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Catherine Bush



Audibly warmed, such mellifluous tones

a subtle mix of soft sexual moans

Transported in song to different worlds

Moments of pleasure in her every word


Visually Wowed, an alluring sight.

Provocative, dreamers Dreaming delight

The man with child's eyes since seventy-eight

Sweet vision. Aroused my pupils dilate.


Forty-six years on, I'm listening, still


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New World Sonnet

The bigotry of racial prejudice,

Multi-racialistic injustice.

Views distorted by xenophobia,

And an irrational paranoia.


Islamophobic or Negrophobic,

Antisemitic or Pantuetonic,

An ethnocentric attitude belongs

In landfill sites with all the other wrongs


Discrimination and segregation,

Dehumanising demonisation

Unwarranted tribal castigation

Racists shoul...

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Remembering You

Silently, I walk, wringing anxious hands,

Crossing acres of once familiar land.

Fast-flowing memories of what was then,

that'll forever stay as my former when.


Mainly unminded though unforgotten,

Desires driven that were once begotten.

An age of optimism and attainment,

Where possible dreams feared not containment.


My future holds with little certainty,

My pres...

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Memento Mori

Reminiscing nostalgically,

I ask. Have you pursued life ecstatically?

Have you chased it fully with determined tenacity?

Have you gained your life's well-spent validity?

Or, tragically and drastically

Have you succumbed to someone else's gravity?

Given in passively to their selfish vanity.

Their unending capacity for indulgent banality.

There’s always an unenviable possibil...

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You could never………

You could never understand, not even in an eternity.

The subtle intrigue in this mystery

Our present, once lived, becomes history,

That had a splendour and a beauty

now lost, as you glanced sideways into periphery

I was caught in a spell of your bewitchery

Wishing I was your mainstay, not a mere auxiliary

Loving you hurts, it mimics a ruinous injury

You could never understa...

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Grey-scale Love

It's impossible to catch the north wind that blows,

Or quick snatch the breeze from a lover's sigh.

It's inconceivable to pause rain as it falls,

turn the tide of tears that a lover cries.


It's hopeless to reverse the direction of time,

Realign the planet's path in the sky.

It's unthinkable to relive a love now past,

acknowledge our truth: Let sleeping dogs lie.



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Did I?


Did I hear the drone?

Or hear the air around it moan?

Did I see the photoflash?

Or how close the rotors almost clashed?

Did I view the guiding lasers?

Or the defender's stream of rapid tracers?

Did I feel the aerial explosion?

Or the small arms bullet’s detonation?

Did I feel the overwhelming heat?

As the missile landed in the adjoining street?

Did I suffer the m...

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You're my disappointment 

Like rain on a summer’s afternoon,

A sexual climax that comes too soon,

The morning post that brings only bills,

Excluded from both parents' wills.

You're my disappointment. 


Like a hotel room with a brick-wall view,

A pint of beer with an inferior brew,

A firework that's a dampish squib,

A left-handed pen with a right-handed nib,

You're my disappointment. 



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Beware the Ides


As I watched our mutual world, I cried.

Bruised and buried deep inside,

this saddened heart of mine had died.

Realistically, was it your choice to decide?

the time when happiness would be denied.

Whilst I enjoyed the emerging ride,

you had plunged down the other side.

You told me once you were satisfied,

but now open-mouthed I’ve realised,

how much you’d fed me bare...

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Your world moves on greased rails, sleekly

Twitches and twerks hijack mine uniquely.

Orchestration of vulgar sounds and ticks,

life with Tourettes, this lousy box of tricks.


Dancing a rhythm that no one else can hear

This herky-jerky jackass body bucks severe

A mind, full of whirlwinds, where random thoughts collide,

Clinging on to this whirling dervish, what a ride



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She changed

love rearranged

No second thoughts

His approval no longer sought


She’d absconded

Love unbonded

No looking back

Or papering over the cracks


She’d stirred

Her love deferred

No hanging on

To conditions where love's gone wrong,


She realigned

Love reassigned

No longer they

Pledging self-success in her way.


She breathed


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Greater than Alexander

His love delighted her

Shirley Valentine would have been proud,

Intertwined, on sun-bleached sand.

Quietly tender, both breathing loud.                              


Unlike her suburban life

Every moment, utterly forgettable,

Together yet separate, final vows unfurled,

The sadness of marriage, entirely regrettable.


His love delighted her                           ...

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What does it feel like



What does it feel like to be unloved?

Feelings hosted, taken for granted

What does it feel like to be ignored?

Inconsideration's planted


What does it feel like to be alone?

drift aimlessly through familiar crowds

What does it feel like to be unheard?

When everyone else is shouting loud.


What does it feel like when all hope's lost?

A future much bright...

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Metaphorically: A life

Before, a taught rope, you pulled on life's haul

Feet planted firm though you never stood tall

Mostly, enjoyed the seven deadly sins

though you're struggling now to gain any wins


The absent smile, from the faces of clowns

Our world straight upwards, whilst you're upside down

Lost within, though there is no maze around

One of life's bankrupts, currency unfound



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Innermost Coast


Within you lies a refuge,

Where wild vexations are tamed,

And consolation releases

those happy thoughts, now unchained,

A sanctuary from your chaos

Ocean's haven from life’s storm,

Moored securely port-side

Leeward safe and sheltered warm.

Anxiety takes a back seat

Worries find release.

No scrutiny from others

Your troubles ebb, then cease

This precious sel...

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It doesn't excite me anymore

You know,

that doesn't excite me anymore,

Making love,

it’s not unpleasant, though a bit of a chore.

Intimate thoughts

No longer whirl inside my head.

when you and I

lay close together, at night, in bed.


There’s no reason

for you to be so upset,

after all

We move on, hold no regrets,

We've been there,

done that, it was ok back when

we were young,


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A better you.

Deep within, a bounteous fountain springs.

That inwardly cleanses what self-doubt brings.

Be kind to yourself and to those close by.

Uncertainty drags us down in a sigh.


Stride courageously, break untrodden ground,

Urged on by the kindness of others, found.

Be undeterred when a fraught journey's long,

With inner confidence, step forward, strong.


Despite any blackn...

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Nature’s Green

Amongst emerald-coloured fields, where nature's dreams unfold,

Lush verdant hues paint vibrant tales, as yet untold. 

There, between the mystic realm of love and life, serene,

Landscape blankets woven, composed in shades of green.


Beneath canopies of majestic leafy boughs,

I lie silently alone and casually browse

an arborous ballet; mellow breezes reanimate the scene


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The colour of crucifixion


Crushed cream limestone, trodden underfoot,

Natural brown, the oaken hue

Of the Cross, for crucifixion borne.

He would die for you, and those true blue.

Sunrise, golden-edged the blackened clouds.

Whose threatening veil hangs above.

Calvary, its slopes lush, verdant green.

Yellow sallowed his sorrowed love.

Green and yellow-blue, the sparks that flew

as grey iron-he...

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Elegance, on the 10:54

Initially, our train carriage, devoid,

Lacking something,


we were unaware 

was a something to be lacked 

Then you,

glided from the platform,


This onward journey, our onward time


in silent motion.

You cat-walked 

down the central aisle, 

A model vision, 

Men’s hearts skipped. 

jealous women sneered,

But all eyes opened wi...

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George O 1903–1950

Young man.

E. A. Blair.

Literary predilection

An uncommon flair.

Each page, inspired, 

His soul laid bare,

Dystopia pondered

From his polished wooden chair.

He wrote of men 

Who lived without a prayer,

P.S. Burton, the tramp,

No grace, no air.

The squalor of poverty

Before ‘Coming up for air,’

On ‘The road to Wigan Pier,’

As he breathed Southwold's salt...

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School bully

He died,

And although I tried,

Deep inside 

Relief sighed.

He passed away,

And all I could say,

To him today

Was, hey!

You were my misery,

Joy of youth razed, you made me jittery.

Swerved rebuke, you were slippery,

Considered me a frippery.

Butt kicker.

head flicker,

Unable to escape bullying quicker,

Morphed from carefree to quitter

Thank you, thoug...

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The end

We have nothing much to offer love,

Embarrassingly, we extend a nothing offer

We have very little to say about love

Ashamed that love escaped its heart-shaped coffer


We had high hopes once, for our forever-ever

Searching forever with higher hope

Scarcely do we have anything left of belief

Recognising that belief in love is beyond our scope


We have little time that...

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Time heals


Time heals, however, grief still bleeds the wound.

Life appeals, a brief hope you'll be immune.

Heartbreak recites a language unspoken,

Love's gone, though unforgotten; Love's broken.


Reminiscing, there's nothing to achieve

Love is, as it is, nothing remains; Leave.

Exploring your commitment, you both found

Love swam in shallows, then finally drowned


Love, un...

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Cherished Canine

Monetary rewards of life

Established through labours long,

Disrespected by office minions

Jealous words from uttered tongues


Apathetic greedy offspring

Disinterested homebound wife

You purchase them their latest wish

If not, ‘’it's such an unfair life’’


Curled in her corner, soft-bedded

Contented, tail freely wagging

Unconditioned love transmitted,

No sho...

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The colour of crucifixion

Cream-crushed limestone, trodden underfoot,

Natural brown, an oaken hue,

The Cross, for crucifixion borne.

To die for you, and those true blue.


Sunrise, golden-edged blackened clouds,

Whose threatening veil hangs above.

Calvary, its slopes a verdant green.

Yellow sallowed his sorrowed love.


Yellow-greenish blue, the sparks that flew

as grey iron-headed nails ha...

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I'm the warming summer sun

I'm the blue lazuline sky

I'm the bond between two souls

The answer, without the why


I'm your wished-for confidence

I'm the promise each has made

I'm the trust that two hands hold

A shared future unafraid


I'm the beat between two hearts

I'm the care, that both will cope

I'm the trust right from the start

Your belief; for I am HO...

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I'm the chill wind that blows across your face

I'm the obstacle to winning life's race

I'm the hope that's lost when out on a limb

The uncertainty of your faith in him


I'm the hesitation felt in your core

I'm the question unanswered from before

I'm the misgiving you have in your heart

The reason you are sure you both should part


I'm your suspicion that all is not ...

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1,000,000 Acred sky

This Fenland million-acred sky,                                                     

Perceivable vastness beyond mortal eyes                                                      

An atmospheric canvas of blue-washed dye                    

Souls unbound by expansive skies                                                   

This Fenland million-acred sky so wide 

That fluffed white cl...

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Will Shakespeare, therapist

If all your world's a stage, my dear,

Contrived words in scripted scenes

Voice and thought directed, my dear

Exit stage left, and follow your dreams


The lady doth protest, my dear

Maybe an unworthy cause

There before you, your future, my dear

Dominate your life, without pause


If music be your food, my dear

Allow lover's tunes to play

Object to pizzicato, my ...

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Shakespeare 460. A summary.

Stratford’s sonneteer and scripter.

Gladdened glove-makers girded groin.

Studious son: Sunny student.

Choice cusswords casually coined.


Dangled, dipped, disastrous rhythm,

Woo, weather, bed and wed.

Minor marries maturing Miss Anne,

Mistress Mother’s birth bed bled.


What withered within?

Hamnet’s demise, heartbroken by death?

Fleeing Poacher, teacher, soldie...

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William Shakespeare


Sat still, his back resting against the dirty brick wall

He, like the facade that he leaned against

begrimed, likely unpleasant to the touch

He smiled a nervous smile, apprehensive, awkward

Cradling close, a defensive metal crutch

Many walked, avoiding him, clearly incensed

He was unwelcome, passers-by rejected him one and all


I walked between line painted boxed parked ca...

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What you need to know about me.

I have remorse, for deeds unaccomplished

I have disappointment, unfulfilled intentions wished

I have fears and worries, yet empathic for others' concerns

I have hope that previous melancholy never returns

I have sadness and anxieties, though I often appear joyous

I have the usual limitations and boundaries that annoy us

I have pride; I have shame, I’ve never been envious.

I ha...

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Happy New Year Bell



Heartburnt emotions.

An absent abundance of hope,

Positivity retreats in each direction.

Peace teeters on a thinning rope, 

You all yearn for unity and reconciliation 


Nurturing desires for this fresh new year,

Eager anticipation for possible world cohesion.

Wished for prosperity and environmental cheer.


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happy new year

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