The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 53 days, 8 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Two birds left the nest after they had learned to fly,

setting off to find what the world has got to give.

Each had what it takes to ascend into the sky,

but each bird also had different reasons why they lived.


One lived a life to soar above, his days spent in the air.

The other lived to gather in and build a stable home.

One was carefree enjoying daily views beyond com...

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I'll chew my words
Mince them into a soft sponge 
Cleanse the red rage of pique
Return them eclair

I'll find my feet
Rotate along the axes
Slice through the ladder of fatigue
Meet at the Summit where the points meet

I'll get my spark
Learn to sharpen my bow
Steer the ship with my intuition
Brainstorm ideas for my arrow

I'll locate my voice
Journal the sea of musings in lead

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Flame-Licked Heels

I’ve been working on

Coming back from

The dead

Realising reality

Living in this world

Becoming me

I don’t have to know who I am

But I must know that I am

I am, I am, I am

I don’t have to know what I am

To deserve to be

I’m working on being,

Just being

Because I’ve been existing

Mindless, automatic, numb

Best autopilot, me

Coming back from the dead


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deademotionlessfeelrebornresurrectionspiritgrowthself workhardshipinspireoptimismhopefuturechoiceempowerpowerdecisionstake controlmanifestconnectvibrationliveenjoybebecomechangetransformjourneyexciting

Life Tapestry

Each glorious day that we awake, There are many choices we all must make. Every choice brings new lessons for you to learn, If you study well, then ascension you will earn. Choices choices which one should I choose? If made with love in your heart, you cannot lose. Free Will is granted to all so make your own Choice, Some lessons are easier when you listen to your inner voice. Ea...

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Path Finding

Imagine all the paths that we
Might take from where we are.
Those that keep us local.
Those that take us far.

Imagine going round in circles
Or off tangentially.
Think of trekking to a mountain
Or travelling overseas.

Imagine all the sights and sounds,
The people we might find.
The things we haven't done yet.
The places left behind.

Imagine now the path of air
From breathing in ...

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meditationpath of lifeimagineemotionschoice

On Being A Phoenix

We die a million deaths each day.
The death of all those other ways
we could have taken.

The death of dreams each moment we
discard the possibility
we could have made them.

If we stopped breathing every time
another aspect of us died,
there'd be no breathing.

All we can do to justify
this situation, make it right,
is be a phoenix.

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meditationphoenixpath of liferebirthchoice

We Feel

Some time ago
My skin turned wooden
My feet moulded into one
I slipped
And smudged the painted grid
On the marble floor
Another time I fell
And did not stop
I rolled right off the board
It was not a conscious decision
To spectate rather than participate
But it happened
As it does to many
Who give up on giving
When you undertake solely seeing
You relinquish being
But not feeli...

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anxietybeingchoiceclosedcontroldepressionemotionlessfeelinternalintrovertlivenumbselfswitch offwall


An orange morning, 
a fresh aromatic air, 
and a cup of coffee
might make you crazily cool.

The multi-colour roses, 
a lush-green garden, 
and the love-filled people
might sway you in a romantic realm.

The dark clouds, 
a thunderstorm, 
and a forked lightning 
might throw you in a scary field.

The bad guys, 
an evil thought, 
and the black habits
might drive you glum and burri...

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atmosphereschoiceeventsgrowthhappinesspeaceright decision

Everyone chooses for himself ...

Everyone chooses for himself:

 A woman, a religion, and the path.

 You can serve the devil or the lass.

Everyone chooses for himself.


Everyone chooses for himself:

A word for love or just a prayer,

 A sword for the duel, shelter as a lair.

 Everyone chooses for himself.


Everyone chooses for himself:

Shield and armor, staff and a hat.

The service to the greed...

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Arrive Alive


Road crashes are every minute 
Here and there, in every point 
More than a million killed a year 
And speed is death, no doubt 


“Drive Safely” is only choice 
ٍSafety belt, has no "price" 
Come back safe for the family 
We live "once", not twice 


Road is not real excuse 
But the behavior is a main cause 
For crashes all over that world 
No more anger .. no abuse

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The choice 

Translation of my Arabic Poem (“The Choice”) 

Who, in the World, chooses his birth? 
Who chooses his family and children? 
Who chooses his fate and country? 
Who chooses the time to go to heaven? 

But it is possible to choose our day 
To sincerely care about family and work 
This will be the first right step to our future 
To achieve our goals while we're alive 

Your name and countr...

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The Bleeding Edge

The razor thin space between 
stimuli and response 
is decision. 

I decided to put a  
romcom relationship
where love never ends
and be, just friends. 

It was a defining decision.

He decided that without 
certain stimuli, there would be 
no response, just an end.

Tempting as it is to give in
to conditioned responses,
I'm riding the razor's edge
into a new frontier...

A pla...

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relationshipsromcommusewritingwriter lifepoetsself-respectchoicelovefriendship

Choice Made

Choice Made

This is what I don't like about my parents dying

The awful fucking grief that kills me inside

The knowing I won't see them again in this world

I will have to wait till I cross to the other side

How will I find myself for the rest of my life?

Wondering knowing feeling hating these emotions

And thoughts that have never ever been like this before

It almost feels li...

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I walk alone across a pale beach

at midnight, lit by shaky moonlight

reflected from the black ribs

of disturbed sea-shallows. A sharp breeze

beckons from the dunes; inviting warmth,

with duplicitous intent. My ease is not available

for casual enticement.


No, I seek a place of peaceful aloneness

where sloughing sand is my choice,

and possibilit...

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Too Much Time

Too much time spent on not really knowing what's going on,

Here but wanting to be there,

There but worrying if I care,

Flirting on the peripharies of fitting,

Electricity rises up in my brain where frustration reigns,

Dishonest pockets grow and grow with the weight of days,

Until I am left with a lifeless gaze. 

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The flower head is set to burst wide open.

Dormant in this tired space,

Matured and rooted by the year,

It sways in gentle rhythm with this slowing autumn time.


Bulging now with future life, it stands

As testament to nature’s cycle.

Soon its seeds will spread afar,

Exploding silent and unseen, like time and time before.


And from the casting of those flyspeck seeds

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The chances that are made today

Are not the choices for another day

They are opportunities for us to explore

Find the one you cannot ignore


The awakening of another day

Brings words we want to say

The faces we want to see

New places we could be


I see choices of adventure and mystery

Chances to restart making a new story

Maybe that tomorrow is you and I


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choicenew chancesmaybe in future

Who Am I?

I am noise and thought,
I am not who I ought.
I am freedom,
I am fight,
I am the smallest glimpse of starlight,
In the deepest, darkest, stormy night.
Because of fear,
I am,
In spite of fear,
I thrive,
The death of hate and ignorance,
Is what keeps me alive.
I speak for the minority,
A voice for words feared spoken.
With ink and web,
My words are spread,
And your weak bullets are b...

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choicefearfightfreedomje suis charliequestionunitywho



Otherwise summed up as: whatever happened to Rimbaud? Or Van Gogh, for that matter?
When a poet takes up arms
their quill is orphaned quick
though the pen is mightier
the sword some bards will pick
however just the cause may be
forsake their weapon true
to lose what makes them free
sad the ...

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You’re a passenger of life livin’ out your remainin’ days on borrowed time.

You stick two fingers up to the world, life for you is not an oasis but it’s a charred blackened shell.

You steal from anyone to feed your dirty habit, as you slowly deteriorate in your own little hell.

When they find you dead in your bath, a load of needles by your side, w...

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There is no sense...


There is no sense to dream about a prince,

There is no need your brain to rinse

When you are after thirty.

Better be a bit more flirty!


It’s time to chose

If you don’t want to lose

The time of your best years

Without knowing love affairs.


©Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)

The 22nd of September, 2011

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THINK poem

Do you want to renounce violence against other people on a personal scale and on an international level, where countries are bombed and shelled? This isn’t good, people are injured and die. Think what happens if I hit someone and kill him with one punch, this does happen. If a mortar falls and kills a dozen people in a busy market place.
What does it solve? Each person has a relative ...

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