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Sunshine on Slipperstale
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Holden Moncrieff on moment.
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Holden Moncrieff on Hark...
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David RL Moore on Dens of Iniquity
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Greg Freeman on PLAYTIME
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If this news item has passed you by, I suggest you google “Chess Cheat”.


For cheating at the game of chess

There’s nothing better supersedes

Electronic codes my team

Sends my vibrating anal beads.

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Also by John Coopey:



More bombast from President Puking

Along with real bombs and threats of nuking.

To suffer defeat must be very vexing

But can be relieved with some annexing


Of parts of a land you've chosen to invade

In the hope you've got it made

By a "special military operation"

Designed to achieve quick domination.


But aiming high can bring you low

And Puking has some way to ...

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Also by M.C. Newberry:


Future Found

The colour of your shirt does not determine your standing or standard of life,

Your position within a company does not make you who you are,

When describing one's self it is hard to not chronicle ones job,

Instead regale your sole and subsequent wisdom.

The 8 to 10hours a day you spend away not looking at reflection nor self-righteous meditation can leave you impatient yet waiting and ...

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Winter Tree


Take upon yourself the look of spring!
Don colours- vivid!- like to define life!
All the world will love you, that you must know!
Standing as death, brittle enough to break!
Take upon yourself the look of spring!

It is the trodden beetle who knows death
megalithic stones, millenia erect, do not.
I stand midway and though already lightening-struck
this is my springtime. I will medita...

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Also by Adam Whitworth:

Embarassment Of Riches | A Row Of Beans | Rehabilitation Of The Lemming | I Hear The Frog | The Weather-Vane | The Importance Of Being Decent |




The guns are silent now

packed away into shiny cars

with much back slapping

and well bred haar-ha-hars.


The birds are flying well,

not too high - or fast,

plenty of time to 'aim and squeeze'

and watch them tumbling,





onto early morning grass,


necks routinly rung -

and then in braces -

          - strung and hung...

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Also by Flyntland:



Born in London, as a new day dawns,

We wake in Prague to greet you,

New Zealand sees your beauty, too.

Majestic, infant Mercury,

Speeding, instantly, around the world,

Though your perfect tiny toes are curled!


We gaze at your loveliness from afar,

Full of awe and love and wonder,

At our brand new, dazzling Northern Star,

The brightest light which shines!

The cent...

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Also by John Botterill:

Helping Out | A Tram Ride in Prague | The Final Blessing | Life as a golf lesson | Her Word was her Bond. | A Grand Day Out | Cloud Nine | On Holiday in Sheringham | The Old Vicarage Garden | Not Long Ago |

The old man in the next bed,

It's coming, I know it,

My final hours of life,

I have regrets

But I have no more strife,

My past stretched behind me

There is nothing ahead,

I'll be relieved when the time comes.

When I'm finally dead.


When that moment arrives

When finally I'm gone,

They'll say of me

His pitiful life, done,

He lived, he loved, he laughed,

Somewhat reluctantly.


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Also by JD Russell:

Little brown pictures | Don’t play it again. Uncle Sam: | Faded Pictures | Simile and Metaphor | Goodbye | To old, too young | 1997, She’s gone | Death in polite society is quieter. |


What should be a simple counting of heads

Is here a pratfall buried with the bones

Dumped near the fenced-off railway sheds.


For freedom’s optimistic tidings

Are out of fashion in these parts,

Their wagons mothballed in the sidings.


In place of a future based on trust,

The polished tracks will soon become

A instrument of power’s grasping lust.


This will no...

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Also by Stephen Gospage:

In Town | Difficult Decisions | Izium | High Season (Our Village Liberated) | Time | 1966 | The Big Men | King |


Anecdotal Attributes

A fair exchange is no robbery

There’s no excuse for snobbery

An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth

A chocolate fire guard is of no use


He’s no use nor ornament 

Two slices short of a loaf

If she had brains she’d be dangerous

But could make you as warm as toast


As deaf as a door post

As blind as a bat

Two short planks are thick

But he’s thicker than th...

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Also by Rick Varden:

Running out of Time | Alive to your feelings | Music Lovers❤️ | Needles and Pins | Customer Service | Lady Desiree |

Mind Neuroplacebos

Just thinkin' of that night,

Colors of black and crimson red,

And the 5 liters of blood and byle

That I internally shed,


It's a miracle that I'm alive,

Cause I should be dead,

Battling the depression sucks,

Sometimes it's hard to get out of bed,


Only God knows the everyday duels

With the devil I fight inside my head,

The people that I've hurt,

And the thi...

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The subconsciousdepressiontraumaSpiritualitymoralsGodlifedeathwealthpoor

Differently blessed

Differently blessed


We're all Differently blessed 

But in a way that pleases us 

No one can have everything 

Each of us are deprived in some way 


We're all Differently blessed 

And this truth shall sway 

Each day we are tested by Allah almighty 

And Each day miracles flow to us 


We're all differently blessed 

And this truth amazes me 

For what I need...

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Also by Ghazala lari:

Twenty Twenty two | "Open up" | The Knowing | After years of hardships | Lessons of life | It's all in the name | A better bargain |


Jupiter with its boundless grace

reaches out tonight on a cold sweeping ellipse

and I see its pinprick face with supporting actors

stuck in some catastrophic race for arrival

emblazoned on a velvet curtain

closer tonight on its visit from outer space,

like any thespian it senses its moment,

the spotlight of our life - giving sun reveals it. 


From some haunted vault on ...

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Also by ray pool:


An opal luminosity

 Evening dark, damp, cold
 Retreat into electric caves
 Try not to think about you
 In your grave. Your soul 
 Meandering. Suicides in GB
 Buried in unconsecrated 
 Ground, until a MP topped
 Himself and was buried
 In Westminster Abbey 1822:
 Viscount Castlereagh. I think.
 Easier to digress than to confess
 How flummoxed am I 
 With the whole unholy business
 Of not saying goodb...

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Also by John E Marks:

The blossoming of the north | Alternative histories | Unholy | Homage to Nietzsche | Sheer lunacy | AGNUS DEI | Glance, glimpse, gleam | Tired starlings | Fear in a handful of dust | The Resurrection of the Dead | Epiphany | Rainy September | Konstantinoupolis | A sort of virtue: Θάρρος thárros | Where I'm from | Patriotic | Wind-blown | The biggest council estate in Europe | Between | Half-term | EARLY MORNING INNER CITY | The photograph | PROSE & CONS |

A milkmaid's tale

I lived in this man-made mess

Entirely not of my own making

Men dined on my humility

Ate from my insecurity

Time was my enemy

My old name taunted me

Haunted and raped me

My dead child remained

Forever in my broken heart

A chain around my neck

I became forgotten

A gossamer ghost

Trembling from existence

Frightened by corporality

Wishing to be absent

To b...

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My Girl In Another Town

362 KM away, the only connection is through air

A ‘see you soon’ turned into towns apart, it’s far

I get it, fighting things you never cared about me

What is the trigger, whispers or family standards?


Do you remember the last time, a room in Vineta

Clean white sheets, food from service station, us

Half buried in blankets, eyes being fooled by Netflix

We both seemed happil...

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Mersey Poets bring peace to Palm House



Merseyside poets, singers and musicians are getting together to perform a handful of events inspired by John Lennon and Yoko Ono.


Organised by Wirral poets Michelle Wright and Barry Woods, the events highlight current conflicts around the world and feature work from their new community anthology ‘Poets for Peace’, which is available to read for free on Facebook.


‘We are u...

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Thoughts of a pensioner plunged into poverty as she struggles to eat and heat

As rising bills through my letterbox swarm,

My main worry is the rising cost of keeping warm.

Having to cut back on meals to make ends meet,

My health is at risk unable to afford to heat !!


A torture situation arises leading to a depressive mood,

In having to choose between warmth and food.

Salades are becoming my main meal,

Rising gas prices making cooking a no deal. !!


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Also by hugh:

A tribute to Her Majesty's 70 year reign | Police officers deal with serious shituations every single day !! |


On a full moon day

would you come to me

and for single day

be mine for a while?


You need not to talk

nor smile

just sit by my side 

and stare at the sky

'cause tomorrow it'll be

a moonless sky

when you dress in a tux

and say "I do"


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Letting Golove

The Little Things

Grabbing crab apples from a tree.
Doing simple things, you and me.
And journeys together in the car.
Nowhere special, not going too far.

Something like that, makes my day.
But it's something I don't dare say!
Taking you shopping, early or late.
If you take forever, it's worth the wait!

Picking you up from work for a break.
Going to Town for coffee and cake.
Making sure you're safe, I...

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Also by Mike Bartram:

Tricks | The Voices | Pink For Olivia | If It Can Fly | Two Little Girls |

A failed martyrdom

history would prove him wrong 

he made everything up

marveling at his own insistence 

at what was simply misunderstood 


he felt empowered to say ‘no’ 

to the TV and telephone

disappointed when no one answered

In Morse code 


he’d like to remind you he’s still there

and would like to get a beer 

he’ll tell you approximately 

when and where 

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Also by Robert C Gaulke:

Framed | Striptease | Competing narratives | Dedication | Personal Spam |

Mothers earth

This is my mother’s earth

Except it is not

This is the earth where she was planted nurtured raised and grew

This is the earth where she blossomed

Threw out a shoot watched it flower

And that was me

This is my mother’s earth

Where she has been tried and tested

Through all seasons she has been weathered

Battered and worn

This is my mother’s earth

But not the one s...

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Also by Martin Elder:

Changing the guard | They |

Living life king size

He feels congestion 

A life that sucks

Surrounded by parasites

O how he wishes

Someone could save him


He's choking 

Under the pressure 

If Responsibilities 

Although that's what he wanted


He's scared of death 

Why on earth 

Did he reveal his identity 

To so many people 

Now he can't live free

Always hiding behind frenemies 


Where's the li...

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Also by N.B:

Jealous | *healing | Dark souls | One last time | *crème de la crème | Teaser | 😁 | B. E (Bachelors is Eng) | Live and let live | Psychopathic?? | Who am I? | Who am I? | Trace my feelings if you can |

Empty Inside

Time is slipping from my grasp
I thought life would be longer i thought it would last

Through fault of my own
I have again found myself alone

This endless feeling of despair
Has left me unable to care

My soul just wants a place to call home
And like anything you feed this darkness it has grown

I feel like a ghost haunting the ones I love
I am still alive but I think I am something...

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Also by H@yl3y:

Innocence Lost |

The Olive Grove

She offered me an olive branch

Small then, at first,

not much more than a seedling,

but without guile

A truce from skirmishes of the heart


We are arborists now

tending to the bounty

in an overfilled grove

planted these many years ago

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Also by Mike McPeek:

Modern Conveniences | Diamonds on the Water, and Boats at Low Tide | Fixing a Hole |

Nelson Mandela

Once there lived an amazing man -
Nelson Mandela was his name.
And though he suffered much injustice,
No-one would he ever blame.

Twenty seven years he spent in prison,
And with much cruelty he would face.
And while he felt to no-one hatred,
He wished to make the world a better place.

Without bitterness or vengeance,
Everyone he understood.
And though he was badly treated,
He saw in...

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Also by Stuart Vanner:

Believe... |

Stuart VannerNelson Mandela


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Despair on fiscal policy

Trickle down, my arse...

quite literally...

Trickle away, more like...

Up some wall  

Or down some leg

or if you'd like it more poetic

ebbing away on a foreign beach

Some 'haven' in the sun...











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Also by Isobel:

A Poem for Elizabeth |

The Good Old Days

3 liars on the shirt

P.Patel still smirking

HanCock likes to flirt

Johnson still is shirking

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'The Daleks take the Treasury'

Easy to spot them. 

Another metallic voice in parliament. 

Exterminate the economy! 

Pound plunges, Britannia unhinged. 

The Daleks take the Treasury. 

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Also by Greg Freeman:

The funeral |

Morning People

All my life
I’ve been enthralled
by the magic 
and the mystique
of morning people

Morning people
with their exercise 
and croissant
with their coffee cups
and yoga

Morning people
with their dew-kissed lawns
mythic sunrises
and shop shutters still rattling open
as they arrive to get a paper

Morning people
who wake, rise and stretch
without the solar flare of daylight

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Also by Tom:

The Sunlit Ocean |


Resigners poem

Lifting stones find meanings hid

You noticed it but didn't notice you did

I've been there too its in my ordinance

But I didn't officialy register the coordinance

I thought it too but didn't play it through

So the finders rights are all for you

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A viS it

He comes again to me

Peering through my window

Penetrating my mind

Taking over my body

He was rarely there before

But now stands beside me

All the time, a steady constant 

His cry is now loud

He used to whisper calmly in my ear

Guiding me gently

Across fields , down rivers

Over mountains 

Delighting me with his magic

His wondrous conjuring tricks

Awaking n...

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Also by Edbreathe:

ReST | Silence | Q | We must move on | X plains |

hear it now!

if you show yourself to me 

i will disappear under the vastness of linen filled lines.

i will run through clouded streets until my legs give way. 

if you loan yourself to me 

the farthest hills out yonder 

arent far enough for me. 

the distance to be put 'tween us 

by me, 

must be longer than the wizened vines that grow from your mothers childhood home. 

must be wider th...

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Also by Nadia Coia:

sure | big girls don't cry except when it is absolutely not the right time to do so. | don't hmu. | I couldn't think of another stanza |

poempoetpoetryshort storyfictionprosenon fictionstory


See what I see. A world full of people. Who want to be Free.. Free to be loved. Free only to see. All hands together. A World that is Free. Free to love. Free to please. Free to care. And free to Share. These Feelings like no Other. A feeling of being Free. Our hands are made for Joining. Our faces show how it feels.Join all hands together. Be as one . Be At Peace.

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Also by Wendy A Higson:

Queen Elizabeth |

Burnt Toast

Burnt Toast

You smile—I smile

You laugh —I laugh

‘You seem ready to meet the love of your life’

‘I am—I don’t do things by halves’


‘I want it all’

‘So do I’

‘What brings you joy? And what makes you cry?’

‘Kindness is so important’

‘I think so too’

‘You seem like the real deal, sir’

‘And so, do you’


I thought you were a knight, sir

A quiet success th...

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A head versus heart duel, 

for the hard-headed 

but not the faint of heart;

could this be that pivotal

moment of choosing

between the mooring 

of a leaden logic,

or the timeless chagrin

of a mercurial reverie?

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Also by Holden Moncrieff:

Universal | Home... |

The Nation Bids its Queen Farewell

The immaculate hearse

Noses its way forward

To meet the crowds


Within its protection

A coffin fashioned of English oak

Draped with the Royal Standard,

The noonday sun and sadness


This would be the final journey

One of committal; for our Queen

Deeply loved, honoured and respected


The route lined with loyal subjects

Their faces lined with tears


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Also by Brenda Wells:

The Poet She is Fierce |

Wild Woman (16.)

While the entirety of the world was in such a damn hurry she smoothed out the grass below her and fixated her gaze upon the most golden sky. 


At peace. 

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Also by Jordyn Elizabeth:

August. | Universe. | Addicted. |





I am grateful for...


The arched roof above my head

The twin rafters with 

The twin lights, holding it in place

The four walls surrounding me

The two windows with

The two Venetian blinds, down & shut at all times

The red brick floor below my feet

The wooden shelves full of books & movies

The VHS by themselves & DVDs in clear totes


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Also by Dee Allen.:


Coronavirus Pandemicbeing thankfulgiving thanksessential workersBlack Lives Mattermutual aiddisaster reliefveganismcreative writing

not here

Not a sound,
Not a peep,
Not the orchestra or symphony,
Dancing shadows against the track,
Gold in flecks amounts to the bright,
A sun beam streaming through feathers,
And in a cold ground risen,
The water from the depth above,
Zealous in the natured tepid,
Concrete walls between foundations.

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Also by Alita Moore:

clay bells ringing | empty | fleeting me | moments of childhood |



It was begging for a flask of tea.

Some friendly grief to ease

competitive tears,

pomp and fallacy,

clip-clopped concrete.

Not another curtsey, criss-cross

2am Catholic duty.


It was dying for some hot and sweet;

warm to whet collective whistle,

char to shuffle,

not like cards,

the Queen of Hearts in Carroll’s hand.

No rabbit, black, plucked from hats


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Also by Laura Taylor:

Simon Said |

I Hope

I hope you'll love what's left of me

After life has had its fill

I hope you'll see in those old eyes

There's love & laughter still


I hope my skin of brittle parchment 

Can be traced by loving fingers 

I hope this weary sheet of braille 

Shows an epilogue still lingers 


I hope our hands still intertwine 

Like stars cling to the sky

I hope we waltz through amb...

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Also by Stephen W Atkinson:

Goodbye | Our Lily | Love |


Derek Joins the Queue

Derek’s in the queue

With a bag of whisky miniatures

He’ll need something warm

To get him through the night

He didn’t think his hip flask

Would make it through security

So long as he’s not too pissed

He should be alright


Derek’s in the queue

With a plastic union jack

But flags are not allowed

So he’ll drop it in the street

A patriotic queue

Should have f...

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Also by Steve White:

They Sang God Save the Queen | Spaffer Bids Farewell to Downing Street |

Missing Us

It’s been a while since you came 

Crashing on my shores.

Waves tore us apart,

Time widened the gap.


Seasons have passed,

Tides have changed,

And us with it.


I still scan the horizon 

For a glimpse of you 

How you have been, 

How life has treated you.


I wish you’d come back to me.

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As the Courage That Sees The Blue


As the Courage That Sees The Blue



     Our World keeps no company,

Our collective, ‘keep’ no company.


     Ours is a vulnerability beneath The Van Alan Belt -

authority knows gives license to keep

us as lab rats - lame,


     ours, is the company of pain,

‘ours, is more than the company of pain -

     as they withhold a psychic ethereal – screaming.’


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Also by ZTK Space:

Now Pains the Builder | Incoherence | The Scabbard Done |

A Hopeful Tail

The Landrover bounced rapidly over the cumulus and cirrus

finding the Great Gate unlocked and opened wide.

A fine welcome she was given, with smiles and widespread arms,

and full angel choir to receive her, as certainly due

to one who had faithfully maintained her youthful promise,

and had always done her best even when severely tried.


Then a disorderly yapping silenced the ...

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Colouring Book

Colouring Book


Wherever I’ve stood.

Buttershaw, New Orleans, Basildon.

I’ve always looked for the people

who knew truths. Not Gods, but folk

who could tell the story of the Blues.


I could speak of theirs and mine.

But over time, I’ve reached a point

where history only informs. It’s how

and what we do next that matters.

When we turn from blue to gold, perhaps...

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Also by Ralph Dartford:

18th Pale Descendant |

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