drink (Remove filter)
They say he has his way with the ladies
the bruiser at the door
thought to himself
hey, let’s not get carried away
what a light weight ...
they had been seen leaving together
after a fight—being broken up
over a year at least
she said to all her girlfriends
“it was like I was blinking
then my eyes rolled back
into my head and everything went black”
Sunday 29th September 2024 9:42 pm
Coffee the face
Some days, all it takes is one cup
Hot, cold, black or milky
I just need it direct to the face
I'll need some space
I don't have time to unwind
Read a book, unfurl the mind
Hot, cold, black or milky
I just want it direct to the face
I call them the beans of life
Ground or granuled, they relieve my strife
Hot, cold, black or milky
It's the only way to live
...Monday 22nd April 2024 9:25 am
To Drink or Not to Drink? 🍸
All adults may easily pick and choose
To stay sober or to drink some booze.
It can make us silly or even absurd,
As we giggle with our every word.
Should we indulge in those drinks we crave?
Though it may change how we behave.
And with alcohol we may soon find
The huge effect it has upon our mind.
So whilst it may take our sense and fear,
The effect in time shall disappear.
And while...
Thursday 30th November 2023 3:43 pm
Drinking Culture
A pint at the National Gallery,
A vodka and lime at the Tate,
A large single malt at Parsifal,
In the interval while you wait.
Then off to a poetry reading,
Where you gulp down large helpings of booze;
Before ending up at a jazz club,
With slateloads of cocktails to choose.
Next morning there's consolation
That you know you've improved your mind,
Although yo...
Monday 20th June 2022 6:44 pm
Being drunk can take us to a wonderful place,
Where we may be merry or just stare into space.
We may become silly but reactions are slowed,
And we may either be calm or we may explode.
Invincible is how we often do feel,
Where the world is all great and life is ideal.
We may believe we'll be like this for ever.
We can become lively or think that we are clever.
We may reveal feelings or...
Monday 14th February 2022 5:28 pm
Yes, our pubs are all great places,
Where people love to get together.
They are always full of laughter,
And no one cares about the weather.
One may choose to get quite tipsy,
It makes reactions all slowed down.
You say things you wouldn't sober,
Then visit every pub in town.
And if you have no more money,
From someone else you'll have to borrow.
And know that when you go to bed
Sunday 2nd May 2021 12:45 pm
I've known many stairs
Rising to strange places
Where joy roams free
A blur of female faces
Stairs can feel unreal
From drink and hurry
Chasing hot rump in a
Scented hectic flurry
Drink risks a frisson
Tumbling down stairs
Scrambles your wits
Impedes your affairs
Some boast a bend
Others climb straight
Either route is urgent
Desire will n...
Monday 5th October 2020 10:23 am
Those Low Down Bottle Blues
Those Low Down Bottle Blues
The day the clock struck thirteen
We took it as a sign
That the world might be in peril
So we all broke out the wine
But it probably was nothing
Just a poor miscounted chime
An end to our sobriety
And not the end of time
The night the stars rearranged themselves
In a moonlit sky
We all dived for the whisky bottle
And some of...
Friday 22nd May 2020 3:09 pm
Laugh to Live.
Happiness, in hands for you.
If you decided, not to be sad.
As a cup of water, to drink.
To clean your thoughts, to be glad.
Sadness, does not need to broach.
It always knocks, worried heart.
But Happiness, with a golden coach.
Asks, to ride happiness cart.
The Brain is yours, “to make use”.
Positively, think of your own.
Feel your value, never abuse.
...Monday 18th February 2019 2:02 pm
It's moist, in either of the sides
Some surpass the water and some would happily drown.
as for me, I prefer to drink up.
Sunday 1st April 2018 6:27 pm
One Day!
One day I'll meet you In that place!!
I don't take drugs
I tried a couple times
So I can tell you what it feels like
I don't drink
Probably all the sips I've ever had
Could amount to 2 glasses of white wine and those sambuca shots when I was 17yrs old!
I love dancing
I don't seem to do it much
But I love moving
That I do everyday with Yoga
I love fashion and...
Saturday 20th May 2017 12:45 am
My aunt jane
There was a woman named Jane,
Who never liked to see it rain.
So she listened to the song umbrella,
So she could dance with a nice fit fella.
All work and no play is grim,
So she goes to turkey for a little swim.
Off she goes for all inclusive,
Whilst she looks at all the exclusives.
Keep the drinks coming, it’s all paid for,
Whilst Jane settles down on the sea shore.
Cheers cock she l...
Thursday 7th July 2016 7:06 pm
The lights are dim,
The band plays loud,
The audience are the usual crowd.
There's John and Jim against the bar,
Commenting on the lead guitar.
Leanne sits with her best mate Sam,
Shouting over the music, how she loves her man.
Her man, Brad, is at another table,
Flirting with a lass named Mable.
Then Wobbly Bob staggers over the floor,
Empty glass in his hand as he o...
Tuesday 13th January 2015 1:08 pm
Digital Clock Blues
Digital Clock Blues
the pulsing dots on my digital clock
are slightly out of sync
with my thumping heart and spinning head
I’m so drunk I can’t think
I see your face like neon taste
it makes me want for home
my hair’s a mess my clothes un-pressed
Oh Christ! I need a comb
my love’s shot down in rainbow ruin
I’ve played the game and lost
now the drinking’s stopped me thinking
and I...
Monday 5th May 2014 7:41 pm
The Template of my Being
Been there
Done it
Eaten it
Drunk it
Almost drowned in it
Nearly died
Praised it
Cursed it
Dodged it
Traversed it
Just you name it
I’ll have tried
Smoked it
Snorted it
Been traumatised by it
Reduced to tears by it
Laughed and cried
Run it
Walked it
Chased it
Caught it
Wished I hadn’t bothered s...
Monday 24th June 2013 4:00 pm
We went into the pub's beer garden to see the illegal vodka factory run by Eastern Europeans.
We dance madly around their lorry and sing, "Give us a drink! We're parched like the Gobi Desert. Don't you know, we drank the pub dry? Vodka...
Wednesday 19th June 2013 7:21 pm
Roses - NaPoWriMo Day 10
Roses are dead,
they smell like Le Pew.
But they still smell sweet
compared to you.
Roses are dead,
now you feel blue.
So take a shot neat,
and uncork the screw.
Roses are dead,
our hopes are too.
You were a cheat,
but I was too.
Thursday 11th April 2013 5:26 pm
what crisis?
what crisis?
nowadays they have to pinch the ends
of their cigarettes before they cross the threshold
no longer allowed to herd the crumbling swarms
of ash across the gingham veldt
outside the window, on the pavement, lies a bible
and the radio declares their readiness is high
seems like a good night to let the smokers
in and warm around a last ember...
Friday 5th April 2013 8:39 pm
I am not your cup of tea!
I may not be
your cup of tea
but I am your
bottle of rum --
most definitely...
so ease up that grip:
Stop strangling my neck.
Let My liquid conflagration
scorch your lying condescension
again and again and again.... without fail.
If you but remember to be true
to what lurks deep within you
I will assail your do...
Sunday 13th January 2013 6:57 pm
North Town
North Town
My stress and anxiety continues.
It’s living in this crap dying town,
that I’m sure of.
I’d rather be in West Berlin writing poetry,
engaged to a Fraulein.
Soaking up European history.
Instead I’m here: Oldham.
Thorn in the side of the North.
You want a cool place,
go to Manny.
Nowhere is like Manchester.
Catch a gig or shag a bir...
Monday 17th December 2012 6:50 pm
We went into the pub's beer garden to see the illegal vodka factory run by Eastern Europeans.
We dance madly around their lorry and sing, "Give us a drink! We're parched like the Gobi Desert. Don't you know, we drank the pub dry?...
Thursday 5th January 2012 3:18 pm
Once-upon-a-time, a barman worshipped the Sun.
Worked nights so didn’t see much of it
but in his head he’d got stories of
the Fire God supreme,
Blaze Lord,
vanquishing monsters who'd eat out your dreams.
He called the Sun ‘Hero’,
believed it had six pairs of arms,
giant wings of flame
and the handsomest nose in the galaxy.
Made moons blush
and g...
Friday 17th December 2010 1:38 pm
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