embedded image from entry 140297 The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 22 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Choices (Remove filter)

I AM, (Both sides)

I am the serpent that writhes in your mind
Decisions, derision, words formed unkind
Mestophiles old, sat cast in stone.
Place steel in your hand that cuts to the bone.
Sameal seducer, moulder of man.
To cast doubt on a love, destroy if he can.
Grigori descended to mess with your lives.
Carry the hurt out on many poor wives.
Lucifer guides,  the road easy and wide.
Your lead to take, to p...

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The Question

Depression and heartache and yearning -

common throughout all the years,

general amongst all the masses,

driven by so many fears.


It’s truly the struggle of ages,

despite born of mansion or cave.

Is life the thing that you’re living,

or is it life that you crave?


It's tied to a question so simple -

just what do you live your life for?

Do you live to live in ...

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Life Tapestry

Each glorious day that we awake, There are many choices we all must make. Every choice brings new lessons for you to learn, If you study well, then ascension you will earn. Choices choices which one should I choose? If made with love in your heart, you cannot lose. Free Will is granted to all so make your own Choice, Some lessons are easier when you listen to your inner voice. Ea...

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Decide the world's fate/nothing changes but the year/so who made YOU God?

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poem from book One Thousand Plastic Trinkets Nick Armbrister


More Wanted

How many people have it all and want more?

Just one more toffee from the box

Or one more lady to make love to

Or a car 10 miles per hour faster

Is the grass always greener?

Step over the fence to see

There’s no way back over tho

Make a choice and away you go

Cross your fingers it’s better

Are all people like this?

May I look inside their heads?


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Life's choices

do you ever wonder about another life 
you live it in your dreams
you keep drawing it in your mind 
could the grass be greener there
the sky always blue
could this other life  
another’s life
be made for you 

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Here is a bowl of marbles

I take a marble from the bowl

The same marble I have selected

For the last seventy-two days

I roll it between fingers

Marvelling at its smoothness

The swirl of green and blue

That cuts through its mass

Reminding me of planet earth

It sooths my soul

To contemplate its beauty

Its simplicity and structure


She says


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NaPoWriMo 2020day1marbleslifechoicespassing of timemetaphor

Decision Making

Each and every day involves decisions,
And in much wondering what to do,
You may see the consequences,
Whether it be on me or upon you?

We may consider what job to have,
And think: Which should I select?
Shall I go for this or go for that?
And: What shall then be the effect?

We may just mull over what to eat,
Or what we feel like drinking.
Or it may be an important matter,
Which req...

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ChoicesDecision MakingStuart Vanner

The Art of Choosing


Which is,
Which is not.
What should be,
What should not be.
How to be,
How not to be.
Who will be,
Who will not be.
Where to be,
Where not to be.
What is,
What is not.
To choose,
To choose not.

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Cast Aside

Cast Aside

A woman cries for now she knows

Her love is unconditional

Weeping at the empty kitchen table

One, two, three in the morning

None are awake but her

Right hand reaches out to air

She wails

“There was no choice to make!”

Yet she always knew, in some way

Either too much to handle

Or not enough

But always cast aside


Anger will not manifest

Her l...

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cast asideheartbreakheartbrokenlovecrylate nightdepressionbipolaradhdpolyamorouspolyamorychoiceschanceheartarbitrary

Pieces of Freedom; A personal perspective on Freedom and the deeply intimate significance of the powerful influence it silently wields in my life.

What does "Freedom" mean to you? Personally I believe its not only enjoying basic human rights but celebrating actual freedom everyday. The downside being that it is an everyday thing for us that we tend to forget the significance of it and reduce it to "ordinary" when in fact its the most extraordinary,most divine God given sanctified gift we have. Our free will so precious that our Creator Almig...

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change the worldchoicesCompassionForgivenessFreedomHumanitySenseless War




Sat here thinking

with chaos all around…


In this together,

family and friends,

some for

some against.

All affected

by the outcome.

All committed.


Sat here thinking

with chaos all around…


Europe needs us.

Allies need us

to face this thing

together and united

for our futures

and our children’s futures.


Sat here ...

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brexitchoicesreferendumthe somme centenary


Along the long and winding road

You’ll reach a spot where paths will cross

There you know not where to go

For either leads to unfamiliar ground

You’ll never know where they may lead

Unless you choose to follow it

But know that you may never know

Where the other could have taken you.

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She's snapped all her needles and sits cold and alone

Rocking and sweating, her eyes fixed on the phone

A decision to make; which person to call?

Knowing either way, this'll be the end of it all.


Should she ring home to her  mam and dad

And return to the life that she once had?

Be drawn back into the family's loving embrace

Standing at their door with no shoes or suitcase


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Comfort in patterns

Three poems written about coping with living from the perspective of my 24 year old son who has Down syndrome




I am trapped inside a message

Inside a message inside my head

I don't know how this happened

But it did because it has

People who don't understand

Just look the other way

My friends who are like me

Just accept me for who...

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Down syndromelivingchoices



Otherwise summed up as: whatever happened to Rimbaud? Or Van Gogh, for that matter?
When a poet takes up arms
their quill is orphaned quick
though the pen is mightier
the sword some bards will pick
however just the cause may be
forsake their weapon true
to lose what makes them free
sad the ...

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Your wish is great,


but don't be late!


No one denies


that time flies.


Do not relate


that it's a tale!


Yes, you can fail


and make mistakes


in this or other case.


But do be strong!


Your life is long.


But don't be wrong!


Do not complain!


But try again!



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you won’t be good for me
but I don’t care.
I know the connotations
of the colour of your hair.
red screams danger,
warning, stay away.
maybe I should try
a little danger fix

you won’t be nice to me
and I don’t mind.
nice girls normally don’t
I often find.
and who needs nice
in preference
to rollercoaster thrills?
when nice can suffocate
and boredom slowly kills.

you won’t be...

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