belief (Remove filter)
Hope and Belief
If you should live a troubled life,
In an unhappy existence,
You shall find you can get by,
With patience and persistence.
If you don't know where you're going,
And you feel completely lost,
Know new directions may be found,
And new bridges can be crossed.
So in yourself you must believe,
With great courage and with hope,
And you shall surely then survive,
And against all struggles ...
Tuesday 21st May 2024 4:40 pm
Let the wolves run
Let the wolves run
I run faster
Let the wolves run
I am stronger
Sure of myself
I flex the muscles of my mind
No need to hide
I expel hexes in one breath,
You may not enter
Nor commit the theft
Of my soul
You are uninvited
Release the hatred from your heart
Vengeance is a waste of energy
To be enlightened is to be smart
And rise above, rise!
I a...
Saturday 10th February 2024 7:39 pm
If you'll work upon your self-esteem,
You will follow each and every dream.
And if in yourself you will believe
All of your goals you'll then achieve.
And so with life do not play games,
Just be sure to meet your aims.
And to other people do be kind,
And bear their happiness in mind.
So do not go back on resolutions.
Work on problems till you have solutions.
Try not to be weak or be ...
Monday 1st January 2024 4:34 pm
Beautiful Woman
You’re the most beautiful woman in the world
Because baby you’ve stolen my heart
You’re the most beautiful woman in the world
Because without you my world would fall apart
Your eyes dance and captivate my mind
And make my head and heart pound
Your lips are where the hunger starts
Joining to ignite and fire my heart
Because without you baby, my world would fall apart
Wednesday 15th November 2023 5:43 pm
If I believe in me,
I can be anything,
I ever want to be,
Swiftly soaring through the sky,
Flying my way that high,
Gently touching horizons unseen,
If I believe in me.
Maybe dive into waters so pure,
Laugh with dolphins,
Solve mysteries unknown,
I can feel the deepest pits,
If only I believe in me.
Forgetting all my darkest fears,
Ignoring all thos...
Tuesday 1st August 2023 4:12 pm
Bigger than you
You should know better
Than to think you’re alone in this universe
You’ve seen breath come from nothing
Animals evolve
More complex than fathomable
Human species shapeshift and roam
With inventions inexplicable
Grass, water, and life itself
Come to be
And people like you
Who all think different
And think they’re the only ones
Don’t assume you’re not connect...
Friday 19th May 2023 2:30 pm
Part of us
Something speaks from beyond
Something writhes alive
In each of us
Something pulls and breathes
Beyond our touch
They call it instinct
But it is magically distinct
And can lead, lead, lead
To something in your core
They call it power of the brain
But it’s so much more
It cannot be explained away
It cannot be spoken out of existence
They call it the mi...
Sunday 14th May 2023 11:03 pm
Cast away
Love is love they say as their loveless mouths spit each syllable like a foulness upon their tastebuds. All the while spouting poisonous scriptures on why your kind of love is not adhered to, not seen, not recognised.
And if it is not recognised, but you still dare to live outside their boundaries, you are cast away.
Family is everything, they speak as though that ought to be enoug...
Thursday 10th November 2022 3:48 pm
We must never be ruled by our circumstances.
We must follow our hearts and follow our chances.
No matter how hopeless. No matter how late.
Know that we are special and we can become great.
We must also know that hope does exist.
So know that we are free and this will persist.
Take down those books from our mind's bookshelves
And ponder those wise words as we read to ourselves.
Tuesday 13th September 2022 6:02 pm
I'm A Believer
Death is the end of all things
Death is the end of pain and blame and shame,
of sun, of rain, of work, of play
Death is the end of night and day
It brings each one of us, the same,
to the end of everything.
I say Death is the end of all things
So we need to know that's where we go
Whether we want to, yea or no,
It is what existence always shows
No matter what else life may bring,
Monday 1st March 2021 1:54 am
The Oak Tree
The oak tree
Unwavering and sturdy
Tells us how to be:
Don’t break so easily
In the slightest change of wind
Climbing back through my childhood bedroom window
Landing on shards of broken glass
Crimson oozes slowly
As I pray each stab is its last
So much has shaken me since my first landing
Each step taken cuts deeper than the beginning
Looking back
Tuesday 5th May 2020 10:02 pm
Still here
Today is not over yet,
Which means yesterday may have been the hardest day of your life,
As if you were driving down a never-ending dead end, stuck in reverse;
But you are still here.
You can’t recall the time your mother held you out of the bedroom window,
The blaze within threatening to scorch you, your cradle and home,
The scent of smoke on your baby clothes has long sinc...
Thursday 30th January 2020 9:19 am
Whistling in the Dark
God is watching over us,
They say.
When we feel afraid,
Grateful or anxious,
We look to the sky
For reassurance,
Hoping for protection,
Or tender mercy.
Hope lies only in the sky.
Fear burrows under our feet.
The lost wanderer is afraid
To look down and advised to look up.
So believers are blessed
With good posture.
Tuesday 14th May 2019 11:03 am
Sacred Path
Sacred Path
we walked the ancient path together
where ancestors had worn the land
into a waypoint to the barrow
carefully observing rituals and customs
under azure skies we stumbled on our way
across this land of Albion
the hops the wheat the barley
bowing heads in solemn recognition
of the passing of souls
as we walked we talked of many things
Thursday 22nd February 2018 12:19 am
now start breathing,
everything around is around for the same reason.
Catastrophe, catastrophe its all the same feeling
i'm too old to move on, i'm too old to keep dreaming.
When to move on is to grow and to grow is not leaving,
in a promise land we grow, and speak of the same reason
we speak of heaven and hell like they're not the same demon.
Well to move...
Monday 15th May 2017 3:45 am
Don't be afraid of the night,
take the feathers
and follow the light
for in the light we forever fly,
eternally divine,
immortalised through time.
Friday 12th May 2017 1:26 pm
love it so take a glass of wine or a cigarette and read it
smoothly smoothly lovely.
Thursday 31st March 2016 6:42 pm
Blues don’t complain
For clouds are dense
Untold desires will rain
Dousing all in consequence
For they trust the Big Star
Will rise just-in- time
Seed when soiled
Smothered in darkness
Left out to be buried
is set to shed its brown
Believing the water splash
Will life it just-in –time
Rodents lair
Insects crawl
Micro-beings breathe
Free to sur...
Tuesday 7th July 2015 6:52 pm
The Resolve
Reality proves daunting
bit tricky to comprehend
Rigidity seldom sustains
must learn aptly to bend
Time plays a role pivotal
in forging future ahead
For your cup to be fullest
or empty if deem instead
Thursday 18th September 2014 9:49 am
The Brink
On the face all is cheery
deep within bit suspect
With answer writ large
sans effort don’t expect
Coming on to very edge
wonder if be able to fly
All efforts withstanding
but own beliefs I’ll rely
Saturday 8th February 2014 4:57 am
I believe I'm an atheist
This morning, God finally
Put on his hat, and said
'Right - that's it.
If you don't believe in me,
then I don't believe in you
So there.
- and don’t go asking me
for any more favours!'
Bang went the door
and I heard Marlene's dog
bark as he passed the gate
It's all gone quiet
But I'm worried now that
he's not really gone
Friday 24th June 2011 4:03 pm
Once-upon-a-time, a barman worshipped the Sun.
Worked nights so didn’t see much of it
but in his head he’d got stories of
the Fire God supreme,
Blaze Lord,
vanquishing monsters who'd eat out your dreams.
He called the Sun ‘Hero’,
believed it had six pairs of arms,
giant wings of flame
and the handsomest nose in the galaxy.
Made moons blush
and g...
Friday 17th December 2010 1:38 pm
In the 18th century the people of Easter Island worked hard
creating the statues that their information showed
were absolutely necessary for their future.
In the 19th century Easter Islanders realised
that statues were a useless waste of effort
and put all their energy into the obvious need
to worship the birdman.
In he 20th century the stupidity of the Easter Islanders
was obvious...
Friday 18th December 2009 11:14 pm
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