The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 22 hours. Get details and Enter.

Kaleidoscope Memory

Like the first mirror reflects whats before it
I live in the past 
Anchored by my commitments
I failed to take that class

The angle of time constricts at a point
Silent in its steps despite how vast
Ranging millenia little by little 
The promise is a lie you can not outlast 

Through the scope I inspect my thought 
Regret is not the word because I have made peace
Feel the grip of anxi...

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I'll chew my words
Mince them into a soft sponge 
Cleanse the red rage of pique
Return them eclair

I'll find my feet
Rotate along the axes
Slice through the ladder of fatigue
Meet at the Summit where the points meet

I'll get my spark
Learn to sharpen my bow
Steer the ship with my intuition
Brainstorm ideas for my arrow

I'll locate my voice
Journal the sea of musings in lead

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If my sins had a smell would you sit near me?
I Wouldn't.
The tangy odour of deceit
A concoction of broken promises
The web of lies

A stench that embeds itself in ones skin
Needs more than a fix of TLC
Sorrow is my PLC
Yet it bothers you none

Through the shadow of my heart you see my smile
You feel my delicate underbelly
I am not a stain
I am more

Convinced of my plight
Stern i...

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Palm Tree

Sticking to a theme instead of writing what comes to mind
I'd simply put pen to paper and let the thoughts flow fully
Having an idea to think to is unnatural and code breaking
Let me write as though I am indeed free

Voyage to the caverness depths of everything
Float above the shallow reality of living
Shackled by 
Oh, the cream of this doughnut is filling

Dark but bright 
Light but gr...

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Empty is the head that wears the crown
Oxymoronic to think a time when such could be true
Coming to blows with your own mortality
Three Seventy Two stress keeping you afraid
To think you control a thing
Oh what a fool

I take the machine and point
In an instant the barrel freezes you
Only then can you escape the fiends created by your mind
So stand still and let it happen 
Watch as the ...

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