The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 53 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

Future Found

The colour of your shirt does not determine your standing or standard of life,

Your position within a company does not make you who you are,

When describing one's self it is hard to not chronicle ones job,

Instead regale your sole and subsequent wisdom.

The 8 to 10hours a day you spend away not looking at reflection nor self-righteous meditation can leave you impatient yet waiting and waiting, for something,

Strip off the branding of your master you will find within life you move a lot faster,

A trade for your loyalty is mentioned, fear not as they contribute towards your pensions,

Providing you reach and retain your retirement and have gotten used to living in a work place environment.

Your 30 peaces of silver will not deliver you to your maker or make the financial strain of death any easier. 

By all means work hard and as hard as you can, to become a better woman or to find a better man.

God save the king is all well and fine but I wonder if he could save us at the same time. 



◄ 86 words spoken

The great garden ►


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