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Nae The Time To Ask For Slippers

Nae The Time To Ask For Slippers


     The beardy man lay semi clothed upon the Moray Firth Beach,

  By his side his children -

    the youngest perhaps two,

        the weather was not summer e’en though

         the calendar stated objection,

           but the wains nae mattered the cold,


     two and then, no complaint but only contentment,

        I shivered m...

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Nonetheless Is Under Control

Nonetheless Is Under Control


     Does it matter so much to you?

Is it the here here or hear hear when

  registering the depths of pain upon this World?


     We had a life here,

it might not seem much to you -

now we understand the laboratory of World

        you have created and not, ‘sanctuary!’


     ‘It was a life we couldn’t wait to live,

couldn’t wait...

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A Hopeman Song

A Hopeman Song



     Such a day as today – I could live every day

  as I gather speed on the hill,-

    my sweat making towels of clothes -

       I conjure a ramp at the bottom to leap

         into the cool waters,


     but then,

I am getting old and so,

   I brake and take a wall to sit.


     There as the Sun casts a shimmering mirror;

the breeze...

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What Did The 'D' Really Stand For?

What Did the ‘D’ Really Stand For?


     It is an abhorrent lie – a complete and utter

bare faced lie and said in your face over and over, again,

  we are not advanced or civilized or even close

     to the societies of many a winged species,

          ‘and that includes the dragons on periphery of vision!’


     We are so deceived that ‘my time’ of birth

has many with...

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These Four Walls

These Four Walls



     The pot is bubbling contentedly,

my rice softening as this shoebox dwelling -

   persists a hardening,

     I can hear and I do note the steam

now covering all surface known shiny,


     I sit listening and note the modulation

be quickening, the bubbles faster and faster

   as liquid disappears.


     Here I am, noting with stubbor...

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The Observations of The Strath and Formant

The Observations of Strath And Formant

                                                           (My Worry)



     How can new life be a champion now?

   How can it be his world of wonder?

How can the day in which we try be rewarded

   with contented sleep and dreams of wondrous fantasy??


       Family is why we are here,

  family is the form that is covered by t...

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Nothing Works



Nothing works 1 & 2





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The Event

The Event



                                                                ‘Is this all you want of people?’



     Someone said something to me about ‘family,’

about how they felt as if insult upon them,

   I took a good look around and thought,

     we are all part of a family here,

        even if cloaked from knowing each others origins,

     we are all pa...

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Unshouldered Rifle

Deer Hunter



     Is it a Meryl that strips, upon  rumours of rape,

  the Sun Dogs are high again, always high, ‘again!’


     As is an Auricle a human being, so too, a hospital,

  but the man doth not know that,

       as Malcolm calms he to shake out

              the bodily confusion from the roulette above.


                       Johnson knows more but, y...

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All Shapes All Sizes, All Makes All Ways

All Shapes, All Sizes, All Makes, All, Ways.


     Are you resuscitation enabled?

         Are you, you?


        You do know don’t you,

            you do know the gateway upon your being,

                that unites your left, and right, heart………...don’t, you?


              This is not my century, tourist, is it yours?

                 What? This is not your ce...

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Amboselli (revised edit)


     I was there many years ago, there where the earth had me smile at the elephant presence everywhere, everywhere as    soon as the aircraft doors opened. 

     I was there so long ago yet, to this day, I know a Kakai Kilonso riff that has me sense, 

           "he ain't dead yet!"

     I am though, returned long to a prison of which they secret of my sentence as if, 'they d...

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