of how and whom we love,
Deny our civil right to earn a crust,
To work in schools for our Lord above,
Those bigots trample freedom in the dust.
No paedophiles then, in the Church of Rome?
In Opu...
Tuesday 9th February 2010 1:05 pm
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