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Moral Support

We shouldn’t be embarrassed
to talk
…. about our problems
to a therapist

always looking at me, before you speak

I’m here for —You
if ever
you feel the need to talk about anything.

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going blind

i know you’re disappointed in me

we always scream for hours and fight

until i decide to go out on a walk by the big oak tree

even though i can barely see the sidewalk at night


im starting to think that i can’t see in general anymore

i look in the mirror and see someone new

it’s like i’ve never seen her before

i wonder if you feel that way about me too


my therapist...

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sadmental health issuesdepressionglassesanxietytherapy

Fools Rush In (Inner monologue of a childhood sexual abuse survivor cont'd)

I've been foolish

unguarded and exposed

vulnerable, ripe for the plucking 

how clearly he saw this

how oblivious I must have seemed

totally unheeding

trying to live the dream


Ruthlessly he burrowed into me

what he sought I do not know

one swift move, a hand, a pillow

I was no more

fear and shame soared


Rushing into everything 

brings forth nothing


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fear of attachmentsrapetherapy

MY SAVIOUR, MY SAVANT (An ode to my paid weekly "friend")

I lost all control

Crossed the threshold

My tears too excruciating to hold


I prayed earnestly to be released from the pyre

I saw you and I continued to burn 

Only now, I burned also with desire


Curiosity peaked

Fervent interest realized

The voodoo you do, mesmerized 


Divinity revealed?

Oh, what power you weild!

Desperately I yearn to yeild



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appreciationgratitudemental healththerapy

You’ll always Be My Friend (You Know Too Much!)

You’ll always Be My Friend (You Know Too Much!)


We are Alcoholics Anonymous without substance abuse.

A support group where no topic is taboo.

What goes on tour, stays on tour.


We step through a kaleidoscope of pain

from tender wounds of unrequited love

to brutal annihilation of innocence.


No stone is left unturned.


Emotions and insecurities are scrutinis...

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Chevaux de Freeze

Pam's very nice so far as she goes

The kind of looks I usually admire

A few quid in the bank is a help

Yet she doesn't set my heart on fire


Nancy on the other hand is poor

She's no Monroe or Lana Turner

More a down-market Bette Davis

A plain Jane, and a bit of a yearner


Just how do you weigh up women?

What should go into the scales?

Why can't I be spontaneou...

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chevaux de frisetherapyinhibitionsspontaneousdefencesrejectionintimacy


Some like a hearty breakfast, others just a roll

You need fuel in your furnace to face life's rigours

Yet some agonise over their self-image

Wayward minds obsessing about their figures


I'm not surprised you keep fainting

I've told you till I'm blue in the face

Cottage cheese and a slice of Ryvita

Leaves you reeling all over the place


You staggered and all but fain...

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cottage cheesefaintedfiguresflooredself-imagetherapy


There's a strange woman in the flat above

I fear that lockdown has affected her wits

She's started singing in the middle of the night

Mostly Whitney Houston's greatest hits


I put a note under her door complaining

She rang saying sorry for giving me a fright

We're both young bored and frustrated she said

She knew a better way to pass the night


It turns out she's a ...

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therapylockdowntelephone sexfetishlatexrubberbirchcurate

Evening Class

Eight Monday evenings for two hours

"Psychology for Beginners":

Ego, super-ego, id

Neurosis by osmosis, Freud, Jung Adler,

Cognitive therapy, Gestalt, Twin studies,

Attachment Theory


I never knew how unhappy I was

I'm half-way through now, a mass of

Symptoms, fresh phobias

Nesting in my head, making sense of what caused

Those empty evenings to start with.



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evening classpsychologyneurosisFreudtherapysymptoms

My Songs

Songs of love and happiness
Erase all my feelings of sadness
Wipe away these tears 
And all my fears 
Nothing but blue
When I'm living with you
Nothing but blue 
When I'm listening to you,
My songs of sadness 

When I wake in the morning
You’re the first thing I want to hear
Start my day with you ever so near
Songs close to my heart
May we never part
I listen to you,
My songs of sa...

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New Therapist

She sits there her book full of latent codes,
a way of communicating so no-one knows
Rambling on my life, traces of a history unread:
a mind full of trash and misdeeds unsaid.
She's a pristine therapist, who hasn't lived,
expecting me to say all and give,
when I couldn't give a shit about her plan.

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therapyCounsellingmy past experiencemothers. children

Chit Chat

Speaking can feel like your swallowing

So, you may as well swallow instead

Or it’s giving,

Giving and giving

Fingers down your throat,


Searching for…

Will I be stronger tomorrow?

Or just hollow tomorrow?

So, you end up filling up on someone else’s dictionary

I am disarmed without my language

But my language is disarming

Words do break your bones


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silencetalkingtherapyanxietystresstheraputictalkopening updenialstiflesuppressiondepressionquietwordslanguagepoetrypower of words

Don't Look And It Won't Hurt

Five years of cobwebs
decorate the hallway box
more dust at rest
fills the urn within it
that used to be your father...

Don’t look and it won’t hurt
don’t look and it won’t hurt

Your brother’s been drinking
on a fifteen year bender
so quick to lose his temper
if you ask too many questions
a snake prone upon his shoulder

Don’t look and it won’t hurt
don’t look and it won’t hurt


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The Season of cleanse

I hear the pitter patter outside my window
So soothing and melodic to my ears now
The rain outside is pouring down
Creating a melodic soothing sound
I again start to finally breathe
As this cleansing process sets me free
The noise it makes charms me
Often helping me see clearly
I long for Autumn to soon come around
It's the rainy season, I have found
The water trickling from the sky

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autumnblisscleancleansefreemelodicmental easepoemquietrainrainingSeasonseasonalseasonssoothing soundsoothongsoundtheraputictherapywater

Genesis- Ch1 (TW and CW: rape, partying, self harm)

Last Night



    “Gemma!”  She snapped into consciousness, only partly.  Her head was pounding and her fingers felt swollen.

    “What time is it?” she murmured.  Her eyelids remained heavy still, but they opened wide enough to notice the thin rays of light streaming through the dorm room’s blinds.  Gemma shifted her body to face Alex.  He looked almost as groggy as s...

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Collegeuniversitypartyrapeassaultrelationshipsmental illnessBPDtherapy


-Would you feel better

          if you had a label?


I probe the air with my left eye, spy

socratic poker face with my right -


she can't see me, just case notes;

I, unidentified, somewhere between


the sighing beige of the walls

and the dirty carpet, stained


with confessions, some sharp enough

to draw blood, others hollow and


unyielding. She te...

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mental healththerapy

Done again

A brain that’s been tapped and tinkered is suddenly transformed.

A soul that’s been prodded and pulled is carefully put back in its place.

Thoughts have been dusted and polished and put away in their boxes.

A gut that been untangled, unknotted, instead now tied in a bow.


But then the scars to the brain have split.

The crack in its box is on display.

A scratch to the soul wan...

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The Beach: My Remedy

it's just before sunset when loneliness creeps in

the beach is my remedy

the ocean will let me be sad
but only enough to shed a few tears,
never enough to let me drown

the wind invites me in when no one else has thought to
the lazy waves take their time rolling up

the toddlers mix mud, as their parents hold a conversation

the older couple holds hands like they're still in love


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in a corner of the room

daylight pools its last ripples

and she stands alone

afraid to step onto the shadow

that creeps towards her

afraid of the sly shuffle sound

that drags itself across the floor

or the mewling voice

that whispers its fears

and fantasies

so that when she blinks

the orange light

has dimmed

and the room sh...

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depressionmedicationtherapystep improvementshealingfear and loathing

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